LST File Format

The LST file format is as follows:

<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
	<subscriber username="alice" aor="" universalNum="1231231234" hash="d9bfe1cac8e7fe6b79da42d03b03b96b"/>	
	<subscriber username="bob" aor="" universalNum="1231232345" hash="af586127536d20f4c6e88a2921780b18"/>	
	<subscriber username="carol" aor="" universalNum="1231233456" hash="b695bc18bef48e2141555e7736bd88ec"/>

The LST file’s elements are explained below.


This is the head element in the XML file. Each file can have only one head element. The following attribute is found in this element:

  • realm—Specifies the name of digest realm.
  • encryption—This indicates whether or not the hash in the XML file is encrypted (MD5). The key for this encryption will be a preshared key and is configurable in the local subscriber table configuration element with the secret parameter.
  • secret—Included if encryption is used, this is the encrypted secret.


This element has the subscriber information. And has the following 5 attributes:

  • username—The value given in the username attribute must be same as the username that will be sent in the Authorization header in the request message from the users. Refer RFC 2617 Http Authentication for details.
  • aor—The aor attribute is optional to specify the address of record for the subscriber if it is different than the username.
  • universalNum—The universalNum attribute is optional to specify the universal number (E.164) for the subscriber.
  • hash—The hash provided in the XML must be an MD5 hash of the username, digest-realm and the password of the user. This is same as the H(A1) described in RFC 2617.

    hash = md5(username:digest-realm:password)