3 Customizing Binding Support Function

This chapter describes how to customize the Binding Support Function (BSF) deployment in a cloud native environment.

The BSF deployment is customized by overriding the default values of various configurable parameters in the ocbsf-custom-values-1.5.1.yaml file.

To customize the ocbsf-custom-values-1.5.1.yaml file as per the required parameters:
  1. Go to the Oracle Help Center (OHC) Web site:


  2. Navigate to Industries->Communications->Cloud Native Core ->Release 2.3.0.
  3. Click the Binding Support Function (BSF) Custom Template link to download the zip file.
  4. Unzip the file to get ocbsf-custom-configTemplates- file that contains the ocbsf-custom-values-1.5.1.yaml . This file is used during installation.
  5. Customize the ocbsf-custom-values-1.5.1.yaml file.
  6. Save the updated ocbsf-custom-values-1.5.1.yaml file in the helm chart directory.


  • All parameters mentioned as mandatory must be present in ocbsf-custom-values-1.5.1.yaml file.
  • All fixed value parameters listed must be present in the ocbsf-custom-values-1.5.1.yaml file with the exact values as specified here.

Configuring Mandatory Parameters

This section describes the mandatory configurable parameters that you must customize in the ocbsf-custom-values-1.5.1.yaml file for successful installation of Binding Support Function (BSF).

Table 3-1 Configurable Parameters for Mandatory Configurations

Parameter Description
global.dockerRegistry This mandatory parameter specifies the name of the Docker registry that hosts Binding Support Function docker images.

Note: The Docker registry runs in OCCNE bastion server where all OAuth docker images are loaded.

global.envMysqlHost This mandatory parameter specifies the IP address or host name of the MySQL server where BSF databases are hosted.
global.envMysqlPort This mandatory parameter specifies the port number of the MySQL server where BSF databases are hosted.
global.dbCredSecretName This mandatory parameter specifies the name of the Kubernetes secret object that contains Database username and password.

Default Value: ocbsf-db-pass

global.privilegedDbCredSecretName This mandatory parameter specifies the name of the Kubernetes secret object containing Database username and password for an admin user.

Default Value: ocbsf-privileged-db-pass

global.releaseDbName This mandatory parameter specifies the name of the release database that contains details of release version.

Default Value: ocbsf_release

Here is a sample configuration for mandatory parameters in custom-values.yaml.file:
# Docker registry name
  dockerRegistry: ''
  # Primary MYSQL Host IP or Hostname
  envMysqlHost: ''
  envMysqlPort: ''
  # K8s secret object name containing OCBSF MYSQL UserName and Password
  dbCredSecretName: 'ocbsf-db-pass'
  privilegedDbCredSecretName: 'ocbsf-privileged-db-pass'
  #Release DB name containing release version details
  releaseDbName: 'ocbsf_release'

Enabling/Disabling Services Configurations

This section describes the configuration parameters that can be used to select the services that you want to enable/disable for your deployment.

To configure these parameters, you should configure the following configurable parameters in the custom-values.yaml file:

Table 3-2 Configurable Parameters for Enabling/Disabling the BSF Core Service

Parameter Description
global.bsfManagementEnable This parameter determines if the BSF core service is enabled or not.

Default Value: true


Table 3-3 Configurable Parameters for Enabling/Disabling the NRF Client Services

Parameter Description
global.nrfClientNfManagementEnable This is an optional parameter.

Default Value: true

global.appinfoServiceEnable This optional parameter determines if the app info service is enabled or not.

Default Value: true

global.performanceServiceEnable This optional parameter determines if the performance service is enabled or not.

Default Value: true

Table 3-4 Configurable Parameters for Enabling/Disabling the Diameter Gateway and Diameter Connector

Parameter Description
global.diamConnectorEnable This optional parameter detremines if the diameter connector is enabled or not.

Default Value: true

global.diamGatewayEnable This optional parameter determines if the diameter gateway is enabled or not.

Default Value: true

Here is a sample configuration for configurable parameters in custom-values.yaml.file:
# BSF Core Services Enable/Disable option
  bsfManagementEnable: true
  bsfManagementVersion1Enable: false
  bsfManagementVersion2Enable: false

  nrfClientNfManagementEnable: true
  appinfoServiceEnable: true
  performanceServiceEnable: true

  diamConnectorEnable: true
  diamGatewayEnable: true

Configuring Tracing Parameters

This section describes the configurable tracing parameters that you may customize in the ocbsf-custom-values-1.5.1.yaml file.

Table 3-5 Configurable Parameters for Tracing Configuration in Ingress Gateway

Parameter Description
global.envJaegerAgentHost This mandatory parameter specifies the Hostname or IP address for the jaeger agent.

It is the FQDN of Jaeger Agent service running in OCCNE cluster under namespace occne-infra.

It is written in the following format:


ingress-gateway.jaegerTracingEnabled Optional Parameter

Default Value: true

ingress-gateway.openTracing.jaeger.udpSender.host Optional Parameter

Default Value: occne-tracer-jaeger-agent.occne-infra

ingress-gateway.openTracing.jaeger.udpSender.port Optional Parameter

Default Value: 6831

ingress-gateway.openTracing. jaeger.probabilisticSampler Optional Parameter

Default Value: 0.5

Here is a sample configuration for tracing in ingress-gateway in custom-values.yaml file:
jaegerTracingEnabled: true
  openTracing :
        # udpsender host
        host: "occne-tracer-jaeger-agent.occne-infra"
        # udpsender port
        port: 6831
      probabilisticSampler: 0.5

Table 3-6 Configurable Parameters for Tracing Configuration in Egress Gateway

Parameter Description
egress-gateway.jaegerTracingEnabled Optional Parameter

Default Value: true

egress-gateway.openTracing.jaeger.udpSender.host Optional Parameter

Default Value: occne-tracer-jaeger-agent.occne-infra

egress-gateway.openTracing.jaeger.udpSender.port Optional Parameter

Default Value: 6831

egress-gateway.openTracing. jaeger.probabilisticSampler Optional Parameter

Default Value: 0.5

Here is a sample configuration for tracing in egress-gateway in custom-values.yaml file:
  jaegerTracingEnabled: true
  openTracing :
        # udpsender host
        host: "occne-tracer-jaeger-agent.occne-infra"
        # udpsender port
        port: 6831
      probabilisticSampler: 0.5
To configure tracing in nrf-client-nfmanagement, you may configure the following configurable parameters in custom-value.yaml file:

Table 3-7 Configurable Parameters for Tracing Configuration in nrf-client-nfmanagement

Parameter Description

Note: You must customize this parameter only when NRF client services are enabled.

