
The following table provides information about the acronyms and the terminology used in the document.

Table - Acronyms

Acronym Definition
A-Port ANSI-41 Mobile Number Portability
AAL ATM Adaptation Layer
AAL5 ATM Adaptation Layer 5
AAL5CP ATM Adaptation Layer 5 Common Port
AATM ATM Applique
ACG Automatic Call Gapping
ACO Alarm Cut Off
ADJ DPC Adjacent Destination Point Code
AI Address Indicator
AIN Advanced Intelligent Network
AINF Application Interface Applique
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AP Application Processor
APC Adjacent Point Code
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
AS Application Server; a logical entity serving a specific Routing Key
ASIC Application-Specific Integrated Circuits
ASP Application Server Process
ATI Any Time Interrogation
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
ATMANSI The application software for the ATM (high-speed) SS7 signaling links
ATM HSL Asynchronous Transfer Mode High Speed Link
ATMM ATM Layer Management
AVL Availability Measurements report
AVLD Daily Availability measurements report
AVLDTH Day-to-Hour Availability measurements report
BCSM Basic Call State Model
BIP Board Identification PROM
BITS Building Integrated Timing System
BLM Bulk Load Module
BP Breaker Panels
BSD Berkeley Software Distribution
BSN Backward Sequence Number
CAS Channel Associated Signaling
CCM Command Class Management
CCS Common Channel Signaling
CCS7 Common Channel Signaling System #7
CCS7ITU The application software for the ITU SS7 signaling links
CDPA Called Party Address
CDPN Called Party Number
CGPA Calling Party Address
CE Compliance European
CF Control Frame
CIC Circuit Identification Code
CLLI Common Language Location Identifier
CLU Network Cluster
CM Cluster Management
CNCF Calling Name Conversion Facility
CP Communication Processor
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CRMD Cluster Routing and Management Diversity
CRP Circular Route Prevention
CSL Common Screening List
CSPC Concerned Signaling Point Code Group
CSU Channel Service Unit
DB Database
DCD Data Carrier Detect
DCM Database Communications Module
DIP Dual In-Line Package
DIX Digital/Intel/Xerox de facto standard for Ethernet Media Access Control Type
DN Dialed or Directory Number
DPC Destination Point Code
DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory
DSM Database Services Module
DSU Data Service Unit
DTA Database Transport Access
E5IS EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring Support
E5- MASP E5-based Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processors
E5-MCAP E5-based Maintenance Communication Application Processor
E5-MDAL E5-based Maintenance Disk and Alarm
E5-TDM E5-based Terminal Disk Module
EBDA Enhanced Bulk Download and Audit
EDR Efficient Data Representation
EF Extension Frame
EGTT Enhanced Global Title Translation
EIA Electronic Industries Association
EIR Equipment Identity Register
ELAP EAGLE LNP Application Processor
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
EMP EAGLE Monitoring Protocol
EMSALM Element Management System Alarm Monitor
ENET Ethernet
EOAM Enhanced Operations, Administration, and Maintenance
EOAP Enhanced OSS Application Process
EPAP EAGLE Provisioning Application Processor
EPM Embedded Processor Module
ESP Extended Services Platform
FAK Feature Access Key
FAP Fuse and Alarm Panel
FAS Frame Alignment Signal
FISU Fill In Signal Unit
FPBA Frame Power Budget Alarm
FPCR Full Point Code Routing
FPT Frame Power Threshold
FSN Forward Sequence Number
FTA File Transfer Area
FTP File Transfer Protocol
FTRA FTP-based Table Retrieve Application
GDB GSM Real-Time Database
G-Flex GSM Flexible Numbering
G-Port GSM Mobile Number Portability
GLS Generic Loading Service
GMSC Gateway MSC
GPL Generic Program Load
GPSM General Purpose Service Module
GSL Generic Software Load
GSM Global System for Mobile Communications
GTA Global Title Address
GTI Global Title Indicator
GTT Global Title Translation
GTWY Gateway Administration measurements report
GWS Gateway Screening
GWSA Gateway Screening Application
GWSM Gateway Screening Messages
HDB3 High Density Bipolar 3 encoding
HIPR High Speed IMT Packet Router
HLR Home Location Register
HOMERN Home Network Routing Number Prefix
HMUX High-Speed Multiplexer
HRN Home Routing Number
HSL High-Speed Links
HVAC Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
IAM Initial Address Message
IC Integrated Circuit
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
ID Identity
IDP Initial Detection Point
IEC International Escape Code
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IGM IS41 GSM Migration
IGTTLS Intermediate Global Title Translation Load Sharing
IL Incremental loading
ILA Integrated LIM Applique
IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identifier
IMF Integrated Message Feeder
IMSI International Mobile Station Identifier
IMT Inter-processor Message Transport
IN Intelligent Network
INAP Intelligent Network Application Part
INET Internet
INH Inhibit
INP INAP-based Number Portability
INSL In-Network Subscriber List
IP Internet Protocol
IPGWI An ITU version of SS7IPGW
IPGWx Point to multi-point IP Transport GPL, referring to SS7IPGW (ANSI) and IPGWI (ITU)
IPLIM Internet Protocol Link Interface Module
IPLIMI The application software used by the DCM card for TCP/IP point-to-point connectivity for ITU point codes.
