Generating Framework Models

The Cartridge Generation tool expedites the creation of Activation cartridge projects. For Activation Network cartridge projects, Cartridge Generation tool creates service actions, atomic actions, and action processors links all combinations of the entities in a 1:1:1 relationship. For Activation Service cartridge projects, the Cartridge Generation tool creates only service actions (the tool cannot determine which atomic actions you will associate with the service actions).

For Activation Service cartridges, the type of service model (common, mixed or vendor/technology/software load-specific) affects the naming convention that the Cartridge Generation tool uses for the atomic actions.


The Cartridge Generation tool does not overwrite a framework that already exists. Rather, it adds to framework new and modified actions and entities. Additionally, Design Studio does not delete old actions or entities. You can delete old actions or entities manually.

When generating framework models, see the following topics: