Unified Data Repository Deployment

In this section, you will learn to deploy Unified Data Repository.

You can deploy UDR either with HELM repository or with HELM tar. To deploy UDR in Kubernetes cluster:
  1. Use ocudr-custom-values-1.6.0.yaml file, which is modified in the ocudr-custom-values.yaml section. Execute the following command to deploy UDR:

    helm install <helm chart> [--version <OCUDR version>] --name <release> --namespace <k8s namespace> -f <ocudr-custom-values-1.6.0.yaml>

    In the above command:
    • <helm chart> - is the name of the chart, which is of the form <helm repo>/ocudr.
    • <OCUDR version> - is the software version (helm chart version) of the OCUDR. This is optional. If omitted, the default is latest version available in helm repository.
    • <release> - is a name of user's choice to identify the helm deployment. From 1.6.0 release onwards, all pod names, service name, deployment name are prepended by this release name.
    • <k8s namespace> - is a name of user's choice to identify the kubernetes namespace of the Unified Data Repository. All the Unified Data Repository micro services are deployed in this kubernetes namespace.
    • <ocudr-custom-values-1.6.0.yaml> - is the customized ocudr-custom-values-1.6.0.yaml file. The ocudr-custom-values-1.6.0.yaml file is a part of customer documentation. Users needs to download the file and modify it as per the user site.


    If helm3 is used, execute the following command for installation:

    helm install -name <release> --namespace <k8s namespace> -f <ocudr-custom-values-1.6.0.yaml> <helm chart> [--version <OCUDR version>]

  2. (Optional) Customize the Unified Data Repository by overriding the default values of various configurable parameters. See Customizing Unified Data Repository
Verifying UDR Deployment

After deploying UDR, you need to verify whether all the services and pods are up and running.