Order Editor Composite Data View Tab

Use the Order editor Composite Data View tab to display all of the data that is available to the order within the context of an OSM solution. The data in the Composite Data View tab is read only. The following table describes the fields on the Order editor Composite Data View tab.


The composite data view may have fewer data nodes than its corresponding order template view. For example, if a particular function is not included in the solution, its /ControlData/Functions/Order_Component_Name structure will not be in the composite data view.

Field Use


Select the solution to display all of the order data associated with the solution.

Order Template

Displays all of the data necessary to fulfill or provision an order within the context of a solution. You cannot modify any data that appears in the Order Template area.

Show Control Data

By default, the check box is selected and all control data is shown. If the default process in the Details tab is an orchestration process, control data elements are created automatically and populated to the Order Template and Task Data areas.

Deselect the check box if you do not want to show control data.


Displays all of the behaviors assigned to each data node. Select a data node in the Order Template area to view the behaviors assigned to the node. You cannot modify any behaviors that appear in the Behaviors area.