2 Licensing Information

Description of Product Editions and Permitted Features

Prerequisite Products

Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses

Product Sub product Licensing Information
Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Network Function Cloud Native Environment - per 25K Active Subscribers

Description: This subproduct adds the following features to the Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core.

The Network Function Cloud Native Environment provides tools and capabilities to run cloud native network functions in the network.

This license is mandatory and needs to be purchased with other Cloud Native Core Network Functions.

Network Function Cloud Native Environment needs to be ordered once per purchased entity. Network Function Cloud Native Environment is not applicable for any Network Functional features. The following list of examples are the features applicable to NFs and not to CNE: Interworking and Mediation Function (IWF) and Subscriber Location Function (SLF).

Prerequisites: Any one of the following licenses is prerequisite to license and use Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core , Network Function Cloud Native Environment - per 25K Active Subscribers :
  • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Authentication Server Function - per 25K Active Subscribers
  • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Binding Support Function - per 25K Active Subscribers
  • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Converged Policy - per 25K Active Subscribers
  • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Converged Signaling - per 25K Active Subscribers
  • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Diameter Routing Agent - per 25K Active Subscribers
  • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Network Exposure Function - per 25K Active Subscribers
  • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core , Network Repository Function - per 25K Active Subscribers
  • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Network Slice Selection Function - per 25K Active Subscribers
  • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Policy Control Function - per 25K Active Subscribers
  • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Policy and Charging Rules Function - per 25K Active Subscribers
  • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Routing and Selection Domain - per 25K Active Subscribers
  • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Security Edge Protection Proxy - per 25K Active Subscribers
  • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core , Service Communication Proxy - per 25K Active Subscribers
  • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Unified Data Repository - per 25K Active Subscribers
  • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Unified Data Management - per 25K Active Subscribers
  • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Unstructured Data Storage Function - per 25K Active Subscribers

Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses:

A license to Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Network Function Cloud Native Environment - per 25K Active Subscribers includes a restricted use license to MySQL Cluster Carrier Grade Edition. MySQL Cluster Carrier Grade Edition may be used solely to deploy and run Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core network functions.

Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Authentication Server Function - per 25K Active Subscribers

Description: This subproduct adds the following features to the Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core.

The Authentication Server Function (AUSF) is responsible of the primary authentication and key agreement procedures carried out to enable mutual authentication between UE and network. It provides keying material that can be used between the UE and network in subsequently security procedures. This license is based on per 25k active subscribers perpetual.

Prerequisites: The following license is prerequisite to license and use Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Authentication Server Function - per 25K Active Subscribers:

Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Unified Data Management - per 25K Active Subscribers

Counting Mechanism: Since Unified Data Management is a prerequisites for AUSF. Unified Data Management counts unique device identifiers that it has activated.
Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Binding Support Function - per 25K Active Subscribers

Description: This subproduct adds the following features to the Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core.

The Binding Support Function (BSF) provides session binding functionality, which ensures request for session reaches the relevant PCF holding the session information.

This service:

- Allows Network Function (NF) consumers to register, update and remove the binding information; and

- Allows Network Function (NF) consumers to retrieve the binding information.

Prerequisites: None

Counting Mechanism: BSF counts unique device identifiers as it processes messages.

Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Converged Policy - per 25K Active Subscribers

Description: This functionality provides the Right to Use the Cloud Native Policy and Charging Rules Function (cnPCRF) and Cloud Native Policy Control Function (PCF) NFs. The Policy Control Function (PCF) allows the customer to support centralized policy management in their 5G core network. The Cloud Native Policy and Charging Rules Function (cnPCRF) allows the customer to support centralized policy management in their 4G core network.

Overall this converged license enables customers to perform Policy management for 4G and 5G Networks as a complete solution and also enables customers to transition subscribers from 4G to 5G over time.

Prerequisites: None

Counting Mechanism: cnPCRF and PCF counts unique device identifiers as it processes messages.

Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Converged Signaling - per 25K Active Subscribers

Description: This functionality provides the Right to Use the Cloud Native Diameter Routing Agent (cnDRA), Service Communication Proxy (SCP), Network Repository Function (NRF), and InterWorking and Mediation Function (IWF) NFs. It enables a smooth transition for operators from 4G to 5G over time.

Prerequisites : None
Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Diameter Routing Agent - per 25K Active Subscribers

Description: This subproduct adds the following features to the Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core.

The Diameter Routing Agent (DRA) provides ability to route diameter messages between Network Functions (NF) in the 4G network

Prerequisites: The following license is prerequisite to license and use Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Diameter Routing Agent - per 25K Active Subscribers:

Oracle Communications Common Signaling - per Signaling Unit - per Message per Second
Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, InterWorking and Mediation Function - per 25K Active Subscribers

Description: This subproduct adds the following features to the Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core.

