Specification Editor Media Tab

Use the Media tab to add a media file, such as a JPG or GIF file, to a specification. When adding media files, you can specify the media type to determine the orientation of the image and how the image is used in the application.

For example, a media file of type front is used to display an entity as a node in a network visualization, as a node in a service topology visualization, and as an equipment (if the equipment is of the type CARD) in an equipment visualization. A media type of right would indicated that the image be used when the right side of the object is displayed. A media of type icon is used when displaying the equipment in a tree view.


UIM uses the media types front and icon only.

Field Use

Media Type

Click to select how the media is to be used in the application. Select:

  • front to represent the front view of the object.

  • back to represent the back view of the object.

  • top to represent the top view of the object.

  • bottom to represent the bottom view of the object.

  • right to represent the right side of the object.

  • left to represent the left side of the object.

  • tiny to use a small version of the object in tree views.

  • icon to use an icon to represent the object.

  • background to represent the background of a visualization display.

Media File

Displays the path of the media file, such as JPG or GIF, which you have added to the specification.


Click to remove a media file.


Click to add a new media file.