Working with Tags

Tags are keywords that you can use to categorize data elements, instances of entities, and projects. Tags help you filter and search for data elements that are associated with specific Oracle Communications applications. Tags also help you control project visibility in a workspace.

A set of predefined tags is delivered with Design Studio. For example, you can tag a data element as a Characteristic, which means it is relevant to Design Studio for Inventory and Design Studio for Network Integrity data models. Or, you can tag a data element as Control Data to identify the data element as data that OSM requires to perform orchestration.

If a data element changes frequently, you can associate the data element with the Changeable tag. For example, customers often upgrade services for higher download speeds. You can tag the DownloadSpeed data element with the Changeable tag and track the data element's history for auditing purposes.

You can also create your own tags, and you can use these tags to search for and filter data elements. For example, you can search for tagged data elements using the Dictionary view Filter menu.

You can create your own tags and associate your tags to configuration items that you add to Service, Place, Logical Device, Logical Device Account, and Network entity Configuration specifications. Associating tags with configuration items that you add to Configuration specifications enables UIM users to search for tags using the Tags Search page. At run time, the tag is visible (on the Configuration Summary page) for all instances of entities that were created from the Configuration specification. These tags are also visible in the getConfiguration and getConfigurationDifferences web service operations, which are included in the Service Fulfillment web service. The getConfiguration web service operation response contains the tag information from the request. See "Associating Tags with Configuration Items" for more information.

See the following topics for more information: