LDAP Configuration Options

The Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker provides options for LDAP configuration. These options provide the user with the flexibility to implement lookup precedence and preference on a per-agent and global basis.

An overall LDAP configuration on the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker can include the following types of configurations.

  • LDAP Config—A configuration that reaches one or multiple LDAP servers that refer to the same search base, use the same credentials, and typically service the same domain. The user can apply these configuration to agents.
  • Global Config—A special LDAP configuration that the system uses as a default LDAP Config. When enabled, the system uses this LDAP Config for agents that are not configured with an LDAP Config or LDAP Group. The user cannot rename or delete the Global Config.
  • LDAP Group—Multiple LDAP configs grouped together that allow the user to refine LDAP lookups across disparate LDAP domains.

The Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker's operational precedence for using your LDAP configuration on a per call basis is as follows:

  1. If the applicable agent has an LDAP group applied, calls from that agent use the group configuration.
  2. If the applicable agent does not have an LDAP group configuration, but does have an LDAP Config applied, calls from that agent use the LDAP Config.
  3. If the call arrives on an agent without any LDAP configuration, calls from that agent use the Global LDAP configuration.

The Global LDAP configuration is disabled by default. This, in conjunction with the absence of any LDAP Configs, excludes the use of LDAP.