B Rollback Instructions for PCF Data to Release v15

In this Appendix, you will learn to revert to 29.519 v15.3.0 for PCF Data.


In a deployed UDR, you must configure only 1 version of PCF data (either v16.2.0 or v15.3.0). By default, UDR 1.6.0 supports 29.519 v16.2.0 version of PCF data. If there are multiple versions, it will create inconsistency in the json data stored on UDR.


If the user wants to be compatible with 29.519 v15.3 of PCF data, follow the instructions while deploying UDR and do not change, if there are some subscribers provisioned using any older schema.
Schema Rollback to 29.519 15.3.0
A script (rollbackPCFschema_15_3.py) is provided for this procedure (as part of the customer documentation). The steps to execute the script are:
  1. Open the script and edit the following details as per the udrdb configurations.
    mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
  2. Execute the below command:
    python rollbackPCFschema_15_3.py