2 Feature Descriptions

This chapter provides a summary of new features and updates to the existing features for network functions released in Cloud Native Core release 2.5.0.

Automated Testing Suite (ATS)

There are no new features or updates implemented in CNC 2.5.0 release.

Binding Support Function (BSF)

BSF 1.11.0 has been updated with the following enhancement:
  • Support for Diameter Error Codes: This feature allows users to configure Diameter error codes for BSF by adding customized values for a defined condition. For any defined condition, give customized Error Message, Experimental Result Code, and Vendor Id as per your requirements. For more information about this feature, see the "Diameter Error Codes" section in Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Binding Support Function User Guide.
  • Support for binding selection in session viewer using SUPI/GPSI only: BSF is enhanced to support querying PCF bindings sessions using SUPI or GPSI on the Session Viewer page on CNC Console. For more information on how to query bindings sessions using CNC Console, see the "Session Viewer" section in Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Binding Support Function User Guide. For information on available APIs for this feature, see Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Binding Support REST Specification Guide.
  • Support for manual delete from Session Viewer: BSF is enhanced to support manual deletion of PCF bindings sessions using SUPI or GPSI on the Session Viewer page on CNC Console. For more information on how to delete bindings sessions using CNC Console, see the "Session Viewer" section in Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Binding Support Function User Guide. For information on available APIs for this feature, see Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Binding Support REST Specification Guide.
  • Support for NF Sets and Binding Headers: Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Binding Support Function (BSF) supports the 3GPP NF Sets and Binding Headers in Model-B (Direct communication) and Model-C (Indirect communication). Using this feature, BSF can construct and send a binding header in the response messages to PCF for successful call processing. For more information on how to configure this feature using CNC Console, see the "Support for 3GPP NF Sets and Binding Headers" section in Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Binding Support Function User Guide. For information on available APIs for this feature, see Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Binding Support REST Specification Guide.
  • Support for Stale Session Handling in BSF: With this feature, you can use Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Binding Support Function to detect and remove stale PCF session bindings to avoid unlimited use of memory and other system resources. For more information on how to configure this feature using CNC Console, see the "Stale Session Handling in BSF" section in Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Binding Support Function User Guide. For information on available APIs for this feature, see Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Binding Support REST Specification Guide.

Cloud Native Core Console (CNC Console)

Cloud Native Core Console (CNC Console) 1.9.x has been updated with the following enhancements:

CNC Console Release 1.9.2

No new features or feature enhancements have been introduced in this release.

CNC Console Release 1.9.1

No new features or feature enhancements have been introduced in this release.

CNC Console Release 1.9.0

Cloud Native Core Console (CNC Console) 1.9.0 has been updated with the following enhancements:

  • Secure Communication between CNCC Master and Agent: CNC Console supports for mTLS configuration in Multi Cluster deployment to provide secure communication between CNC Console Manager and Agent. This feature is an extension of Multi-Cluster deployment. For more information, see Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Console Installation and Upgrade Guide.
  • LDAPS Support: CNC Console supports s Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Secure (LDAPS) to provide secure connection between LDAP server and CNCC IAM.

    For more information, see Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Console Installation and Upgrade Guide and Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Console User Guide.

  • Authorizing CNE Common Services and Audit/Security Logging Enhancements

    This feature supports the additional functionalities as follows:
    • RBAC (Role Based Access Control) based authorization for CNE Common Services.
    • Audit Logs capture CNE Applications authorization events.
    • Security Logs capture CNE Applications requests and responses.
    • For more information, see Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Console Installation and Upgrade Guide and Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Console User Guide.

Cloud Native Environment (CNE)

Oracle Communications Cloud Native Environment (OCCNE) 1.10.0 has been updated with the following enhancements:


Virtual OCCNE on VMware Infrastructure: OCCNE supports vCNE installation on VMWare. This is a limited availability feature. For more information, see Oracle Communications Cloud Native Environment Installation Guide.


DBTier Disaster Recovery automation: DBTier Disaster Recovery procedures are automated by introducing scripts that reduced the manual steps considerably as compared to the previous released Disaster Recovery procedures. For more information, see Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core DBTier Disaster Recovery Guide.

Cloud Native Core Policy (CNC Policy)

Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Policy (CNC Policy) 1.15.x has been updated with the following enhancements:

CNC Policy 1.15.5

No new features or feature enhancements have been introduced in this release.

CNC Policy 1.15.4

No new features or feature enhancements have been introduced in this release.

