What's New In This Guide

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-42, September 2024

Policy 23.4.6 Release

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-41, September 2024

CNE 23.4.6 Release

Added a note regarding the "Updating OpenStack Credentials" procedure update in the Cloud Native Environment (CNE) section.

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-40, September 2024

cnDBTier 23.4.6 Release

Added details about a feature enhancement in the Cloud Native Core cnDBTier section.

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-39, August 2024

Policy 23.4.5 Release

Updated the description for 36797796 bug in the Policy Resolved Bugs section.

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-38, August 2024

cnDBTier 23.4.6 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of cnDBTier release 23.4.6:

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-37, August 2024

Policy 23.4.5 Release

Removed the following bugs from the Policy Resolved Bugs section:
  • 36824298
  • 36722873

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-36, August 2024

Policy 23.4.5 Release

Updated the Policy section with details of Support for DNN Exclusion feature.

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-34, August 2024

Policy 23.4.5 Release

NRF 23.4.4 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of NRF release 23.4.4:

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-33, July 2024

CNE 23.4.6 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of CNE release 23.4.6:

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-32, July 2024

BSF 23.4.4 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of BSF release 23.4.4:

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-31, July 2024

Console 23.4.2 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of Console release 23.4.2:

UDR 23.4.2 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of UDR release 23.4.2:

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-30, July 2024

cnDBTier 23.4.5 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of cnDBTier release 23.4.5:

NEF 23.4.4 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of NEF release 23.4.4:

NRF 23.4.3 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of NRF release 23.4.3:

SCP 23.4.3 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of SCP release 23.4.3:

SEPP 23.4.2 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of SEPP release 23.4.2:

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-28, July 2024

Policy 23.4.4 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of Policy release 23.4.4:

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-27, July 2024

Policy 23.4.x Release

Updated the Compatibility Matrix section with supported CNE and Kubernetes versions for Policy 23.4.x.

BSF 23.4.x Release

Updated the Compatibility Matrix section with supported CNE and Kubernetes versions for BSF 23.4.x.

OCCM 23.4.3 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of OCCM 23.4.3:

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-26, May 2024

cnDBTier 23.4.4 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of cnDBTier release 23.4.4:

cnDBTier 23.4.3 Release

Updated the known bug details for 23.4.3 in the cnDBTier Known Bugs section.

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-25, May 2024

OSO 23.4.5 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of OSO release 23.4.5:

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-24, April 2024

SEPP 23.4.1 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of SEPP CPU Patch 23.4.1:

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-23, April 2024

CNE 23.4.4 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of CNE release 23.4.4:

OSO 23.4.4 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of OSO release 23.4.4:

Policy 23.4.3 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of Policy release 23.4.3:

BSF 23.4.2 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of BSF release 23.4.2:

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-22, April 2024

cnDBTier 23.4.3 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of cnDBTier release 23.4.3:

NEF 23.4.3 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of NEF release 23.4.3:

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-21, April 2024

NRF 23.4.2 Release

Updated the following section with the details of NRF release 23.4.2:

SCP 23.4.2 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of SCP release 23.4.2:

SEPP 23.4.1 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of SEPP release 23.4.1:

UDR 23.4.1 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of UDR release 23.4.1:

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-20, April 2024

CNC Console 23.4.1 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of CNC Console release 23.4.1:

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-19, April 2024

OCCM 23.4.2 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of OCCM release 23.4.2:

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-17, April 2024

NRF 23.4.1 Release

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-16, March 2024

Policy 23.4.2 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of Policy release 23.4.2:

NEF 23.4.2 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of NEF release 23.4.2:

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-15, March 2024

OCCM 23.4.1 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of OCCM release 23.4.1:

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-14, March 2024

NRF 23.4.1 Release

Updated the following section with the details of NRF release 23.4.1:

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-13, March 2024

UDR ATS 23.4.2 Release

Updated the following section with the details of UDR ATS release 23.4.2:

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-12, February 2024

SCP 23.4.1 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of SCP release 23.4.1:

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-11, February 2024

cnDBTier 23.4.2 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of cnDBTier release 23.4.2:

CNE 23.4.1 Release

Added a known bug for CNE 23.4.1 in the CNE Known Bugs section.

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-10, February 2024

CNE 23.4.1 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of CNE release 23.4.1:

Policy 23.4.1 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of Policy release 23.4.1:

SEPP 23.4.0 Release

Added the "Separate Port Configurations for N32c and N32f on the Egress Routes" feature from the Security Edge Protection Proxy (SEPP) feature section.

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-09, February 2024

NRF ATS 23.4.1 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of NRF ATS release 23.4.1:

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-08, February 2024

cnDBTier 23.4.1 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of cnDBTier release 23.4.1:

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-07, January 2024

SCP 23.4.0 Release


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Release 2.23.3 is the final release supporting the SCP Reverse Proxy and Transparent Proxy mode features. Subsequently, these features are no longer supported from Service Communication Proxy 23.4.0 onwards.

UDR ATS 23.4.1 Release

Added resolved bugs in the UDR Resolved Bugs section.

NEF 23.4.1 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of NEF release 23.4.1:

BSF 23.4.1 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of BSF release 23.4.1:

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-06, January 2024

SCP 23.4.0 Release

Added a known bug in the SCP Known Bugs section.

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-05, January 2024

SCP 23.4.0 Release

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-04, January 2024

SEPP 23.4.0 Release

Removed the "Separate Port Configurations for N32c and N32f on the Egress Routes" feature from the Security Edge Protection Proxy (SEPP) feature section.

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-03, January 2024

CDCS 23.4.0 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of CDCS release 23.4.0:

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-02, December 2023

BSF 23.4.0 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of BSF release 23.4.0:

Policy 23.4.0 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of Policy release 23.4.0:

Release 3.23.4 - F89974-01, December 2023

CNC Console 23.4.0 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of CNC Console release 23.4.0:

CNE 23.4.0 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of CNE release 23.4.0:

cnDBTier 23.4.0 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of cnDBTier release 23.4.0:

NEF 23.4.0 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of NEF release 23.4.0:

NRF 23.4.0 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of NRF release 23.4.0:

NSSF 23.4.0 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of NSSF release 23.4.0:

OCCM 23.4.0 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of OCCM release 23.4.0:

SEPP 23.4.0 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of SEPP release 23.4.0:

UDR 23.4.0 Release

Updated the following sections with the details of UDR release 23.4.0:

Common Services Resolved Bugs

Updated the following sections with the details of Common Services Resolved Bugs for release 23.4.0:

Common Services Known Bugs

Updated the following sections with the details of Common Services Known Bugs for release 23.4.0: