Creating Action Parameter Bindings

Action parameter bindings enable you to bind attributes defined for conceptual model entities and components (the source data) to parameters defined for technical actions (the target data). See "About Action Parameter Bindings" for more information.

You create a single, reusable action parameter binding for a subject when the action parameter binding applies to the subject wherever the subject appears in the conceptual model. In this scenario, the subject entity and its child components contain all of or most of the data that is required by technical actions and the run-time application uses this binding in every context in which the subject appears.

You create service-specific action parameter bindings when you want the binding to apply only when the subject appears in a specific service. In this scenario, the subject contains little or no source data. Rather, the source data required by the action family is defined in various data elements throughout the service.


Action parameter bindings do not automatically facilitate the metadata that the Calculate Technical Actions provider function requires at run-time. Rather, Design Studio enables you to complete the modeling necessary to facilitate the CTA processes. To automate the creation of CTA metadata, you must develop a CTA metadata generator. This generator explores the conceptual model configuration and generates the necessary metadata.

You can leverage the Design Studio Exchange Format and create your own CTA metadata generator, or you can use the example that is included in the Oracle Communications RSDOD Reference Solution, which is available on the Oracle Technology Network.

See the Design Studio Developer's Guide for more information about the Design Studio Exchange Format. See the Oracle Communications RSDOD Reference Solution Developers Guide for more information about generating CTA metadata.

To create a new action parameter binding:

  1. In the Solution view, right-click the conceptual model entity (the subject) for which you want to create an action parameter binding.

  2. From the context menu, select Add, then select Add Action Parameter Binding.

    The Add Action Parameter Binding dialog box appears.

  3. Click New.

    The Action Parameter Binding wizard appears.

  4. Accept the default values prepopulated in the Subject field.

  5. In the Context field, do one of the following:

    • Accept the default to create a single, reusable action parameter binding for a subject when the action parameter binding applies to the subject wherever the subject appears in the conceptual model.

    • Click the drop down menu to select a context that is specific to a service, or enter a new context that is specific to a service.

      By default, the context is defined using the relative path of the subject, and indicates that the action parameter binding set is to be used wherever the subject is used. You can change the context if the action parameter binding set is applicable for a more specific context.

      You are not required to define the context at the root level of the service. For example, you can define the context at the resource level.

  6. In the Action Family field, select the actions to include in the action family.

    By default, all actions associated with the subject are included in the action parameter binding. Select Select Specific Actions to limit the action family to a subset of actions. For example, you might have technical actions to create, modify, and delete entries in the network address template. You can create a single action parameter binding for all of these technical actions, or you can limit the scope if you require alternate bindings for specific scenarios.

  7. (Optional) In the Name field, edit the default name.

    This field displays the Action Parameter Binding entity name, which is automatically populated with the name of the subject entity and an APB suffix. You can edit the default value if you want to support multiple action parameter bindings for a single subject; for example, if you are creating an APB for the Network Address Template Resource entity, you might want to create two bindings, one named NetworkAddressTemplate_CustomerEdge and the other named NetworkAddressTemplate_ProviderEdge.

  8. Click Finish.

    The Action Parameter Binding entity is created. Design Studio opens the entity in an editor.

  9. Click Save.