Properties View Dictionary Tab

Use the Properties view Dictionary tab to access and edit the information defined for the corresponding data element at the order template level. You can right-click any attribute in the Order Template area and select Open Properties View to access and edit the information defined for the corresponding data element at the order template level. The following table describes the fields on the Properties view Dictionary tab.

Field Use


The system displays the name of the node as defined in the Data Dictionary. The name of the node is not available for edit. You can edit the value in the Display Name field in the Data Schema editor Details subtab to edit the manner in which the element displays in the Task web client.

Display Name

You can associate the display name with a specific language by using the optional language attribute. Only those languages defined appear as options. See "Defining OSM Preferences" for information about defining languages for use in OSM.


Displays the data element type. This field is read only.

Max Length

Specify the maximum number of units of length for a string element type. You must define the maximum length with a non-negative integer.


Select the number of times the global element referenced can appear in an instance document. Select 0 if you want the element to be optional.


Select the maximum number of times the global element referenced can appear. Select unbounded to indicate there is no maximum number of occurrences.


The system displays an XPath expression to define the location of the node in the Data Dictionary.


Identifies the namespace in which this cartridge exists, and identifies the cartridge version within the namespace, if applicable.