About Transformed Order Item Fulfillment State XQuery Expressions

This topic describes how to use the Transformed Order Item Fulfillment State Composition Rule Set editor, Composition Rules tab, Source Order Item subtab, XQuery field to write an expression that defines the conceptual model entities that should be present if the condition is to be evaluated. This field is only available when you have a condition selected in the tree in the tab, and you have selected the Advanced option on the subtab.

  • Context: The input document is the order.

  • Prolog: You can declare $orderItemIndex to access the index of the order item being considered.

  • Body: The body of the XQuery will return a Boolean value indicating whether the current rule should be used to calculate the fulfillment state.

The following example shows an XQuery expression that returns true if a particular order item property has a specific value.

declare variable $orderItemIndex external;
let $orderData := fn:root(.)/GetOrder.Response
let $orderItem := $orderData/_root/ControlData/OrderItem[@index=$orderItemIndex]
    if (fn:exists($orderItem) and fn:data($orderItem/AnyProperties) = 'ABC')
    then fn:true()
    else fn:false()