Exporting Information to a Text File

Monitor and Trace allows you to export information to a text file from the Sessions, Registrations, Subscriptions and Notable Events Reports, as well as from a specific ladder diagram, or from a page containing the results of a search. The system exports data to a file that you can open and view as required.

You can export any of the following:

  • All information from each report
  • Information from a specific record only
  • Information from a search result
  • Information from a Ladder Diagram

The following list identifies the buttons to use to export specific information from Monitor and Trace. All the export buttons in the GUI export to text files.

Export Report Information to a Text File

To export information from a Monitor and Trac report to a text file:


The GUI exports Ladder Diagrams as HTML files.
  1. From the Web GUI, click the Monitor and Trace tab.
  2. On the Monitor and Trace page, select a report type. For example, Subscriptions.
  3. On the report Summary page, select a report from the list, and do one of the following:
    • Click Export session details.
    • Click Export summary.
  4. In the SessionDetails.txt or SummaryExport.txt dialog, do one of the following:
    • Click Open with, and select the application with which to open the resulting text file.
    • Click Save file to save the text file to your local PC.
  5. Click OK to export the report information.