Studio Environment Editor Cartridge Management Variables Tab

Use the Cartridge Management Variables tab to review and override cartridge-specific cartridge management variables defined for all of the cartridges in the workspace.

Column Use

Cartridge Management Variables area

Displays the name of the variable and environment-specific values, if defined in the Override field.

Design Studio displays all cartridge management variables that are defined in the workspace. The values in this table are read-only. You can change the default value defined for a variable by selecting the Override option and entering a new environment-specific value.

Note: If no override value is defined, Design Studio uses the default value defined for the cartridge selected for deployment.

Environment Cartridge Management Variable Details area

Displays the name and value of the selected variable in the Cartridge Management Variables area. Do any of the following:

  • Select Sensitive to indicate that the variable has been secured in the "Project Editor Cartridge Management Variables Tab". When this option is selected, the default value defined for the cartridge management variable is obfuscated in the user interface and in memory.

    If multiple cartridges define a variable with the same name, the Environment editor secures the default value if any of the variables have been configured as sensitive.

    Note: Default values that are defined as sensitive are not displayed when you disable the option. To retain the original value, you can reselect the option prior to entering a new default value.

  • Select Override to define a variable value with an environment-specific value.

  • Select Inherit to use the default value defined for the variable.

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Studio Environment Editor