CNC Policy 1.15.3

No new features or feature enhancements have been introduced in this release.

CNC Policy 1.15.1

No new features or feature enhancements have been introduced in this release.

CNC Policy 1.15.0

  • Support for Stale Session Handling in PDS: CNC Policy supports the stale session handling support for Policy Data Service (PDS). For more information on how to configure this feature using CNC Console, see the "PDS Settings" section in Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Policy User Guide. For information on available APIs for this feature, see Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Policy REST Specification Guide.
  • Support for 3GPP NF Sets and Binding Headers: CNC Policy supports the 3GPP NF Sets and Binding Headers in Direct communication and Indirect communication for AM, UE, PA, and Binding services. For more information on how to configure this feature using CNC Console, see the "NF Communication Profiles" section in Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Policy User Guide. For information on available APIs for this feature, see Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Policy REST Specification Guide.
  • Support for Pending Transactions on N7: CNC Policy supports the Pending Transactions on N7 interface to handle race conditions in a deterministic manner. For more information on how to configure this feature using CNC Console, see the "Pending Transaction on N7" section in Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Policy User Guide. For information on available APIs for this feature, see Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Policy REST Specification Guide.
  • Support for Handling of Late Arrival Requests: CNC Policy supports the detection and handling of late arrival requests on PCF to detect the response time for the components received in the headers from the Ingress Gateway. For more information on how to configure this feature using CNC Console, see the "Detection and Handling of Late Arrival Requests on PCF" section in Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Policy User Guide.
  • Support for GET/DELETE based on SUPI or GPSI: CNC Policy supports the retrieval and deletion of queried results for session type as ALL using SUPI or GPSI as the identifier. When the identifier is selected as GPSI for deletion, the associated diameter session, binding data, and user data is also deleted. For more information on how to configure this feature using CNC Console, see the "Session Viewer" section in Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Policy User Guide. For information on available APIs for this feature, see Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Policy REST Specification Guide.

Service Communication Proxy (SCP)

SCP Release 1.15.4

No new features or feature enhancements have been introduced in this release.

SCP Release 1.15.3

No new features or feature enhancements have been introduced in this release.

SCP Release 1.15.2

No new features or feature enhancements have been introduced in this release.

SCP Release 1.15.1

No new features or feature enhancements have been introduced in this release.

SCP Release 1.15.0

SCP 1.15.0 has been updated with the following enhancements:
  • Alternate Routing based on the DNS SRV Records: This feature enables SCP to find an alternate Network Function (NF) service by performing the Domain Name System (DNS) Service Record (SRV) query with the DNS server. For more information about this feature, see Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Service Communication Proxy User Guide.
  • Support for Multiple Signaling Service IPs: Using multiple signaling IPs, SCP can expose multiple signaling service IPs from the same or a different network to all Network Functions (NFs) to accept 5G Service Based Interface (SBI) signaling traffic. This feature provides the flexibility to achieve maximum redundancy in the IP path. For more information about this feature, see Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Service Communication Proxy User Guide.
  • Pod Overload Control: This feature throttles only ingress 5G Service Based Interface (SBI) request messages based on CPU utilization of the scp-worker microservice pods. When CPU utilization of the scp-worker pod exceeds the configured threshold level, SCP responds with configured error codes or throttles the traffic based on the Pod Overload Action Policy configuration. For more information about this feature, see Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Service Communication Proxy User Guide.
  • Enhanced 5G SBI Message Failure Handling: This feature enables SCP to send information of all the routing attempts made on the producer NF. SCP has enhanced the server header format to include all the routing information while forwarding error responses with server header to consumer NFs. For more information about this feature, see Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Service Communication Proxy User Guide.
  • SCP Performance and Capacity Improvements: SCP can support 50K Transactions Per Second (TPS) per SCP instance.
  • SCP is Compliant with Kubernetes and ASM: SCP is complaint with Kubernetes 1.20.x and Aspen Service Mesh (ASM) 1.9.x.

Security Edge Protection Proxy (SEPP)

Security Edge Protection Proxy (SEPP) 1.7.0 has been updated with the following enhancements:

  • Alternate Routing Across Remote SEPPs: This feature enables the consumer SEPP to route the n32f traffic messages based on the availability of Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary producer SEPPs. For more information about the features, see Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Security Edge Protection Proxy User Guide.

Network Repository Function (NRF)

OCNRF Release 1.15.2

No new features or feature enhancements have been introduced in this release.