Default Value: 1


Note: You must customize this parameter only when NRF client services are enabled.

Default Value: ratelimiting


Note: You must customize this parameter only when NRF client services are enabled.

Default Value: pcf-nrf-client-nfmanagement

Here is a sample configuration for tracing under nrf-client-nfmanagement in custom-values.yaml.file:
    envJaegerSamplerParam: '1'
    envJaegerSamplerType: ratelimiting
    envJaegerServiceName: pcf-nrf-client-nfmanagement

Configuring Database Names

This section describes the configuration parameters that can be used to customize the database names.


Database name specified in the custom.yaml file should be used while creating the database during installation. See Configuring Database, Creating Users, and Granting Permissions.

Table 3-8 Customizable Parameters for Database Name Configuration for BSF Services

Parameter Description
bsf-management-service.envMysqlDatabase This parameter specifies the name of the database of BSF Management Service.

Default Value: ocpm_bsf

config-server.envMysqlDatabase This optional parameter specifies the name of the database for Config Server service.

Default Value: bsf_config_server

Here is a sample configuration for configurable parameters in custom-values.yaml.file:
  envMysqlDatabase: 'ocpm_bsf'

  envMysqlDatabase: bsf_config_server

Configuring NRF client

This section describes the configurable parameters that you may customize in the ocbsf-custom-values-1.5.1.yaml file for configuring NRF client


These configurations are required when NF is required to register with NRF. Before configuring NRF client configuration, make sure that NRF Client services are enabled.

Table 3-9 Configurable Parameters for NRF Client Configuration

Parameter Description
global.deploymentNrfClientService.envNfNamespace This mandatory parameter specifies the K8s namespace of PCF.
nrf-client.configmapApplicationConfig.profile This mandatory parameter contains configuration parameters that goes into nrf-client's config map.

See Table 3-* for more details.

appinfo.infraServices Set this conditional parameter to an empty array if any one of below condition is met:
  • Deploying on OCCNE 1.4 or lesser version
  • Not deploying on OCCNE
  • Do not wish to monitor infra services such as db-monitor service
perf-info.configmapPerformance.prometheus This conditional parameter specifies the Prometheus server URL.
Default Value: http://prometheus-server.prometheus:5802

Note: If you do not specify any value for this parameter, PCF reported 0 loads to NRF.

Configurable parameters for NRF Client Configuration in Config-map

Parameter Description
primaryNrfApiRoot Primary NRF hostname and port in the following format:

<http scheme>://<Hostname/IP>:<Port>

This parameter can only contain valid API root. For example: http://nrf1-api-gateway.svc:80

SecondaryNrfApiRoot Secondary NRF hostname and port in the following format:

<http scheme>://<Hostname/IP>:<Port>

This parameter can only contain valid API root. For example: http://nrf2-api-gateway.svc:80

retryAfterTime When primary NRF is down, this will be the wait Time (in ISO 8601 duration format) after which request to primary NRF will be retried to detect primary NRF's availability.

This parameter can only contain valid ISO 8601 duration format. For example: PT120S.

nrfClientType The NfType of the NF registering. The value for this parameter must be set to BSF.
nrfClientSubscribeTypes NF Type(s) for which the NF wants to discover and subscribe to the NRF.
appProfiles NfProfile of BSF to be registered with NRF.

This parameter can only contain valid NF profile.

enableF3 Support for 29.510 Release 15.3

This parameter can only have true (default) or false as values.

enableF5 Support for 29.510 Release 15.5

This parameter can only have true (default) or false as values.

renewalTimeBeforeExpiry Time Period (in seconds) before the Subscription Validity time expires.

For example: 3600

validityTime The default validity time (in days) for subscriptions.

For example: 30

enableSubscriptionAutoRenewal This parameter can be used to enable renewal of subscriptions automatically.

This parameter can only have true (default) or false as values.

acceptAdditionalAttributes This parameter can be used to enable additional Attributes as part of 29.510 Release 15.5.

This parameter can only have true or false (default) as values.

Here is a sample configuration for NRF client in custom-values.yaml.file:
    #K8s namespace of BSF
    envNfNamespace: ''
  serviceAccountName: ''
  # Set Infrastructure services to empty array if any one of below condition is met 
  #  1. Deploying on occne 1.4 or lesser version
  #  2. Not deploying on OCCNE
  #  3. Do not wish to monitor infra services such as db-monitor service
  # then the below mentioned attribute 'infra_services' should be uncommneted and epmty array should be passed as already mentioned.
  #infraServices: []

    prometheus: ''
  # This config map is for providing inputs to NRF-Client
    # primaryNrfApiRoot - Primary NRF Hostname and Port
    # SecondaryNrfApiRoot - Secondary NRF Hostname and Port
    # retryAfterTime - Default downtime(in ISO 8601 duration format) of an NRF detected to be unavailable.
    # nrfClientType - The NfType of the NF registering
    # nrfClientSubscribeTypes - the NFType for which the NF wants to subscribe to the NRF.
    # appProfiles - The NfProfile of the NF to be registered with NRF.
    # enableF3 - Support for 29.510 Release 15.3
    # enableF5 - Support for 29.510 Release 15.5
    # renewalTimeBeforeExpiry - Time Period(seconds) before the Subscription Validity time expires.
    # validityTime - The default validity time(days) for subscriptions.
    # enableSubscriptionAutoRenewal - Enable Renewal of Subscriptions automatically.
    # acceptAdditionalAttributes - Enable additionalAttributes as part of 29.510 Release 15.5
    profile: |-

Configuring Diameter Gateway/Connector

This section describes the configurable parameters that you may customize in the ocbsf-custom-values-1.5.1.yaml file for configuring diameter gateway and diameter connector.


