System File Management

You can manage Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker (OECB) system and configuration files from the Web GUI on the System tab under File Management.

The following table lists and describes the file types that you can manage.

File Type Format Description
Backup Configuration .gz Contains a backup of the OECB software configuration. You can apply this file to restore a previous configuration.
Configuration CSV .csv Contains Comma Separated Value configuration files that you can upload.
Local Route Table (LRT) .xml, .gz Contains the Local Routing Table (LRT) file that you can apply to theOECB. The LRT is an in-memory table that contains IP addresses that the local router recognizes. It calculates the destinations of messages it is responsible for forwarding.
Fraud Protection Table .gz, .gzip, .xml Contains fraud protection files that you can upload, download, delete, or open to modify.
Log Text

Contains Log files with information about the various aspects of the OECB. For example, information logged about the ACLI, SIP, or H323.

Note: Only the Download and Delete functions are applicable to log files on the OECB.

Audit Log Text Contains a list of files that log system events.
Playback Media Any media format valid in an RTP audio stream

Contains call progress playback files. The OECB can use these files in generated media streams.

Note: The media files are raw binary files that contain data for the codec that you want played in the media stream. The OECB plays the data on the first audio flow in the Session Description Protocol (SDP).

Software Image .gz, .bz Contains bootable images.
SPL Plug-in .lua Contains a Session Plug-in Language (SPL) file that you can apply to the OECB to incorporate additional functionality. The SPL file contains a programming language capable of performing various tasks by utilizing APIs and callbacks in the OECB.

The following table lists and describes the file management controls that display in the file type dialog, according to the supported behavior for the file type.

Control Description
Refresh Updates the screen to display the latest data.
Add (Fraud Protection files, only.) Adds a new Fraud Protection file.
Upload Uploads a file from your server or PC to the OECB. The LRT, SPL, and backup configuration upload process provides the option of dynamically applying these files to the OECB.
Download All (Log files, only.) Downloads all Log files from the OECB to your local server or PC (typically to the download directory on your system).
Backup Creates a file that contains a backup of the device software configuration. You can apply this file to restore a previous configuration.
Restore (Backup configuration files, only.) Restores and applies a Backup configuration file to the OECB.
Delete Deletes the file type from the OECB.
Delete All (Log files, only.) Deletes all Log files from the OECB.

Upload a File

You can upload the following file types from your local server or PC to the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker (OECB).


The Log and Audit Log files do not support uploading.
File Type File Format Directory
Backup Configuration .gz /code/bkups
Configuration CSV .csv
Local Subscriber Table (LST) .xml.gz /code/gzConfig
Software image .bz, .tar or no extension specified /code/images
SPL Plug-on (SPL) .lua, .spl /code/spl

The file extension must be applicable to the file type you select. For example, an SPL Plug-in file requires the .lua extension

You can dynamically activate the Local route table and SPL Plug-in during the upload process.

You can immediately restore a backup configuration file after an upload is complete.


You cannot upload log files.
  1. Access File Management: System tab, File Management.
  2. On the File management page, select the type of file you want to upload.
  3. In the Name column, select the file you want to upload.
  4. Click Upload.
  5. In the Upload file dialog, do the following:
    1. Click Browse.
    2. Select the file that you want to upload.
    3. Optional. For the Backup configuration file, select Restore the configuration after upload to apply a previous backed up configuration file immediately to the after the upload is complete.
    4. Optional. For the Local Subscriber Table file type, select Activate the LST file after upload to apply the LST upon upload.
    5. Optional. For the SPL Plug-in file type, select Activate the SPL file after upload to apply the SPL file upon upload.
    6. Click Upload.

Download a File

Use this procedure to download a file from the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker (OECB).

You can download any of the following file types from your local server or PC to the OECB:

  • Backup Configuration
  • CSV File
  • Local Subscriber Table (LRT)
  • Log
  • Software Image
  • SPL Plug-in (SPL)
  1. Access File Management: System tab, File Management.
  2. On the File Management page, select the type of file you want to download from the File type list.
  3. Place your cursor on the row of the file that you want to download.


    For Log file types, you can select multiple log files to download, or place a checkmark in the box to the left of the Name column heading to select all log files to download. When downloading multiple log files, the File Management GUI compresses the files into one .tar file and downloads that file to your local server or PC.
  4. Right-click the selected row, and click Download.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • Click Open With and select the application to open the file.
    • Click Save File to save the file to your local server or PC.
  6. Click OK.
    The system downloads the file to the folder on your local server or PC where your Browser sends all downloads (typically your “Download” folder) or opens (decompresses) the file type on your local server or PC (typically in the “Download” folder).

Delete a File

The following information describes the procedure and conditions for deleting a file from the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker (OECB).

You can delete any of the following file types from your local server or PC to the OECB:

  • Local Subscriber Table (LST)
  • SPL Plug-in (SPL)
  • Backup Configuration


You can select a single or multiple files to delete.
  1. Access File Management: System tab, File Management.
  2. From the File Management list, select the type of file that you want to delete.
  3. Put your cursor in the row of the file you want to delete, and right-click.
    Note: If the GUI does not display a menu upon right-click, use the Delete All control located above the list of files.
  4. Click Delete. The system displays following message.
    Are you sure you want to delete the file?
  5. Click Delete.

Back Up a Configuration File

You can back up a configuration file from the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker (OECB) to your local server or PC. Back up allows you to save configurations that you can restore to the OECB at a later time.

  1. Access File Management: System tab, File Management.
  2. Select a file from the list in the table.
  3. Click Backup.
  4. Click OK.
    The system adds the file to the Backup Configuration table.

Restore a Configuration File

You can restore a backed up configuration file to the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker (OECB).

  1. Access File Management: System tab, File Management.
  2. On the File Management page, select Backup Configuration.
  3. Select a back up, and right-click.


    Restore activates only when you select a back up file.
  4. Click Restore.
    The GUI displays a confirmation dialog.
  5. Click Restore.
    The system downloads the back up file to the OECB. The OECB re-boots and restores the configuration from the back up file.

CSV Configuration File Creation

The Comma Separated Values (CSV) file is a text format file supported by spreadsheet applications. You can import a CSV file into the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker (OECB) that contains its configuration, or you can export the current configuration on the OECB to the CSV file. You can also upload parts of your OECB configuration separately, such as users, dial plans, and routes. You can perform the upload manually or set the system to perform a periodic upload, automatically.

In the CSV file format, each row is defined on its own line and each column is separated by a comma.

You can create your own CSV configuration files, but be aware of the following rules for proper formatting.

  • The OECB ignores empty lines.
  • If an entry contains a comma, enclose it in quotes to prevent it from being treated as a separator.
  • The first non-empty line must be the keyword “object:”, followed by the configuration object name that is being configured (shown below as “sip-interface”).
  • The second non-empty line must state the operation to perform, which can be ADD, MODIFY, or DELETE.
    operation: ADD
  • The third non-empty line must state the parameter name of the object to be configured, and each parameter name must be in its own column. This row defines the “labels” for each column for the subsequent rows. Only the attributes you want defined need to be present. You can specify the parameter names in any order, but the data in subsequent rows must be consistent with the “labels” that you define in this row.
  • The fourth non-empty rows define instances (values) for the configuration object, each instance in its own column. In the following example, the third line defines a new sip-interface with state “enabled”, realm-id “public”, and description “public SIP interface”. These values are based on the “labels” defined in the second row.
    enabled,public,public SIP interface
  • On all subsequent rows, you can define any number of instances.
  • The next row with an “object” keyword selects a new configuration object that is based on the previous object. You continue to input the data for this object according to the rules stated above. The following example shows a “sip-port” object added that is related to the sip-interface object.
  • In the preceding example, “sip-port” is a sub-object of “sip-interface” that creates new sip-ports from the last sip-interface instance (of realm-id “public”).
  • Note that the Description field displays all text as one continuous line, unless you insert line breaks. When you want to insert line breaks in the Description field, for example between sentences that you want displayed on separate lines, do the following:
    • From the GUI, in the Description field of a Configuration object, add Line1 to the end of the line where you want the first break to occur. Add Line2 to the end of the next line where you want a break to occur, and so on.
    • In a CSV configuration file, add \010Line1 to the end of the line where you want the first break to occur. Add \010Line2 to the end of the next line where you want a break to occur, and so on.


After you create the initial CSV configuration file, you can set the OECB to automatically upload updated versions of the file. See "Automatically Upload Updated CSV Configuration Files" and "Configure Automatic CSV File Uploads."


  • Files are written to the volatile directory of the file system on the system. For the Acme Packet 4500, this is the “/ramdrv/” directory. For the appliance and virtual machines, it is the “/var/” directory.
  • Import and export occurs to and from the editing configuration.
  • All error messages are printed to the screen, where the command was issued. Line numbers are provided with the error when possible.
  • Objects and attributes cannot be set to instances (values) that are not allowed. For example, you cannot set an IP address to "enabled". Parsing continues normally after this error.
  • If an object cannot be written (i.e. key field is missing), then that object is discarded and parsing continues as normal.
  • The import is additive. Each object that is imported is expected to be new to the configuration. If there is already an object with the same key present, it generates an error 409 and is discarded. Parsing continues as normal after the error.

Create a CSV Configuration File

You can create a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file of the agents, dial plan, users, and routing configurations to make maintaining and updating such information easier. After you create the file, you upload it to the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker (OECB).

