Referencing Items from a Distributed Order Template in XQuery Expressions

The distributed order template is an option you can set on an order item specification to modify the method used to store order item data. For more general information about the distributed order template, see OSM Modeling Guide.

When using a distributed order template, any XQuery expressions that reference order item data must be in a particular format.

For any order item that is not a transformed order item, you must include the namespace of the order item specification. Following is an example of an XQuery reference to the lineItemID property on the InputOrderItem order item with the namespace


For transformed order items, the format depends on the source of the data for the transformed order item. Data that is defined in the order item specification itself will use the namespace for the order item specification, the same way that data would be referenced for an input order item. Following is an example of an XQuery reference to the lineItemID property on the OutputOrderItem order item with the namespace


Data that has been derived from a common model entity, for example an action, will use a different format. In the following situation:

  • Order item name: OutputOrderItem

  • Order item namespace:

  • Conceptual model entity (in this case an Action) name: SA_Add_Internet

  • Conceptual model cartridge name: Model_Broadband

  • Conceptual model cartridge version:

  • Parameter name on SA_Add_Internet: serviceLevel

The reference would look like this:


Note that the type for the parameters contained in the conceptual model entity has the string "Type" appended to the name of the entity. Thus, the type contains SA_Add_InternetType rather than just SA_Add_Internet.