You must configure the parameters listed in the following table only when diameter connector is enabled.

Table 3-10 Configurable Parameters for Diameter Connector

Parameter Description
diam-connector.envDiameterRealm This mandatory parameter specifies the Diameter Realm of BSF. For example: oracle.com
diam-connector.envDiameterIdentity This mandatory parameter specifies the Diameter Host of BSF. For example: ocbsf


You must configure the parameters listed in the following table only when diameter gateway is enabled.

Table 3-11 Configurable Parameters for Diameter Gateway

Parameter Description
diam-gateway.envGatewayMode This mandatory parameter specifies the Diameter Gateway mode. For BSF, the value must be set to bsf.
diam-gateway.envGatewayDeploymentType This mandatory parameter specifies the Diameter Gateway deployment type. For BSF, the value must be set to PCF.


This mandatory parameter specifies the Diameter Realm of BSF diameter gateway. For example, oracle.com.


This mandatory parameter specifies the Diameter host of BSF diameter gateway. For example, oc-diam-gateway.
Here is a sample configuration in custom-values.yaml file:
  envDiameterRealm: 'oracle.com'
  envDiameterIdentity: 'ocbsf'

  #The diam-gateway mode i.e. converged, bsf, pcf and pcrf
  envGatewayMode: bsf
  #The diam-gateway deployment type (applicable only when mode is converged) i.e. CONVERGED, PCF and PCRF
  envGatewayDeploymentType: PCF
  envDiameterRealm: 'oracle.com'
  envDiameterIdentity: 'oc-diam-gateway'

API Root Configuration for Notification URI

This section describes the configuration parameters that can be used to API Root configuration.

To configure these parameters, you should configure the following configurable parameters in the custom-values.yaml file:

Table 3-12 Configurable Parameters for Api Root Configuration for Notification URI

Parameter Description
global.bsfApiRoot This optional parameter specifies the API root of BSF that is used in notification URLs generated by BSF's when sending request to other producer NFs.

If the value is not configured for this parameter, the ingress gateway service name and port is used as default value. For example: https://<Helm namespace>-ocbsf-ingress-gateway:443.

global.deploymentNrfClientService.nfApiRoot This mandatory parameter specifies Api root of BSF.

Note: This parameter must be configured only when when NRF Client services are enabled. Its value should be same as the value of "global.bsfApiRoot" parameter.

# API root of BSF that will be used in notification URLs generated by BSF's when sending request to other producer NFs
  #If not configured then the ingress gateway service name and port will be used as default value. ex:"https://<helm name>-ocbsf-ingress-gateway:443"
    bsfApiRoot: ''
        #same as bsfApiRoot
        nfApiRoot: ''

Configuring Ingress Gateway

This section describes the configuration parameters that are required for basic configurations in Ingress Gateway.


Following configurations are applicable only when ingress-gateway is enabled.

Table 3-13 Configurable Parameters for Basic Configurations in Ingress Gateway

Parameter Description Mandatory/Optional Parameter Default Value
global.metalLbIpAllocationEnabled Enable or disable IP Address allocation from Metallb Pool Optional false
global.metalLbIpAllocationAnnotation Address Pool Annotation for Metallb Optional metallb.universe.tf/address-pool: signaling


Enable it to accept incoming http requests Optional true
ingress-gateway.ingressServer.keepAlive.enabled   Optional false
ingress-gateway.ingressServer.keepAlive.idealTime   Optional 180 (in seconds)
ingress-gateway.ingressServer.keepAlive.count   Optional 9
ingress-gateway.ingressServer.keepAlive.interval   Optional 60 (in seconds)
Here is a sample configuration for configurable parameters in custom-values.yaml.file:


  # Enable or disable IP Address allocation from Metallb Pool
  metalLbIpAllocationEnabled: false

  # Address Pool Annotation for Metallb
  metalLbIpAllocationAnnotation: "metallb.universe.tf/address-pool: signaling"
  # -----Ingress Gateway Settings - END-----
#keep alive settings
      enabled: false
      idealTime: 180  #in seconds
      count: 9
      interval: 60 #in seconds
# Enable it to accept incoming http requests
  enableIncomingHttp: true

Configuring Service and Container Ports

This section describes the customizatons that you can make in custom-values.yaml file to configure service and container ports.


For upgrade scenario, changing port will cause temporary service disruption.
To override the default port numbers, used by service and container ports, and customize them as per your requirements, you can configure the following configurable parameters in custom-values.yaml file:

Table 3-14 Customizable Parameters for Service Ports Configuration

Parameter Description Mandatory/Optional Parameter Default Value
global.servicePorts.bsfManagementServiceHttp HTTP signaling port for BSF management service. Optional 5903
global.servicePorts.bsfManagementServiceHttps HTTPS signaling port for BSF management service. Optional 8443
global.servicePorts.appInfoHttp HTTP signaling port for app info.

Note: The value for this port must be same as svcAppInfoHttp

Optional 5906
global.servicePorts.cmServiceHttp HTTP signaling port for CM service. Optional 5808
global.servicePorts.configServerHttp HTTP signaling port for config server.

Note: The value for this port must be same as svcConfigServerHttp

Optional 5807
global.servicePorts.diamConnectorHttp HTTP signaling port for Diameter connector. Optional 8080
global.servicePorts.diamConnectorDiameter Port for Diameter connector. Optional 3868
global.servicePorts.diamGatewayHttp HTTP signaling port for Diameter gateway. Optional 8080
global.servicePorts.diamGatewayDiameter Port for Diameter gateway. Optional 3868
global.servicePorts.perfInfoHttp HTTP signaling port for perf info.