IPLIMx Point to point IP Transport GPL, referring to IPLIMI (ITU)
IPMX IMT Power and Multiplexer
IPS Internet Protocol Services
IS-41 Interim Standard 41, same as and interchangeable with ANSI-41
IS-ANR In Service - Abnormal
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
IS-NR In Service - Normal
ITU International Telecommunications Union
ITUDUPPC ITU National Duplicate Point Code
JIP Jurisdiction Indicator Parameter
LAN Local Area Network
LB Load Balancing
LBP Loop Back Point
LC Logical channel
LED Light Emitting Diode
LFS Link Fault Sectionalization
LNP Local Number Portability
LNPMR LNP Message Relay
LNPQS LNP Query Service
LNP SMS LNP Short Message Service
LPE Logical Processing Element
LPO Link Processor Outage
LRN Location Routing Number
LS Link Set
LSA Link Status Alignment
LSB Least Significant Bit (bit 1)
LSL Low-Speed Link
LSMS Local Service Management System
LSN Link Set Name
LSO Link Status out of Service
LSPE Link Status Proving Emergency
LSPN Link Status Proving Normal
LSR Link Status Ready
LSSU Link Status Signal Unit
M2PA SS7 MTP2-User Peer-to-Peer Adaptation Layer
M3UA SS7 MTP3-User Adaptation Layer
MAAL Management ATM Adaptation Layer
MAP Mobile Application Part
MAS Maintenance and Administration Subsystem
MAPSCRN GSM MAP Screening measurements report
MCAP MAS Communication Application Processor Card
MCC Mobile Country Code
MCM Maintenance Communication Module
MCP Measurement Collection Processor
MCPM Measurement Collection and Polling Module
MDAL Maintenance Disk and Alarm (card)
MDN Mobile Dialed Number
MGT Mobile Global Title
MGTT Modified Global Title Translation
MF Miscellaneous Frame
MFC Message Flow Control
MIM Multi-Channel Interface Module
MIN Mobile Identification Number
MIS Maintenance Interface System
MLPRST MTP Low Priority Route Set
MNP Mobile Number Portability
MNP SMS Portability Check for Mobile Originated SMS
MNP-SRF Signaling Relay Function for support of Mobile Number Portability
MOBR Origin-based MTP Routing feature
MPC Multiple Point Code feature
MPL Multi-port LIM
MPS Multi-Purpose Server
MR Message Relay
MRN Mated Relay Node
MRN Message Reference Number
MS Mobile Station
MSB Most Significant Bit
MSC Mobile Switching Center
MSAR Memory space accounting reporting
MSISDN Mobile Station ISDN Number or Mobile Switching ISDN Number
MSRN Mobile Station Roaming Number
MSU Message Signal Unit
MTCD Maintenance Daily measurements report
MTCDTH Maintenance Day-to-Hour measurements report
MTCH Maintenance Hourly (marginal) measurements report
MTCS Maintenance Status (link/link set) measurements report
MTP Message Transfer Part
MTP2 Message Transfer Part, Level 2
NAI Nature of Address Indicator
NCAI Nested Cluster Allowed Indicator
NCR Nested Cluster Routing
NEBS Network Equipment Building System
NEC National Escape Code
NFAS Non-Frame Alignment Signal
NI Network Indicator
NIC Network Information Center
NID Network Identification
NM Network Management
NP Number Plan
NPA Numbering Plan Area
NPAC Number Portability Administration Center
NPANXX Numbering Plan Area and Exchange
NRT Network Routing
NSAP Network Service Access Point
NSE Network Security Enhancement
NSFI Next Screening Function Indicator
NSP Network Services Part
NSPC New Secondary Point Code
OAM Operations, Administration, and Maintenance
OAP Operation System Support Application Processor
OAMP Operations, Administration and Maintenance Part
OBSR Origin-based SCCP Routing feature
OCU Office Channel Unit
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OOS-MA Out of Service - Memory Administration
OOS-MT Out of Service - Maintenance
OOS-MT-DSBLD Out of Service - Maintenance Disabled
OPC Origination Point Code
OPCODE Operation Code
OPNAME Operation Name
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
OSS Operations Systems Support
PC Point Code
PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect
PCR Preventive Cyclic Retransmission
