Known Issues

This table lists the known issues in version S-Cz8.3.0. You can reference known issues by Service Request number and you can identify the issue, any workaround, when the issue was found, and when it was fixed using this table. Issues not carried forward in this table from previous Release Notes are not relevant to this release. You can review delivery information, including defect fixes in this release's Build Notes.

ID Description Severity Found In
31373813 If upgrading TO any of the following releases FROM any prior release and you have IPSEC or IMS-AKA enabled and are configured in an HA configuration, an In-Service upgrade is not supported.
  • S-Cz8.1.0m1p23
  • S-Cz8.1.0m1p24
  • S-Cz830m1p5
  • S-Cz830m1p6
  • S-Cz830m1p7
  • S-Cz830m1p8

    You must upgrade both systems in the HA pair and perform a simultaneous reboot for HA synchronization to work in the above upgrade scenario. This also applies to a downgrade FROM the above releases TO prior releases. For example, if you are running S-CZ8.1.0M1P23 and decide to downgrade to S-Cz8.1.0M1P21, you will need to install the prior version (Cz8.1.0M1P21) on both systems in the HA pair and execute a simultaneous reboot.

    If you are already running one of the above releases and are upgrading between them, this step is unnecessary and in-service upgrades are supported.

3 SCZ830m1p5


When executing a GET ALL procedure using the REST interface, the OCSBC fails over. The GET method does not produce results until the Standby server becomes Active.

Customer Impact: Customer will not be able to get any response(including 200 empty response) from OCSBC when he tries to retrieve configuration of any element using GET method.

3 SCZ830m1p2


When generating HDR reports and SNMP output on resource utilization that includes threads, the OCSBC omits the thread name, leaving the applicable field and OID empty. 3 SCZ810M1P9


The DSP used by the OCSBC has a vendor firmware defect that causes failures with the T.38 codec. If you are using the T.38 codec, you may experience minimal media losses on those calls. This problem may also, however, cause the OCSBC to reboot.

Oracle is acquiring a firmware fix from the DSP vendor.

3 SCZ810m1p9


The OCSBC cannot forward a call that uses a TEL-URI and includes the routing number (rn) parameter. Depending on your routing configuration, the OCSBC may reject these call with a 404 Not Found/No Route to Destination. The OCSBC forwards these portability scenarios properly when they present an R-URI. 1 SCZ740m2p4;810m1p18


The OCSBC stops generating registration refreshes after 12 hours for Surrogate Agents. After a reboot, the OCSBC attends to registration and refreshes correctly using the new Call ID for 12 more hours. 2 ECZ810m1p8


When configured for the minimum TCP disconnect time, the default for network-parameters, the OCSBC takes an unexpectedly long time before attempting to create a socket and connect. When using the defaults to create and connect using the minimum amount of time, this process takes 18 seconds instead of 9. 3


Under high media loads that include AMR/AMR-WB to PCMA transcoding, the 10G port on the Acme Packet 6300 is experiencing packet loss and, therefore media MOS degradation. 2 SCZ810m1p16


When transcoding from T.38 to G711FB, the OCSBC includes mutiple (for example 2) m-lines in the SDP when there are multiple (for example 2) c-lines in the source SDP. This happens even if you have set the fax-single-m-line parameter in the applicable codec-policy to present a single m-line.

Workaround: Configure an ingress HMR to remove all but 1 c-line from the incoming SDP.

3 SCZ740m1p8


Do not use DNS for multiple services on the OCSBC simultaneously. DNS service operates on the OCSBC normally when you configure it for a single purpose. When you configure it for multiple purposes, however, lookups do not complete correctly.

Workaround: An example of this would be configuring DNS for both PCRF and ENUM services. You can mitigate this issue by configuring the local routing table with ENUM lookups.

3 SCZ830p7


On Virtual platforms, the OCSBC is not forwarding traffic transcoded to EVS or Opus codecs if you have configured the applicable policy with a forced ptime of 60ms. 3 SCZ830m1p2


The show interfaces brief command incorrectly shows pri-util-addr information in its output. 3 SCZ740


Running commands with very long output, such as the "show support-info" command, over an OVM virtual console might cause the system to reboot.

Workaround: You must run the "show support-info" command only over SSH.

2 SCZ800
26338219 The packet-trace remote command does not work with IPv6. 2 SCZ740


When operating in HA mode, the E-SBC may display extraneous "Contact ID" output from the show sipd endpoint-ip command. You can safely ignore this output. 3 SCZ800


Media interfaces configured for IPv6, and using different VLANs that operate over different infrastructures, including VoLTE and 3GPP, are not supported. 3 SCZ730


The system does not support SIP-H323 hairpin calls with DTMF tone indication interworking. N/A S-CZ720


The E-SBC stops responding when you configure an H323 stack supporting SIP-H323-SIP calls with the max-calls parameter set to a value that is less than the q931-max-calls parameter.

