10 Deploying Cartridges to Environments

This chapter provides information about the Oracle Communications Design Studio Cartridge Management Tool (CMT) and about other tools that you can use when deploying cartridges to run-time environments.

Deploying Cartridges to Run-Time Environments with the Cartridge Management Tool

The CMT enables you to deploy cartridges to run-time environments outside of the Design Studio environment. The CMT is bundled with the Design Studio Media Pack on the Oracle software delivery Web site.


Oracle recommends that you deploy to production environments using a controlled and scripted process. This process should be verified in a staging environment prior to execution against a production environment. Though Design Studio enables you to deploy cartridges to design and test environments consistently across all Oracle Communications features, Oracle recommends that you use the CMT to deploy to production run-time environments.

To deploy cartridges to run-time environments using CMT:

  1. Navigate to Oracle software delivery website:


  2. Download and extract the Design Studio Media Pack.

  3. Open the cartridge_management_tools folder.

  4. Extract cartridge_management_tools.jar.

  5. Open the build.properties file and update the file with environment-specific variables.

    For example, update web service connection information for deploying and undeploying cartridges, model variable values to be used at deploy time, and so forth.

    If you are deploying Oracle Communications Unified Inventory Management (UIM) or Oracle Communications Network Integrity cartridges, you must add the following properties to the file:

    deploy.wladmin.host.name=WebLogic administration server host name
    deploy.wladmin.host.port=WebLogic administration server port number
    deploy.wl.target.name=adminstration server name or cluster name where the application is deployed
  6. Add the files in the lib folder (in the cartridge_management_tools file) to the classpath.

    Adding libraries to the classpath can prevent exceptions from being thrown during Ant script execution.

  7. Set the JAVA_HOME to JDK 8.

  8. From a command prompt, navigate to the directory where the cartridge_management_tools.jar file is extracted and run the following Ant commands, as applicable:

    • ant: Displays a list of available targets.

    • ant -lib ..\lib -f build.xml deploy-cartridge: Deploys a cartridge to a run-time environment.

    • ant -lib ..\lib -f build.xml undeploy-cartridge: Undeploys a cartridge from a run-time environment.


      Undeploy is not supported for UIM cartridges.

    • ant -lib ..\lib -f build.xml list-cartridge: Lists the cartridges deployed to a run-time environment.

Working with Additional Cartridge Deployment Tools

Oracle recommends using the CMT for automated, scripted, and command line cartridge deployment for all the applications supported by Design Studio. Under specific circumstances, applications might recommend other tools for cartridge deployment, such as the following:

  • Service Activation Deployment Tool (SADT), used to deploy SAR files to Oracle Communications ASAP run-time environments. See ASAP Cartridge Development Guide for more information.

  • Cartridge Deployer Tool, used to deploy JAR files to Oracle Communications Unified Inventory Management (UIM) run-time environments. See UIM System Administrator's Guide for more information.

  • Cartridge Deployer Tool, used to deploy cartridges to Oracle Communications Network Integrity run-time environments. See Network Integrity Installation Guide for more information.

  • XML Import/Export Tool, which is used to manage data in the Oracle Communications Order and Service Management (OSM) database. See OSM System Administrator's Guide for more information.

See the Oracle Communications application documentation for specific instructions and applicability notes and to determine the level of support for application-specific tools.