Mapping OSM Data to Service Action XML Parameters Using XPath

To map OSM XML data to ASAP or IP Service Activator parameters using an XPath expression:

  1. Open a data schema associated to an OSM project.

    The Data Schema editor is displayed.

  2. Right-click in the parameter area and select Add Structure (CTRL + ALT + S).

    The Create Data Schema Structure dialog box is displayed.

  3. Do the following:

    1. In the Name field, enter a name for the structure. For example, XMLTypeNoChildren.

    2. Click Finish.

      The empty structure is displayed in the Data Schema editor parameter area.

  4. Open an OSM order that you want to associate the structure to.

    The Order editor is displayed.

  5. Right-click in the Order Template area and select Select from Dictionary.

    The Select Data Elements dialog box is displayed.

  6. Select the empty structure.

  7. Click OK.

    The structure is displayed in the Order Template area.

  8. Open an Activation Task that you want to associate the structure to.

    The Activation Task editor is displayed.

  9. In the Request Data tab Task Data area, select Task Data.

  10. Right-click in the Task Data area and select Select from Order Template.

    The Select an Order Template Node dialog box is displayed.

  11. Select the empty structure.

  12. Click OK.

    The structure is displayed in the Task Data area.

  13. In the Service Actions area, right-click and select Add Service Action.

    The Select a Service Action dialog box is displayed.

  14. Select a service action that includes the XML parameter you want to map to the empty OSM structure.

  15. Click OK.

    The service action is displayed in the Service Actions area.

  16. Expand the newly added service action.

    All parameters associated to the service action appear.

  17. From the Task Data area, drag the empty structure to the corresponding service action XML parameter in the Service Action area.

    A check mark appears next to the parameter to indicate that it is mapped to the OSM structure.

  18. Click the service action parameter. Verify the following fields in the Properties tab:

    1. In the Binding Type field, ensure that the XPath expression field is selected.

    2. In the Binding field, ensure that the XPath expression references the OSM structure. For example: osm:XMLTypeNoChildren