In the CSV file format, each row is defined on its own line and each column is separated by a comma. When preparing the CSV file, you must specify each object and operation that you want the OECB to act on. For each object in the .csv file, the first three lines of the file format include the following information:
  • object—Specify the object you want the OECB to act on. Valid values: Agents, Dial Plan, Users, and Routing.
  • operation—Specify the operation to perform. Valid values: ADD, MODIFY, or DELETE. If you do not specify an operation, the system defaults to ADD-MODIFY.
  • parameters—A system provided list of all of the parameters for the object. The system can perform the specified operation on any of the parameters listed.
To create a CSV file that contains system configuration, do the following:
  1. Open an application that supports a CSV file.
  2. In the first row, first column, enter “object:” followed by a configuration object you want to import.object:sip-interface
  3. In the second row, enter the operation to perform. operation:ADD.
  4. In the third row, and each in its own column, enter the parameter names of the objects to be configured. state,realm-id,descriptionstate,realm-id,description.
  5. In the fourth row, and each in its own column, enter the instances (values) for the configuration objects.enabled,public,public SIP interface.
  6. In subsequent rows, define additional instances (values), as needed.
  7. In the next empty row, first column, enter another object if needed, related to the first object (sip-interface).object:sip-port.
  8. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for this object.
  9. Save the file as a .csv.
  10. Upload the configuration file using the upload button from the applicable dialog. (For example, upload a .csv file of users from the User database.)
  • After you create the initial CSV configuration file, you can set the OECB to automatically upload updated versions of the file. See "Automatically Upload Updated CSV Configuration Files" and "Configure Automatic CSV File Uploads."

Automatically Upload Updated CSV Configuration Files

When you want to automatically update selected configuration objects on the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker (OECB), you can enable the system to periodically check for updates and automatically upload the CSV configuration file. Within the CSV file, you can specify the operation that you want the OECB to perform upon upload, such as add, modify, and delete data. The supported configuration objects include Agents, Dial Plan, Users, and Routing.

When enabled, the OECB checks /code/csv every two minutes for a new file and uploads it to the OECB. (The time interval is not configurable.)

When preparing the CSV file for upload, you specify each object and operation that you want the OECB to act on.

For each object in the CSV file, the first three lines of the file format include the following information:
  • object—Specify the object you want the OECB to act on. Valid values: Agents, Dial Plan, Users, and Routing.
  • operation—Specify the operation to perform. Valid values: ADD, MODIFY, or DELETE. If you do not specify an operation, the system defaults to ADD-MODIFY.
  • parameters—A system provided list of all of the parameters for the object. The system can perform the specified operation on any of the parameters listed.

The following example shows the first three lines of the CSV file format:

In the fourth line, you begin listing the parameter data to ADD, MODIFY, or DELETE. For example:,555[2000-3999],APAC,Server,

The OECB uses only one CSV file at a time as the source file, but the file can contain multiple objects and multiple operations. The following example shows a CSV file with multiple objects, operations, and parameter data:


Name, geographic location, description, country code, outside line prefix, Dial patterns, remove prefix, pattern, description, country code, replacement prefix, replacement uri, go to context

Name, description, name, contains codecs, codec condition, time condition, next hop compare condition, contains codecs, missing codecs, name, days, start time, end time, name, next hop compare mode, name, routing mode, name redirect to agent, hairpin signaling, name, egress number translation mode, number of digits for n digit dialing, prepend calls on egress, name, ignore constraints, name, header name, dialing ccontext, result store, new value, name, display name
<policy name>, next hop compare condition, time condition



The OECB also supports the older CSV file format that does not provide the add, modify, delete, and automatic upload operations.

When the OECB discovers a new CSV configuration file in /code/csv, it creates a log message and a temporary copy of the existing file before uploading the new file. Upon successful upload, the system creates an audit entry, deletes the temporary file, and moves the original file to an archive folder in the same location you specified for the source CSV file. The OECB retains the last 10 successfully uploaded CSV files.

Should an error occur during the upload, the OECB creates a message in the error log, moves the file to an error folder, generates a trap ( SAVE_CSV_CONFIG_FAIL_TRAP), and raises an alarm in the Alarms dialog on the GUI. (Under Notifications.) The log notes errors for improperly formatted files and inaccessible files. The OECB puts the error log in the same location as the CSV file (/code/csv). The OECB retains the last 10 unsuccessfully uploaded CSV files.


The OECB does not allow you to manually launch an upload during the automatic upload operation, and the system does not provide a way to queue a manual upload to launch when the automatic upload finishes. You must wait until the automatic upload finishes to launch a manual upload.

To enable automatic CSV file uploads, you enable the service in system config. See "Configure Automatic CSV Configuration File Uploads."

Enable Automatic CSV Configuration File Uploads

When you want the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker (OECB) to automatically update the .csv configuration file, you must enable the service.

  • Prepare the .csv file for upload with any additions, modifications, or deletions.
  1. Access the System Config configuration object.
    Configuration tab, System Adminstration section, General Settings, System Config.
  2. On the System Config page, enable CSV Upload.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Save the configuration.