Log On to the Web GUI

You can log on to the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker (OECB) as a User or an as Administrator, depending on your permissions.

You need your User name, Password, and optionally your Passcode to log on. The system requires your passcode when two factor authentication is enabled. If your system Administrator configured the optional log on page message, the system displays the message after you enter your log on credentials. After reading the message, click Close, and the system displays the GUI. The first time you log on, the GUI displays the Configuration Assistant.

  1. On a PC, open a supported Internet browser. See "Browser Support" in your software version's Release Notes for the list of supported browsers.
  2. Start the GUI with either the HTTP or HTTPS log on.
    http://<YourSbcManagementInterfaceIpAddress> previously configured.
    https://<YourSbcManagementInterfaceIpAddress> previously configured.


    Whether you log on using HTTP or HTTPS depends on the settings for your deployment.
  3. In the Sign In dialog, enter your OECB credentials.
    This screen capture shows the Web GUI log on dialog
  4. If your OECB requires two-factor authentication, do the following:
    1. In the log on dialog, enter your passcode.
    2. In the Confirm dialog, acknowledge the Last Login information. Yes—allows you to login. No—ends the session.
  5. Click log on.


    If you want to open another Web GUI tab on the same OECB in a new tab in the same browser, you can do so without logging on again.