Defining New Action Codes

You create new action codes if you are not using the data delivered in the Common Model Base Data project or if you want to create action types in addition to the Service and Technical types delivered with Design Studio.

Action codes enable you to map product action order lines on incoming orders to service action order lines required to provision the order. See "Working with Mapping Rules" for more information about mapping rules.

To create new action codes:

  1. From the Studio menu, select New, then select Model, and then select Action Code.

    The Action Code wizard appears.

  2. Using the wizard, create a new Action Code entity.

    See "Creating Conceptual Model Entities" for more information.

  3. From the Solution view, double-click the Action Code entity.

    The Action Code entity opens in the Action Code editor.

  4. In the Functional Area field, click Select.

    The Select Functional Area dialog box appears.

  5. Select a functional area from the list and click OK.

  6. Click Save.

    The action code now appears in the Functional Area editor Action Codes area.