The value for this port must be same as svcPerfInfoHttp.

Optional 5905
global.servicePorts.queryServiceHttp HTTP signaling port for queryservice. Optional 5805
global.servicePorts.egressGatewayHttp HTTP signaling port for Egress Gateway.

The value for this port must be same as svcEgressGatewayHttp.

Optional 8080
global.servicePorts.nrfClientNfManagementHttp HTTP signaling port for NRF client management service.

The value for this port must be same as svcNrfClientNfManagementHttp.

Optional 5910
global.servicePorts.nrfClientNfManagementHttps HTTPS signaling port for NRF client management service.

The value for this port must be same as svcNrfClientNfManagementHttps.

Optional 5805
Here is a sample of service ports configurable parameters in custom-values.yaml file:
    bsfManagementServiceHttp: 5903
    bsfManagementServiceHttps: 8443
    # app info
    appInfoHttp: &svcAppInfoHttp 5906
    # cm service
    cmServiceHttp: 5808
    # config server
    configServerHttp: &svcConfigServerHttp 5807
    # diam connector
    diamConnectorHttp: 8080
    diamConnectorDiameter: 3868
    # diameter gateway
    diamGatewayHttp: 8080
    diamGatewayDiameter: 3868
    # perf info
    perfInfoHttp: &svcPerfInfoHttp 5905
    # query service
    queryServiceHttp: 5805
    # egress gateway
    egressGatewayHttp: &svcEgressGatewayHttp 8080
    # nrf client
    nrfClientNfManagementHttp: &svcNrfClientNfManagementHttp 5910
    nrfClientNfManagementHttps: &svcNrfClientNfManagementHttps 5805

Table 3-15 Customizable Parameters for Container Ports Configuration

Parameter Description Mandatory/Optional Parameter Default Value
global.containerPorts.monitoringHttp HTTP signaling port for monitoring.

Note: The value for this port must be same as containerMonitoringHttp.

Optional 9000
global.containerPorts.bsfManagementServiceHttp HTTP signaling port for BSF Management service. Optional 8080
global.containerPorts.bsfManagementServiceHttps HTTPS signaling port for BSF Management service. Optional 8443
global.containerPorts.appInfoHttp HTTP signaling port for app info. Optional 5906
global.containerPorts.cmServiceHttp HTTP signaling port for CMservice. Optional 5807
global.containerPorts.configServerHttp HTTP signaling port for config server. Optional 8001
global.containerPorts.diamConnectorHttp HTTP signaling port for Diameter Connector. Optional 8080
global.containerPorts.diamConnectorDiameter Diameter connector. Optional 3868
global.containerPorts.diamGatewayHttp HTTP signaling port for Diameter Gateway. Optional 8080
global.containerPorts.diamGatewayDiameter Diameter gateway. Optional 3868
global.containerPorts.perfInfoHttp HTTP signaling port for perf-info. Optional 5905
global.containerPorts.queryServiceHttp HTTP signaling port for queryservice. Optional 8081
global.containerPorts.nrfClientNfManagementHttp HTTP signaling port for NRF client management.

Note: The value for this port must be same as containerNrfClientNfManagementHttp.

Optional 8000
global.containerPorts.nrfClientNfManagementHttps HTTPS signaling port for NRF client management.

Note: The value for this port must be same as containerNrfClientNfManagementHttps.

Optional 9443
global.containerPorts.ingressGatewayHttp HTTP signaling port for Ingress Gateway.

Note: The value for this port must be same as containerIngressGatewayHttp.

Optional 8081
global.containerPorts.ingressGatewayHttps HTTPS signaling port for Ingress Gateway.

Note: The value for this port must be same as containerIngressGatewayHttps.

Optional 9443
Here is a sample of service ports configurable parameters in custom-values.yaml file:
    bsfManagementServiceHttp: 8000
    bsfManagementServiceHttps: 8443
    monitoringHttp: &containerMonitoringHttp 9000
    # app info
    appInfoHttp: 5906
    # cm service
    cmServiceHttp: 5807
    # config server
    configServerHttp: 8001
    # diam connector
    diamConnectorHttp: 8080
    diamConnectorDiameter: 3868
    # diameter gateway
    diamGatewayHttp: 8080
    diamGatewayDiameter: 3868
    # perf info
    perfInfoHttp: 5905
    # query service
    queryServiceHttp: 8081
    # nrf client
    nrfClientNfManagementHttp: &containerNrfClientNfManagementHttp 8080
    nrfClientNfManagementHttps: &containerNrfClientNfManagementHttps 9443
    # ingress gateway
    ingressGatewayHttp: &containerIngressGatewayHttp 8081
    ingressGatewayHttps: &containerIngressGatewayHttps 9443

Table 3-16 Customizable Parameters for Ports Configuration in Ingress Gateway

Parameter Description Mandatory/Optional Parameter Default Value


HTTP/2.0 Port of ingress gateway Optional 80


HTTPS/2.0 Port of ingress gateway

The value for this port must be set to 0 if HTTPS is disabled.

