Service Provisioning

After the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker is operational, network architects and communications service provisioning technicians specify call services using the controls available from the Service Provisioning icons available from the Configuration tab.

System Administration controls, also available from the Configuration tab, specify how to manage the system and are documented in the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker Administrator's Guide.

Service Provisioning Configuration Objects

The following information describes the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker (OECB) Service Provisioning objects.

Configuration Object Description


Add agents.

An agent is usually a SIP-aware device that serves as a transit target and/or source for signaling managed by the OECB. Agents are often specified as next-hops for the purposes of routing.

Indirect agents, OECB route termination points that require further routing to reach an end station are also configured here.

In addition, configuration used to access ENUM servers is performed here.

Dial Plan

Add multiple dialing-contexts and dial-patterns.

Dialing-contexts define the system behavior for calls placed to and from either a corporate of geographic focus.

Dialing-contexts include multiple dial-patterns, which define the normalization required to most effectively manage diverse signaling structures.

Policy Entries

Add policies and define the conditions of their use.

Routing Table

Add service routes.

Route-entries specify paths for signaling traffic, allowing you to specify policy and cost for traffic based on source and/or destination.

User Entries

Users - Add user and other key phone numbers associated with the enterprise. The user database serves as a directory for phone numbers that need communications services.

This database can specify each entry’s source context, which can provide a starting point for processing the logic behind a user’s call treatment. It also can specify each user’s agent, providing a physical location for routing user’s calls.