Order Notification Automation Plug-ins

An order notification automation plug-in can be triggered when specified data changes in the order. For example, you can monitor order status changes using the orchestration data element ControlData/OrderFulfillmentState or individual order item status changes using ControlData/OrderItem/OrderItemFulfillmentState so OSM triggers an internal XQuery sender automation plug-in that sends these status changes to another system, such as from a SOM OSM system to a COM OSM system, or from a COM OSM system to a CRM.

The automation can be any internal XQuery, XSLT, or custom automation since the notification, by definition, can only be triggered by a change in the internal order data. For more information about the characteristics for these automations, see "Automation Plug-in XQuery Examples," "Automation Plug-in XSLT Examples," and "Custom Java Automation Plug-ins."


For an order notification automation plug-in you must declare the OrderDataChangeNotificationContext instead of TaskContext. For example:

declare namespace context = "java:com.mslv.oms.automation.OrderDataChangeNotificationContext";

The following example is an internal XQuery sender that sends any order and order item fulfillment state changes to another OSM system. It also provides stubs for transforming the fulfillment states to external system message formats.

declare namespace osm="urn:com:metasolv:oms:xmlapi:1";
declare namespace log = "java:org.apache.commons.logging.Log";
declare namespace to="http://TechnicalOrder";
declare namespace automator = "java:oracle.communications.ordermanagement.automation.plugin.ScriptSenderContextInvocation";
declare namespace su="http://StatusUpdate";
declare namespace context = "java:com.mslv.oms.automation.OrderDataChangeNotificationContext";
declare namespace outboundMessage = "java:javax.jms.TextMessage";

declare variable $log external;
declare variable $outboundMessage external;

   This function is for indication purposes only.
   OSM Fulfillment State can be mapped according the expectation of Upstream 
declare function local:getUpstreamFulfillmentState($fulfillmentState as xs:string) as xs:string {
    (: fn:concat('Order_Upstream_' , $fulfillmentState) :)
    fn:concat('' , $fulfillmentState)

   This function is for indication purposes only.
   OSM Fulfillment State can be mapped according the expectation of Upstream 
declare function local:getUpstreamOrderItemFulfillmentState($fulfillmentState as xs:string) as xs:string {
    (: fn:concat('OrderItem_Upstream_' , $fulfillmentState) :)
    fn:concat('' , $fulfillmentState)

let $order := ..//osm:GetOrder.Response
let $orderFulfillmentState := $order/osm:_root/osm:ControlData/osm:OrderFulfillmentState
let $mappedUpstreamFulfillmentState := if(exists($orderFulfillmentState)) then local:getUpstreamFulfillmentState($orderFulfillmentState/text()) else ()

log:info($log,'Sending Upstream Fulfillment State'),
outboundMessage:setStringProperty($outboundMessage, "SOMTOMCorrelationHeader", concat($order/osm:_root/osm:messageXmlData/to:TechnicalOrder/to:SOMOrderId/text(),'-SOM')),
if (fn:count($order/osm:_root/osm:ControlData/osm:OrderItem)=0) then (
<StatusUpdate xmlns="http://StatusUpdate">
) else (
<StatusUpdate xmlns="http://StatusUpdate">
    for $orderItem in $order/osm:_root/osm:ControlData/osm:OrderItem
    where exists($orderItem/osm:OrderItemFulfillmentState)