User Defined Exit Type Editor Editor Tab

Use the Editor tab for configuring the values of the user-defined exit types. In the User Defined Exit Type Detail area, you can configure the values for a specific user-defined exit type.

User Defined Exit Types

Field Use


Specify a description for the User Defined Exit Type editor.

Vendor, Technology, and Software Load

Displays the vendor, technology, and software load for the user-defined exit type entity in the cartridge project.

User Exit Type and Base Exit Type

Displays the values, of the User Defined Exit Type and Base Exit Type fields respectively, you specified in the User Defined Exit Type Detail area.

Note: In the User Defined Exit Types area, initially the fields display the default values.


Click to add a new user-defined exit type. The default values appear in the fields.


Click to clear a user-defined exit type from the editor.

User Defined Exit Type Detail

Field Use


Specify a regular expression to perform a pattern search on the responses from network elements. The regular expression will allow cartridge users to associate a series of responses to a user-defined exit type. For example, a regular expression "6." can identify a pattern where any response with the character "6" followed by any number of characters will translate to the user-defined exit type related to failure.

User Defined Exit Type

Specify a value that maps atomic action exit codes to one of the predefined base exit types. The cartridges map the return codes and status values from a network element to a user-defined exit type.

Base Exit Type

Select a value that determines the product behavior like success or failure.


Click to select a service action or an atomic action.

Note: You must select a service action or an atomic action while creating Service cartridges.


Click to open the selected service action or atomic action.


Click to clear from the field the selected service action or atomic action.


Specify a description for the specific user-defined exit type.