Behavioral Changes

The following information documents the behavioral changes to the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (E-SBC) in this software release.


TLS1.0 is no longer advertised by default during session negotiation when the tls-version parameter is set to compatibility. To advertise TLS1.0 during session negotiation, navigate to the security-config element and set the options parameter to +sslmin=tls1.0. Note that the current default is TLSv1.2.

ORACLE(security-config)# options +sslmin=tls1.0

Licensing IPSec / TLS / SRTP / IMS-AKA on vSBC

For new configurations on virtual platforms, you must enter a license key that enables certain encryption-oriented features before setting entitlements. See: Encryption for Virtual SBC for more information.

VNF Licensing

The S-Cz8.3.0 release reverts to the pre-S-Cz8.1.0 behavior where VNF once again requires a license key. (The S-Cz8.1.0 release did not require a license key for VNF.)

HMR Regex Matching Changes

The PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expression) engine was updated in 8.1 and consequently the match-value value of \, is no longer valid. In previous releases, the PCRE engine used \, to match any character, including a NUL character. The newer PCRE engine does not support \,.

Separate from the PCRE, the SBC supports the non-standard \,+ to match one or more characters, including NUL characters. If your HMR rule for 8.0 or earlier depends on \, (for example, \,*), use either the standard .* to match any character zero or more times, excluding NUL characters, or use \,+ to match any character, including NUL characters, one or more times.

Voltage Monitoring

Starting in S-Cz8.3.0 and later, apEnvMonVoltageStatusValue in the ap-env-monitor.mib file is not supported. Voltage can still be monitored through the ACLI show voltage command.