Optional 443
global.configServerPort HTTP signaling port for config server. Optional

Note: The value for this port must be same as svcConfigServerHttp.

ingress-gateway.ports.actuatorPort   Optional Same value as containerMonitoringHttp
ingress-gateway.ports.containerPort   Optional Same value as containerIngressGatewayHttp
ingress-gateway.ports.containersslPort   Optional Same value as containerIngressGatewayHttps
Here is a sample of configurable parameters for ingress-gateway's ports in custom-values.yaml file:

# -----Ingress Gateway Settings - BEGIN-----
  # If httpsEnabled is false, this Port would be HTTP/2.0 Port (unsecured)
  publicHttpSignalingPort: 80
  # If httpsEnabled is true, this Port would be HTTPS/2.0 Port (secured SSL)
  publicHttpsSignallingPort: 443
  configServerPort: *svcConfigServerHttp

    actuatorPort: *containerMonitoringHttp
    containerPort: *containerIngressGatewayHttp
    containersslPort: *containerIngressGatewayHttps

Table 3-17 Customizable Parameters for Ports Configuration in Egress Gateway

Parameter Description Mandatory/Optional Parameter Default Value
egress-gateway.serviceEgressGateway.actuatorPort   Optional Same value as containerMonitoringHttp
egress-gateway.serviceEgressGateway.Port   Optional Same value as svcEgressGatewayHttp
Here is a sample of configurable parameters for egress-gateway's ports in custom-values.yaml file:

    actuatorPort: *containerMonitoringHttp
    port: *svcEgressGatewayHttp

Table 3-18 Customizable Parameters for Ports Configuration in nrf-client-nfmanagement

Parameter Description Mandatory/Optional Parameter Default Value Value


HTTP signaling port for app info. Optional 5906 Same value as svcAppInfoHttp


HTTP signaling port for perf info. Optional 5905 Same value as svcPerfInfoHttp
global.nrf-client-nfmanagement.envCfgServerPort HTTP signaling port for config server. Optional 5807 same vale as svcConfigServerHttp
global.nrf-client-nfmanagement.containerHttpPort HTTP signaling port for NRF client discovery. Optional 8000 Same value as containerNrfClientNfManagementHttp
global.nrf-client-nfmanagement.containerHttpsPort HTTPS signaling port for NRF client discovery. Optional 9443 Same value as containerNrfClientNfManagementHttps
global.nrf-client-nfmanagement.serviceHttpPort HTTP signaling port for NRF client discovery service. Optional 5910 Same value as svcNrfClientNfManagementHttp
global.nrf-client-nfmanagement.serviceHttpsPort HTTPS signaling port for NRF client discovery service. Optional 8443 Same value as svcNrfClientNfManagementHttps
Here is a sample of configurable parameters for nrf-client-nfmanagement's ports in custom-values.yaml file:

    envPlatformServicePort: *svcAppInfoHttp
    envPerformanceServicePort: *svcPerfInfoHttp
    envCfgServerPort: *svcConfigServerHttp
    containerHttpPort: *containerNrfClientNfManagementHttp
    containerHttpsPort: *containerNrfClientNfManagementHttps
    serviceHttpPort: *svcNrfClientNfManagementHttp
    serviceHttpsPort: *svcNrfClientNfManagementHttps

OAUTH Configuration

This section describes the customizatons that you should make in custom-value.yaml files to configure OAUTH in ingress/egress gateway.


These configurations are applicable when the Ingress/Egress Gatway is enabled and the NRF Client services are enabled.
To configure OAUTH in ingress-gateway, you should configure the following configurable parameters in custom-value.yaml file:

Table 3-19 Configurable Parameters for OAUTH Configuration in Ingress Gateway

Parameter Description Mandatory/Optional Parameter Default Value
ingress-gateway.oauthValidatorEnabled Enable or disable OAuth Validator. Mandatory False
ingress-gateway.nfInstanceId NF Instance Id of service producer Optional 6faf1bbc-6e4a-4454-a507-a14ef8e1bc11
ingress-gateway.allowedClockSkewSeconds set this value if clock on the parsing NF (producer) is not perfectly in sync with the clock on the NF (consumer) that created by JWT Optional 0
ingress-gateway.nrfPublicKeyKubeSecret Name of the secret which stores the public key(s) of NRF Optional
ingress-gateway.nrfPublicKeyKubeNamespace Namespace of the NRF public key secret Optional
ingress-gateway.validationType Possible values are:
  • strict
  • relaxed

strict- If incoming request does not contain "Authorization" (Access Token) header, the request is rejected.

relaxed- relaxed means that if Incoming request contains "Authorization" header, it is validated. If Incoming request does not contain "Authorization" header, validation is ignored.

Optional relaxed
ingress-gateway.producerPlmnMNC MNC of the service producer Optional 123
ingress-gateway.producerPlmnMCC MCC of the service producer Optional 456
Here is a sample OAUTH configurations in ingress-gateway in custom-values.yaml.file:
  oauthValidatorEnabled: false
  nfInstanceId: 6faf1bbc-6e4a-4454-a507-a14ef8e1bc11
  allowedClockSkewSeconds: 0
  nrfPublicKeyKubeSecret: ''
  nrfPublicKeyKubeNamespace: ''
  validationType: relaxed
  producerPlmnMNC: 123
  producerPlmnMCC: 456

Table 3-20 Configurable Parameters for OAUTH Configuration in Egress Gateway

Parameter Description Mandatory/Optional Parameter Default Value
egress-gateway.oauthClient.enabled OAuth Validator Enabled Optional false
egress-gateway.oauthClient.dnsSrvEnabled Enable/Dsiable the DNS-SRV query to coreDNS Server Optional false
egress-gateway.oauthClient.httpsEnabled Determine if https support is enabled or not which is a deciding factor for oauth request scheme and search query parameter in dns-srv request. Optional false
egress-gateway.oauthClient.virtualFqdn virtualFqdn value which needs to be populated and sent in the dns-srv query. Conditional ( If dnsSrvEnabled is set to true.) -1
egress-gateway.oauthClient.staticNrfList List of Static NRF's Conditional ( If oAuth is enabled.)  
egress-gateway.oauthClient.nfInstanceId NF InstanceId of Producer Optional fe7d992b-0541-4c7d-ab84-c6d70b1b01b1

Note: Update the parameter with actual value, if OAuth is enabled.

egress-gateway.oauthClient.consumerPlmnMNC MNC of service Consumer Optional 345

Note: Update the parameter with actual value, if OAuth is enabled.