OCNRF Release 1.15.1

No new features or feature enhancements have been introduced in this release.

OCNRF Release 1.15.0

OCNRF 1.15.0 has been updated with the following enhancement:
  • Support of CHF-GroupID: Support for SLF based discovery lookup for CHF NfType.

    For more information about Subscriber Location Function (SLF) feature, see the "Subscriber Location Function" chapter in Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Network Repository Function User Guide.

  • Support for Location Set based NfDiscovery: OCNRF supports configuration of multiple location in Preferred Locality triplet. NfDiscovery service checks the locationSet configured under Extended Preferred Locality Priority attributes locationSets and performs discovery of a producer NF type. For more information about location set feature, see the "Extended Preferred Locality Priority Handling" chapter in Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Network Repository Function User Guide.
  • Support for 3GPP based errorCause attribute in ProblemDetails for NRF generated error responses: OCNRF supports for errorCause attribute as per 3GPP 29.500, R17 for all the service operations. For more information about errorCause, see Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Network Repository Function REST Specification Guide.
  • Support for configurable ephemeral-storage request and limit during NRF installation/upgrade: OCNRF supports configuration of ephemeral containers for temporary storage of data of your instances. The Pods use ephemeral local storage for scratch space, caching, and logs. For more information about ephemeral-storage resource requirements, see the "Resource Requirement" section in Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Network Repository Function Installation and Upgrade Guide.

Network Slice Selection Function (NSSF)

OCNSSF 1.8.0 has been updated with the following enhancements:
  • Support for Optimized Network Slice Selection Assistance Information (ONSSAI): ONSSAI is one of the 3GPP Specification 29.531 supported optional features that OCNSSF negotiates using Feature Negotiation. When this feature is supported by AMF and NSSF, it allows NSSAI Availability data to be signaled per list or per range(s) of a Tracking Area Identifier (TAI).
  • Support for Tracking Area Identifier (TAI) Range: ONSSAI also extends the support for TAI ranges in OCNSSF. This feature reduces the memory consumption at NSSF by eliminating the need for storage of redundant data. It reduces the size of supported NSSAI towards NF Service Consumer, which in turn improves the overall network throughput by decreasing the network latency.

For more information about the support for ONSSAI and TAI range in OCNSSF, see Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Network Slice Selection Function User Guide.

Unified Data Repository (UDR)

UDR Release 1.15.2

There are no new enhancements in UDR Release 1.15.2.

UDR Release 1.15.1

There are no new enhancements in UDR Release 1.15.1.

UDR Release 1.15.0

UDR 1.15.0 has been updated with the following enhancements:
  • Support for SBI message priority for Overload Control: UDR supports discard of messages during Overload scenarios based on SBI message priority. For more information, see the Overload Handling section in Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Unified Data Repository User Guide.
  • Support of 3GPP SBI Co-relation header: UDR supports 3GPP SBI Co-relation header in the messages. For more information, see the 3gpp-Sbi-Correlation-Info Header section in Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Unified Data Repository User Guide.
  • Support of Ingress Rate Limiting: UDR supports rate limiting of Ingress traffic per route. For more information, see the Rate Limiting section in Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Unified Data Repository User Guide.
  • Support of Pod disruption budget: UDR supports pod disruption budget to enable availability of minimum replicas for microservices. For more information, see the Debugging PodDisruptionBudget Related Issues section in Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Unified Data Repository Troubleshooting Guide.
  • UDM APIs enhancements: UDM subscription APIs are enhanced to support creation of subscriptions with sdmSubscritpions. For more information, see the Configuring User Parameters section in Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Unified Data Repository Installation and Upgrade Guide.
  • CHFGrpID support: SLF supports provisioning of CHFGrpId, which are not mapped under SLFGroup name. For more information, see the Configuring User Parameters section in Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Unified Data Repository Installation and Upgrade Guide.
  • Import and Export of Provisioning Gateway Configuration Data: UDR Provisioning Gateway supports import and export of the configuration data from the REST APIs. For more information, see Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Unified Data Repository Provisioning Gateway Interface Specification Guide.
  • UDR custom entity enhancements: UDR is enhanced to add custom fields under subscriber profile. For more information, see the Supported SOAP or XML Request Operations for Custom Entities section in Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Provisioning Gateway Interface Specification Guide.

  • Mano 21.03 compliance: UDR CSAR has been updated with Mano 21.03 compliance.