4 Upgrading an Existing Unified Data Repository Deployment

To upgrade an existing UDR deployment, first upgrade the DB schema and then, perform the helm upgrade.

User should stop the Provisioning traffic while performing the upgrade procedure.


While upgrading from UDR 1.5.0 to UDR 1.6.0, user should follow the instructions in the same order as given in the Upgrading DB Schema section and Upgrading Helm section below.
Upgrading DB Schema

You should install mysql-connector before upgrading the DB schema.

To upgrade DB schema:
wget http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/7/x86_64/Packages/p/python2-pip-8.1.2-7.el7.noarch.rpm		  
wget dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
rpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
yum install python-setuptools
rpm -ivh python2-pip-8.1.2-7.el7.noarch.rpm
pip install -U setuptools
pip install -U wheel
pip install mysql-connector-python-rf
Modify username, password and db name in the script as per requirement.


You can refer to the Oracle Help Center for upgrade.py script.

Helm Upgrade

Upgrading an existing deployment replaces the running containers and pods with new containers and pods. If there is no change in the pod configuration, it is not replaced. Unless there is a change in the service configuration of a micro service, the service endpoints remain unchanged. For example, ClusterIP.
  • To upgrade, follow instructions given in the Deploying OCUDR section to extract the required OCUDR software components. If required, re-tag and push the images to customer's repository. For more information, see UDR Deployment.
  • Take a backup of 1.5.0 version's ocudr-custom-values.yaml file before changing any configuration.
  • Modify the ocudr-custom-values-1.6.0.yaml file parameters as per site requirement. For more information on updating the ocudr-custom-values-1.6.0.yaml file, see ocudr-custom-values.yaml File Configuration.

Execute the following command to upgrade an existing Unified Data Repository deployment. For the parameters that are configurable, see . Customizing Unified Data Repository

$ helm upgrade <release> <helm chart> [--version <OCUDR version>] -f <ocudr-custom-values-1.6.0.yaml>
<release> could be found in the output of 'helm list' command
<chart> is the name of the chart in the form of <repository/ocudr> e.g. reg-1/ocudr or cne-repo/ocudr

Rollback Instructions

Execute the following command to check if the pods are successfully started.

kubectl get pods -n <namespace_name>

If there are issues that a user cannot recover on checking logs and describe on pods, rollback using the steps below:

Schema Rollback:
  1. Rollback schema to 1.5.0.
  2. Use the rollback.py script to downgrade to 1.5.0 schema, modify username, password and db name as per requirement.

    python rollback.py


You can refer to the Oracle Help Center site for the rollback.py script.
Image Rollback using Helm:
  1. Use the backed up customized 1.5.0 version's ocudr-values.yaml file to rollback to previous version.
  2. Execute the helm rollback command.

    helm rollback <helm release name> <revision_no>

    To obtain the revision number, execute the following command :

    helm history <helm release name>