egress-gateway.oauthClient.consumerPlmnMCC MCC of service Consumer Optional 567

Note: Update the parameter with actual value, if OAuth is enabled.

egress-gateway.oauthClient.maxRetry Maximum number of retry that need to be performed to other NRF Fqdn’s in case of failure response from first contacted NRF based on the errorCodeSeries configured. Conditional ( If oAuth is enabled.) 2
egress-gateway.oauthClient.apiPrefix apiPrefix that needs to be appended in the Oauth request flow. Conditional ( If oAuth is enabled.)  
egress-gateway.oauthClient.errorCodeSeries Determines the fallback condition to other NRF in case of failure response from currently contacted NRF. Conditional ( If oAuth is enabled and required a different error code series.) 4XX
egress-gateway.oauthClient.retryAfter RetryAfter value in milliseconds that needs to be set for a particular NRF Fqdn, if the error matched the configured errorCodeSeries. Conditional ( If oAuth is enabled.) 5000
Here is a sample OAUTH configurations in egress-gateway in custom-values.yaml.file:
# ---- Oauth Configuration - BEGIN ----
        enabled: false
        dnsSrvEnabled: false
        httpsEnabled: false
        virtualFqdn: nrf.oracle.com:80
          - nrf1.oracle.com:80
        nfInstanceId: fe7d992b-0541-4c7d-ab84-c6d70b1b01b1
        consumerPlmnMNC: 345
        consumerPlmnMCC: 567
        maxRetry: 2
        apiPrefix: ""
        errorCodeSeries: 4XX
        retryAfter: 5000
  # ---- Oauth Configuration - END ----

Configuring Ingress/Egress Gateway HTTPS

This section describes the customizatons that you should make in custom-value.yaml files to configure HTTPS in ingress/egress gateway.


These configurations are applicable only when ingress/egress gateway is enabled and the following parameters are set to true in custom-yaml file:
  • ingress-gateway.enableIncomingHttps
  • egress-gateway.enableOutgoingHttps
To configure HTTPS in ingress-gateway, you should configure the following configurable parameters in custom-value.yaml file:

Table 3-21 Configurable Parameters for HTTPS Configurations in Ingress Gateway

Parameter Description Mandatory/Optional Parameter Default Value Notes
ingress-gateway.enableIncomingHttps To enable https for ingress traffic Optional False  


Name of the private key secret. Optional Not Applicable required if enableIncomingHttps is true


Namespace of private key. Optional Not Applicable required if enableIncomingHttps is true


rsa private key file name. Optional Not Applicable required if enableIncomingHttps is true


Name of the private key secret Optional Not Applicable required if enableIncomingHttps is true


Namespace of private key Optional Not Applicable required if enableIncomingHttps is true


rsa private key file name Optional Not Applicable required if enableIncomingHttps is true


Name of the private key secret Optional Not Applicable required if enableIncomingHttps is true


Namespace of private key Optional Not Applicable required if enableIncomingHttps is true


private key file name Optional Not Applicable required if enableIncomingHttps is true


Name of the privatekey secret Optional Not Applicable required if enableIncomingHttp is true


Namespace of privatekey Optional Not Applicable required if enableIncomingHttps is true


File name that has password for keyStore Optional Not Applicable required if enableIncomingHttps is true


Name of the privatekey secret Optional Not Applicable required if enableIncomingHttps is true


Namespace of privatekey Optional Not Applicable required if enableIncomingHttps is true


File name that has password for trustStore Optional Not Applicable required if enableIncomingHttps is true
Here is a sample HTTPS configurations in ingress-gateway in custom-values.yaml.file:
# ---- HTTPS Configuration - BEGIN ----
  enableIncomingHttps: false

        k8SecretName: ocbsf-gateway-secret
        k8NameSpace: ocbsf
          fileName: rsa_private_key_pkcs1.pem
        k8SecretName: ocbsf-gateway-secret
        k8NameSpace: ocbsf
          fileName: ocegress.cer
        k8SecretName: ocbsf-gateway-secret
        k8NameSpace: ocbsf
        fileName: caroot.cer
        k8SecretName: ocbsf-gateway-secret
        k8NameSpace: ocbsf
        fileName: key.txt
        k8SecretName: ocbsf-gateway-secret
        k8NameSpace: ocbsf
        fileName: trust.txt

Table 3-22 Configurable Parameters for HTTPS Configurations in Egress Gateway

Parameter Description Mandatory/Optional Parameter Default Value Notes
egress-gateway.enableOutgoingHttps Enabling it for outgoing https request No false  
egress-gateway.egressGwCertReloadEnabled No false
egress-gateway.egressGwCertReloadPath No /egress-gw/store/reload
egress-gateway.service.ssl.privateKey.k8SecretName Name of the privatekey secret No Not Applicable
egress-gateway.service.ssl.privateKey.k8NameSpace Namespace of privatekey No Not Applicable
egress-gateway.service.ssl.privateKey.rsa.fileName rsa private key file name No Not Applicable
egress-gateway.service.ssl.privateKey.ecdsa.fileName ecdsa private key file name No Not Applicable
egress-gateway.service.ssl.certificate.k8SecretName Name of the privatekey secret No Not Applicable
egress-gateway.service.ssl.certificate.k8NameSpace Namespace of privatekey No Not Applicable
egress-gateway.service.ssl.certificate.rsa.fileName rsa private key file name No Not Applicable
egress-gateway.service.ssl.certificate.ecdsa.fileName ecdsa private key file name No Not Applicable
egress-gateway.service.ssl.caBundle.k8SecretName Name of the privatekey secret No Not Applicable
egress-gateway.service.ssl.caBundle.k8NameSpace Namespace of privatekey No Not Applicable
egress-gateway.service.ssl.caBundle.fileName private key file name No Not Applicable
egress-gateway.service.ssl.keyStorePassword.k8SecretName Name of the privatekey secret No Not Applicable
egress-gateway.service.ssl.keyStorePassword.k8NameSpace Namespace of privatekey No Not Applicable
egress-gateway.service.ssl.keyStorePassword.fileName File name that has password for keyStore No Not Applicable
egress-gateway.service.ssl.trustStorePassword.k8SecretName Name of the privatekey secret No Not Applicable
egress-gateway.service.ssl.trustStorePassword.k8NameSpace Namespace of privatekey No Not Applicable
egress-gateway.service.ssl.trustStorePassword.fileName File name that has password for trustStore No Not Applicable
Here is a sample HTTPS configurations in egress-gateway in custom-values.yaml.file:
# ---- HTTPS Configuration - BEGIN ----