PCS Personal Communications Service (North American GSM)
PDBA Provisioning Database Application
PDBI Provisioning Database Interface
PDN Packet Data Network
PDS Persistent Device States
PLL Phase Lock Loop
PLNPQS LNPQS support provided for PLNP
PPSMS Prepaid Short Message Service Intercept
PROM Programmable Read-Only Memory
PSEL Presentation Selector
PST Primary State for Maintenance
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
PVC Permanent Virtual Circuit
PVN Private Virtual Network
Q3 Q.3 Protocol
RAM Random Access Memory
RBASE Record Base measurements report
RC Relative Cost
RI Routing Indicator
RFC Request for Comments
RMA Return Material Authorization
RMC Remote Maintenance Center
RMTP Reliable Multicast Transport Protocol
RN Routing Number
RTDB DSM Real-time database
RTT Round Trip Time
SAAL Signaling ATM Adaptation Layer
SAPC Secondary Adjacent Point Code
SCCP Signaling Connection Control Part
SCM System Configuration Manager
SCMG SCCP Management
SCP Service Control Point
SCRSET Screen Set
SCSI Small Computer System Interface
SCTP Stream Control Transmission Protocol
SE-HSL Synchronous E1 High Speed Link
SEAS Signaling Engineering and Administration System
SFAPP Stateful Applications
SI Status Indicator
SIB Status Indication “Busy”
SIE Status Indication “Emergency” Alignment
SIN Status Indication “Normal Alignment”
SIO Service Information Octet
SIO Status Indication “Out of Alignment”
SIOS Status Indication “Out of Service”
SK Service Key
SKTS Service Key/TeleService List
SLIC Service and Link Interface Card
SLK Signaling Link
SLS Signaling Link Selection
SLSCI Signaling Link Conversion Indicator
SLTA Signaling Link Test Acknowledgement
SLTM Signaling Link Test Message
SMS Short Message Service
SMSC Short Message Service Center
SMSMR Prepaid Short Message Service
SNAI Service Nature of Address Indicator
SNM Signaling Network Management
SNR Subsystem Normal Routing
SOR Support for Optimal Routing
SORP Socket Option Registration Primitive
SPC Secondary Point Code Signaling Point Code
SRF Signaling Relay Function
SRI Send Routing Information
SRVSEL Service Selector
SS7 Signaling System #7
SS7ANSI The application software for the ANSI SS7 signaling links
SSA Subsystem Allowed (An SCCP management message)
SSEL Session Selector
SSN SS7 Subsystem Number
SSP Service Switching Point
SSU Status Signal Unit
ST Stop Digit—BCD value 15 (0xF)—used to indicate the end of dialing in some applications
STC Signaling Transport Card
STP Signal Transfer Point
STPLAN The application software for the STPLAN feature
SUA SS7 SCCP-User Adaptation Layer
SVC Switched Virtual Circuit
TALI Transport Adapter Layer Interface
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TCAP Transaction Capabilities Application Part
TCXO Temperature-Compensated Oscillator
TDM Terminal Disk Module
TFA Transfer Allowed
TFC Transfer Congested (traffic)
TFP Transfer Prohibited
TFR Transfer Restricted
TLNP Triggerless LNP
TOCA Timing Output Composite Clock Automatic
TOS Type of Service
TPS Transactions Per Second
TRA Traffic Restarting Allowed
TRBL Trouble
TRW Traffic Restarting Waiting
TSC Time Slot Counter Synchronization
TSM Translation Services Module
TT Translation Type
TUP Telephone User Part
TV Ticket Voucher
UA IETF User Adaptation Layers
UAM Unsolicited Alarm Message
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver - Transmit
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UDTS Unit Data Transfer Service
UI User Interface
UIM Unsolicited Informational Message
UPD Update
VGTT Variable Length GTT
VLR Visitor Location Register
VMSC Voice Mail Service Center Visited Mobile Switching Center
VSCCP VxWorks Signaling Connection Control Part
WNP Wireless Number Portability
WNPQS Wireless Number Portability Query Service
X.25 DE X.25 Destination Entity
XGTT Expanded GTT (GTT Table Expansion)
XMAP Expanded MAP TablePreviousNext