The InterWorking and Mediation (IWF) Function provides Interworking and mediation function between HTTP ó HTTP and HTTP ó Diameter that allow access to the services and capabilities provided by network entities.

Prerequisites: The following license is prerequisite to license and use Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, InterWorking and Mediation Function - per 25K Active Subscribers:

Any one of the Cloud Native Core network function, except Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Network Function Cloud Native Environment.

Customer must purchase a license of InterWorking and Mediation Function (IWF) for each separately purchased Network Function (NF) where the customer requires IWF whether deploying all functions on one node or on separate nodes. When licensed in the Routing and Selection offering, pricing includes the use of IWF for the following five functions deployed in the same node: Service Communication Proxy (SCP), Network Slice Selection Function (NSSF), Security Edge Protection Proxy (SEPP), and Network Exposure Function (NEF). IWF is not applicable to Network Repository Function (NRF).

Counting Mechanism: IWF is used for either Interworking or Mediation.

a) Interworking use case: IWF counts unique device identifiers as it processes messages

b) Mediation use case: the subscriber count is based on the following ordered list of NFs:

Ordered list of NFs:
  • SCP, if present
  • NRF, if present
  • Else, a 3rd party database
Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Network Exposure Function - per 25K Active Subscribers

Description: This subproduct adds the following features to the Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core.

The Network Exposure Function (NEF) provides RESTful APIs that allow access to the services and capabilities provided by network entities and securely exposed by NEF.

The NEF Northbound interface supports the following procedures:
  • Procedures for Monitoring
  • Procedures for Device Triggering
  • Procedures for resource management of Background Data Transfer
  • Procedures for Communication Pattern Parameters Provisioning
  • Procedures for Packet Flow Description Management
  • Procedures for Traffic Influence
Prerequisites: None

Counting Mechanism: NEF counts unique device identifiers as it processes messages

Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Network Repository Function - per 25K Active Subscribers

Description: This subproduct adds the following features to the Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core.

The Network Repository Function (NRF) supports management and discovery services and t he management services allow for Network Function (NF) instances to be Introduced/Updated/Removed in the 5G core without manual configuration. More NRF developments will come as part of future releases.

Prerequisites: None

Counting Mechanism: If SLF is deployed in addition to the NRF: the SLF counts unique device identifiers as it processes messages.

If SLF is not deployed: the subscriber count is based on the following ordered list of NFs:

Ordered list of NFs:

  • SCP, if present
  • Else, a 3rd party database
Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Network Slice Selection Function - per 25K Active Subscribers

Description: This subproduct adds the following features to the Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core.

The Network Slice Selection Function (NSSF) provides an important capability to bring network resource utilization efficiency, deployment flexibility and support fast growing over the top (OTT) application and services .

Prerequisites: None

Counting Mechanism: The subscriber count is based on the following ordered list of NFs:

Ordered list of NFs:

  • SCP, if present
  • NRF, if present
  • Else, a 3rd party database
  Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Policy Control Function - per 25K Active Subscribers

Description: This subproduct adds the following features to the Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core.

The Policy Control Function (PCF) allows the customer to support centralized policy management in their 5G core network.

Prerequisites: None.

Counting Mechanism: PCF counts unique device identifiers as it processes messages.

  Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Policy and Charging Rules Function - per 25K Active Subscribers

Description: This subproduct adds the following features to the Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core.

This functionality provides the Right to Use the Cloud Native Core Policy and Charging Rules Function (cnPCRF). The cnPCRF allows the customer to support centralized policy management in their 4G core network. It includes PCRF functionality.

Prerequisites: None.

Counting Mechanism: cnPCRF counts unique device identifiers as it processes messages.

Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Routing and Selection Domain - per 25K Active Subscribers

Description: Routing and Selection domain consists of six Cloud Native Core functions: Service Communication Proxy (SCP), Network Repository Function (NRF), Network Exposure Function (NEF), Network Slice Selection Function (NSSF), Security Edge Protection Proxy (SEPP), and InterWorking and Mediation Function (IWF).

Prerequisites: None
Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Security Edge Protection Proxy - per 25K Active Subscribers

Description: This subproduct adds the following features to the Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core.

The Security Edge Protection Proxy (SEPP) is a nontransparent proxy that supports message filtering and policing on inter-PLMN control-plane interfaces and topology hiding for the PLMN network. A SEPP function should perform the firewall role for transactions between domains. Given that the SEPP is the point where integrity protection and encryption are applied, the SEPP has visibility into each aspect of a transaction.