  #Enabling it for egress https requests
  enableOutgoingHttps: false

  egressGwCertReloadEnabled: false
  egressGwCertReloadPath: /egress-gw/store/reload

        k8SecretName: ocbsf-gateway-secret
        k8NameSpace: ocbsf
          fileName: rsa_private_key_pkcs1.pem
          fileName: ssl_ecdsa_private_key.pem
        k8SecretName: ocbsf-gateway-secret
        k8NameSpace: ocbsf
          fileName: ocegress.cer
          fileName: ssl_ecdsa_certificate.crt
        k8SecretName: ocbsf-gateway-secret
        k8NameSpace: ocbsf
        fileName: caroot.cer
        k8SecretName: ocbsf-gateway-secret
        k8NameSpace: ocbsf
        fileName: key.txt
        k8SecretName: ocbsf-gateway-secret
        k8NameSpace: ocbsf
        fileName: trust.txt
  # ---- HTTPS Configuration - END ----

Configuring SCP

This section describes the customizatons that you can make in custom-value.yaml files to support SCP integration.

To configure SCP integration support, you should configure the following configurable parameters in custom-value.yaml file:

Table 3-23 Configurable Parameters for SCP Configuration

Parameter Description Mandatory/Optional Parameter Default Value Notes
egress-gateway.scp.scpIntegrationEnabled Change this to false when scp integration is not required Mandatory false
egress-gateway.scp.scpRerouteEnabled Set this flag to true if re-routing to multiple SCP instances is to be enabled. globalretry can be enabled only when scpRerouteEnabled flag is set to true. Optional false  
egress-gateway.globalretry.enabled globalretry can be enabled only when scpRerouteEnabled flag is set to true. And, it is applied only when no "retries" is specified under routesConfig. Optional false  
egress-gateway.globalretry.retries   Optional 2  
egress-gateway.scp.instances.http.host SCP HTTP IP/FQDN Optional Not Applicable
egress-gateway.scp.instances.http.Port SCP HTTP PORT Optional 80
egress-gateway.scp.instances.http.ApiPrefix Change this value to corresponding prefix "/" is not expected to be provided along. Applicable only for SCP with TLS enabled. Optional /
egress-gateway.scp.scpDefaultScheme Default scheme applicable when 3gpp-sbi-target-apiroot header is missing Optional https
egress-gateway.K8ServiceCheck Enable this if loadbalancing is to be done by egress instead of K8s Optional false

This is global parameter which will be taken into consideration if route (under routeConfig section ) based httpsScpOnly parameter is not available.

If set to true, select SCP instances for https list only.

If set to false, run existing logic as per provided scheme.

Optional false Please note double quotes to be enclosed for values of httpScpOnly.

This is global parameter which will be taken into consideration if route (under routeConfig section) based httpRuriOnly parameter is not available.

If set to true, change scheme of RURI to http.

If set to false, don't change the scheme.

Optional false Please notedouble quotes to be enclosed for values of httpsScpOnly.

If set to true, change Scheme of RURI to http.

If set to false, don't change the scheme.

Optional false Please note double quotes to be enclosed for values of httpsRuriOnly. If httpsRuriOnly under route is not present globally available value will be considered.

If set to true, select SCP instances for https list only.

If set to false, run existing logic as per provided scheme.

Optional false Please note double quotes to be enclosed for values of httpsScpOnly. If httpsScpOnly under route is not present globally available value will be considered.

SetId for the SCP instances.

Only one set of Static configuration of SCP instances are allowed to be configured. Dynamic configuration sets can be any number. Refer Custom-values file for more details.

Mandatory false  
egress-gateway.scp.instances.scpSets[0].httpConfigs[0].host First Scp instance HTTP IP/FQDN Mandatory (If scp.scpIntegrationEnabled is set to true.)   More SCP instances can be configured in a similar way if required.
egress-gateway.scp.instances.scpSets[0].httpConfigs[0].port First Scp instance Port Mandatory (If scp.scpIntegrationEnabled is set to true.)    
egress-gateway.scp.instances.scpSets[0].httpConfigs[0].apiPrefix First Scp instance apiPrefix. Change this value to corresponding prefix if "/" is not expected to be provided along. Applicable only for SCP with TLS enabled. Optional / Examples : XXX, Point to be noted here is that "/" is not required to be included when providing some data.
egress-gateway.scp.instances.scpSets[0].httpConfigs[0].virtualHost This will have Http VirtualFQDN and is applicable from SetId 1 and later. Mandatory (If DnsSrv integration is required) Not Applicable  
egress-gateway.scp.instances.scpSets[0].httpsConfigs[0].host First SCP instance HTTPS IP/FQDN Mandatory (If scp.scpIntegrationEnabled is set to true.) Not Applicable More SCP instances can be configured in a similar way if required.
egress-gateway.scp.instances.scpSets[0].httpsConfigs[0].port First SCP instance HTTPS Port Mandatory (If scp.scpIntegrationEnabled is set to true.) Not Applicable  
egress-gateway.scp.instances.scpSets[0].httpsConfigs[0].apiPrefix First Scp instance apiPrefix. Change this value to corresponding prefix if "/" is not expected to be provided along. Applicable only for SCP with TLS enabled. Optional / Examples : XXX, Point to be noted here is that "/" is not required to be included when providing some data.
egress-gateway.scp.instances.scpSets[0].httpsConfigs[0].virtualHost This will have Http VirtualFQDN and is applicable from SetId 1 and later. Mandatory (If DnsSrv integration is required) Not Applicable  
Here is a sample configurations for SCP integration in custom-values.yaml.file:
# ---- SCP Configuration - BEGIN ----
  # globalretry can be enabled only when scpRerouteEnabled flag is set to true. This is an OPTIONAL configuration. And
  # it is applied only when no "retries" specified under routesConfig
    enabled: false
    retries: 2

