Mapping Rule Editor Properties Tab

Use the Properties tab to define the properties for the mapping rule.


See "Mapping Rule Editor" for information about fields that appear on multiple Mapping Rule editor tabs.

Field Use

Provider Function

Click Select to select a provider function from a list of the provider functions defined in your workspace. The provider function that you select here is used in determining the list of relationships that are available to add on the Mapping tab. See "About Provider Functions" for more information about defining provider functions.


Click Select to select a domain from a list of the domains defined in your workspace. The domain that you select here is used in determining the list of relationships that are available to add on the Mapping tab. See "About Domains" for more information about defining domains.

Output Order Item

Click Select to select the order item specification that you wish to use for the result of the transformation. All order item specifications in the workspace are available for selection.

Input Order Item

Click Select to select the order item specification that you wish to use for the source of the transformation. All order item specifications in the workspace are available for selection.

Related Topics

Mapping Rule Editor