Prerequisites: None

Counting Mechanism: SEPP counts unique device identifiers as it processes messages.

Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Service Communication Proxy - per 25K Active Subscribers

Description: This subproduct adds the following features to the Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core.

The Service Communication Proxy (SCP) addresses introduction of 5G Service Based Architecture and the usage of HTTP/2 for signaling. Provides congestion control in cases of flooding and at the same time protect servers from being overloaded. Facilitates traffic prioritization to ensure that the higher priority traffic is addressed in overload situations Uniform Authorization/Authentication mechanism in the network Simplifies the network and provider better visibility into the health of the network. Reduces the connection mesh to a manageable number of connections, thereby decreasing the chances of failure.

Prerequisites: None

Counting Mechanism: SCP counts unique device identifiers as it processes messages.

  Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Subscriber Location Function –per 25K Active Subscribers


This subproduct adds the following feature to the Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core.

The Subscriber Location Function (SLF) is an entity of 5G network which it is used to identify a subscriber to a specific network function. This license is based on per 25k active subscribers perpetual.


The following licenses are prerequisite to license and use Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Subscriber Location Function –per 25K Active Subscribers:
  • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Service Communication Proxy - 25K Active Subscribers
  • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Network Repository Function - 25K Active Subscribers
  • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Security Edge Protection Proxy - 25K Active Subscribers
Counting Mechanism: SLF counts unique device identifiers as it processes messages.
Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Unified Data Management - per 25K Active Subscribers

Description: This subproduct adds the following features to the Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core.

The Unified Data Management Function (UDM) is a functional entity that supports access to the data storage. It offers services to Access and Mobility Management Function (AMF), Session Management Function (SMF), Short Message Service Function (SMSF), Network Exposure Function (NEF), and Authentication Server Function (AUSF). The services include Subscription data storage, Context data management service, Authentication service in collaboration with AUSF. Subscription data management includes accessing the subscription data in the Unified Data Repository (UDR), delivering relevant data to the Network Functions (NFs) serving the UE (AMF, SMF) and updating the UE location and serving nodes (e.g. AMF) in the UDR. This license is based on per 25k active subscribers perpetual.

Prerequisites: None

Counting Mechanism: UDM counts unique device identifiers that it has activated

Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Unified Data Repository - per 25K Active Subscribers

Description: This subproduct adds the following features to the Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core.

The Unified Data Repository (UDR) is a functional entity that acts as a single logical repository of user data and is unique from Application Front End's perspective. Entities which do not store user data and that need to access user data stored in the UDR are collectively known as application front ends.

Prerequisites: None

Counting Mechanism: UDR counts unique device identifiers that it has activated

Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Unstructured Data Storage Function - per 25K Active Subscribers

Description: This subproduct adds the following features to the Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core.

The Unstructured Data Storage Function (UDSF) is a functional entity of 5G network where the Network Functions can store/retrieve "unstructured" data. It supports data storage for stateless network functions. This data is based on the state information of different NFs, intermediate representation of data crossing different radio technologies, session related data etc. This license is based on per 25k active subscribers perpetual.

Prerequisites: The following licenses are prerequisite to license and use Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Unstructured Data Storage Function – per 25K Active Subscribers:
  • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Unified Data Repository - 25K Active Subscribers
Counting Mechanism: Since UDR is a prerequisite for UDSF. UDR counts unique device identifiers that it has activated.
  Oracle Communications Common Signaling, Automated Test Tools and Scripts - Per Node

Description: The sub-product adds the following features to the Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Network Functions.

The Automated Test Tools and Scripts license provides tools and scripts for functional and light performance testing needs in lab environment and is licensed to only be used on Test/lab platforms.

From a license perspective, this SKU is applicable only to Network Function SKUs and not to the features.

License quantity requirement is based on number of network functions (NFs) and number of system under testing (SUT). It can be calculated by multiplying number of network functions (NFs) and number of system under testing (SUT) .

Prerequisites: The following licenses are prerequisite to license and use Oracle Communications Common Signaling, Automated Test Tools and Scripts – per Node

Any Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Network Function, except:

  • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Network Function Cloud Native Environment – 25K Active Subscribers
  • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Interworking and Mediation Function – 25K Active Subscribers
  • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core, Subscriber Location Function – per 25K Active Subscribers


25K Active Subscribers: It is defined as twenty-five thousand unique subscribers provisioned and activated or processed by the network function in a calendar month. A Subscriber is defined as (a) unique device identifier processed by the network function, (b) unique device identifier processed by a defined, external network function, (c) active entities in the subscriber database. The total number of active subscribers shall be equal to all applicable types of subscribers listed above, as defined for the network function.