  #true: Select SCP instances for https list only
  #false: Run existing logic as per provided scheme.
  #Change the flag's accordingly. Please note double quotes to be enclosed for values of httpsScpOnly
  httpsScpOnly: "false"

  #true: Means change Scheme of RURI to http
  #false: Keep scheme as is.
  #Change the flag's accordingly. Please note double quotes to be enclosed for values of httpRuriOnly
  httpRuriOnly: "false"

  # Below is a basic route configuration for SCP. This configuration routes all egress traffic towards SCP.
  # filterName1 - (fixed value)should be set to ScpFilter
  # The retry section (fliterName2) is required only when there is a need to retry the requests. Retry will be sent to secondary SCP, if no secondary configured then retry will happen on primary.
  # filterName2.name - (fixed value) should have the value ScpRetry.
  # filterName2.retries - (Customizable value) number of retries can be done for a request
  # filterName2.methods - (Customizable value) HTTP request methods for which retries should be done.
  # filterName2.statuses - (Customizable value) HTTP status received on response for which request should be retried.
  # httpsScpOnly - "true" Select SCP instances for https list only, "false" Run existing logic as per provided scheme.
  # httpRuriOnly - "true" Means change Scheme of RURI to http, "false" Keep scheme as is.

  #- id: scp_route
  #  uri: https://dummy.dontchange
  #  path: /**
  #  order: 1
  #  httpsScpOnly: "false"
  #  httpRuriOnly: "false"
  #  filterName1: ScpFilter
  #  filterName2:
  #    name: ScpRetry
  #    retries: 1
  #    methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH

    port: 32081
    scheme: http
    errorCodeOnDNSResolutionFailure: 425

    # Change this to true when scp integration is required. Below SCP configurations will take effect only when this is 'true'.
    scpIntegrationEnabled: false

    # Default scheme applicable when 3gpp-sbi-target-apiroot header is missing
    scpDefaultScheme: http

    # Set this flag to true if re-routing to multiple SCP instances is to be enabled.
    scpRerouteEnabled: false
    #globalretry can be enabled only when scpRerouteEnabled flag is set to true.

    # Configure the SCP instance(s) host/IP and port.
    # At least one SCP host details (under http or https) is required when scpIntegrationEnabled
    # In this example scp-host-1 is primary SCP and scp-host-1 is secondary SCP.
        - setId: 0
            - host: scp-host-1
              port: 80
              apiPrefix: "/"   # Change this value to corresponding prefix "/" is not expected to be provided along.
            - host: scp-host-2
              port: 80
              apiPrefix: "/"
            - host: scp-host-3
              port: 80
              apiPrefix: "/"
            - host: scp-host-1
              port: 443
              apiPrefix: "/"
            - host: scp-host-2
              port: 443
              apiPrefix: "/"
            - host: scp-host-3
              port: 443
              apiPrefix: "/"
        - setId: 1
            - virtualHost: xyz.test.com
              apiPrefix: "/"
            - virtualHost: abc.test.com
              apiPrefix: "/"
  # ---- SCP Configuration - END ----

Logging Configuration

This section describes the customizatons that you should make in custom-value.yaml files to configure logging.

To configure logging in ingress-gateway, you should configure the following configurable parameters in custom-value.yaml file:

Table 3-24 Configurable Parameters for Logging Configuration in Ingress Gateway

Parameter Description Mandatory/Optional Parameter Default Value Notes
ingress-gateway.log.level.root Log level for root logs No WARN Applicable only when ingress-gateway is enabled.
ingress-gateway.log.level.ingress Log level for ingress logs No WARN Applicable only when ingress-gateway is enabled.
ingress-gateway.log.level.oauth Log level for oauth logs No WARN Applicable only when ingress-gateway is enabled.
Here is a sample configurations for logging in ingress-gateway in custom-values.yaml.file:
      root: WARN
      ingress: WARN
      oauth: WARN

Table 3-25 Configurable Parameters for Logging Configuration in Egress Gateway

Parameter Description Mandatory/Optional Parameter Default Value Notes
egress-gateway.log.level.root Log level for root logs No WARN Applicable only when egress-gateway is enabled.
egress-gateway.log.level.egress Log level for egress logs No WARN Applicable only when egress-gateway is enabled.
egress-gateway.log.level.oauth Log level for oauth logs No WARN Applicable only when egress-gateway is enabled.
Here is a sample configurations for logging in egress-gateway in custom-values.yaml.file:
      root: WARN
      egress: WARN
      oauth: WARN

Additional Configurations

This section describes the additional customizatons that you can make in custom-values.yaml files of Binding Support Function.

  • Annotation to support custom extension global parameters: To support custom extension global parameters, update the following parameters in custom extension under global section of custom values file:
          labels: {}
          annotations: {}
          labels: {}
          annotations: {}
          labels: {}
          annotations: {}
          labels: {}
          annotations: {}
          labels: {}
          annotations: {}
  • Custom container name: You can customize the name of containers of a pod with a prefix and suffix. To do so, add the prefix and suffix to the k8sResource under global section of custom values file:
          prefix: ABC
          suffix: XYZ 
    Then, after installing BSF, you will see the container names as shown below:
  • Kubernetes service account name: You can use a custom service account for all services by adding it to appinfo section in the custom values file:
      serviceAccountName: ocbsfsaccount


    You can create the service account and roles before the installation as well.