Platform Support for Enterprise

FIPS-compliant cryptography is available on the following Enterprise platforms:
  • Acme Packet 1100 (140-2 level 1)
  • Acme Packet 3900 (140-2 level 1)
  • Acme Packet 4600 (140-2 level 1)
  • Acme Packet 6300 (140-2 level 1)
  • Acme Packet 6350 (140-2 level 1)
  • VME (140-2 level 1)


All FIPS compliant Acme Packet platforms are shipped with the USB interface intentionally covered and inaccessible. This is to prevent users from unintentionally using the USB interface to boot a non-FIPS compliant image and getting locked out of the system.