Deny Patterns in Route Parameter Syntax

The Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker (OECB) allows you to configure routes that refine the routing engine's behavior, based on the called and calling number. Such configuration prevents the routing engine from using that route entry as a member of the applicable route sets.

You configure this behavior by creating a route that prepends the called and calling numbers with an exclamation point (!). Configure the digits following the exclamation point as the first digits in the string, not the entire string. The following table shows an example of a route entry using a deny pattern.

Source Agent Calling Number Destination Agent Called Number Route Cost Policy
Agent_1 !123 * * Agent_2 0

In the preceding route example, traffic that includes a calling number starting with the digits 123 does not match this route. The OECB does not use this route in any applicable route set.

You can also configure both calling and called numbers with the deny format to establish an "and" condition to the route.

Source Agent Calling Number Destination Agent Called Number Route Cost Policy
Agent_1 !123 * !456 Agent_2 0

In the preceding route example, traffic that includes a calling number starting with the digits 123 and a called number starting with the digits 456 does not match this route.

Conversely, the "and" condition allows the following traffic originating from Agent_1 by way of Agent_2 to match this route:

  • From any calling number that does not start with the digits 123 to any called number.
  • From any calling number that starts with the digits 123 to any called number other than one that starts with 456.
  • To any called number that does not start with the digits 456.
  • To any called number that starts with the digits 456 from any called number other than one that starts with 123.