Workaround: For applicable environments, configure the H323 stack max-calls parameter to a value that is greater than its q931-max-calls parameter.

N/A S-CZ740


The system is not populating the Username AVP in Accounting Requests (ACRs) correctly. When triggered by an INVITE, these AVPs contain only the "@" sign. They do not include the username and domain name portion of the URL. 3 CZ810m1


Telephony fraud protection does not black list calls after a failover.

Workaround: Activate the fraud protection table on the newly active server.

3 E-CZ7.5.0


The E-SBC can incur a system-level service impact while performing a switchover using "notify berpd force" with an LDAP configuration pointing to an unreachable LDAP server.

Workaround: Ensure that the E-SBC can reach the LDAP server before performing switchover.

2 Unknown


Enabling and adding Comm Monitor config for the first time can create a situation where the monitoring traffic (IPFIX packets) does not reach the Enterprise Operations Monitor.

Workaround: Reboot the system.

3 E-CZ7.5.0


When configured with the 10 second QoS update mechanism for OCOM, the E-SBC presents the same codec on both sides of a transcoding call in the monitoring packets.

You can determine the correct codecs from the SDP in the SIP Invite and 200 OK.

3 SCZ8.0.0p1


The 10s QoS interim feature includes the wrong source IP address as the incoming side of a call flow.

The issue does not prevent successful call and QoS monitoring. For monitoring and debugging purposes, you can find the source IP in the SIP messages (INVITE/200OK).

3 SCZ8.0.0p1
26432028 On the Acme Packet 1100, Acme Packet 3900, and VME un-encrypted SRTP-SDES calls result in one-way audio. 3 E-CZ7.5.0


The E-SBC dead peer detection does not work with IPv4. 3 SCZ8.0.0


When configured to perform SRTP-RTP interworking, the E-SBC might forward SRTP information in the SDP body of packets on the core side, causing the calls to terminate.

Workaround: Add an appropriately configured media-sec-policy on the RTP side of the call flow. This policy is in addition to the policy on the SRTP side of the call flow.

3 SCZ8.0.0p1
28539190 When operating as a VNF and using Mellanox interface cards, the OCSBC does not use the Host In Path (HIP) configuration to restrict management traffic, Instead the system allows any traffic over the interface. 3 SCZ820
28617865 This version of the OCSBC only is not supported as a VNF over VMware using Mellanox interface cards. 3 SCZ820
28639227 When operating as a VNF and using Mellanox interface cards, the OCSBC does not support SCTP transport. 3 SCZ820
28658810 When operating as a VNF and using Mellanox interface cards, the OCSBC does not support any other type of card for media interfaces. (If any media interface uses a Mellanox card, all media interfaces must use a Mellanox card.) 3 SCZ820
28748784 When operating as a VNF and using Mellanox interface cards, the OCSBC does not support outbound ICMP. 3 SCZ820
28906914 For transcoding use cases, the G711/G729 codec pair might experience unstable performance when each DSP has greater than 500 transcoding sessions. 3 SCZ820
28770472 ACLI Users will receive an error on the output of the show registration sipd by-user command. 4 SCZ820
29170419 In long call scenarios, the SBC is not sending the expected refresh before the Session-Expires: header value time is up for SUBSCRIBE messages. 2 SCZ820
29546194 The SBC is unable to maintain 400 or more TSM/DTLS tunnels. 2 SCZ830

Resolved Known Issues

The following table provides a list of previous Known Issues that are now resolved.
ID Description Severity Found In Fixed In


When setting up a SIPREC session, the SBC sets up 1-way audio if the far end offers an odd port number in the m line. 2 SCZ800 SCZ830m1p8


The OCSBC uses a Diffie Hellman algorithm that conflicts with that of the 10.4 Solaris SFTP server. As a result, both CDR and HDR transfers to these servers fail.

Do not use the Solaris 10.4 SFTP server with the OCSBC.

1 SCZ830p7 SCZ830m1p5


When executing a GET ALL procedure using the REST interface, the OCSBC fails over. The GET method does not produce results until the Standby server becomes Active.

Customer Impact: Customer will not be able to get any response(including 200 empty response) from OCSBC when he tries to retrieve configuration of any element using GET method.

3 SCZ830m1p2 SCZ830m1p5

29931732, 31089996

The embedded communications monitor probe does not send IPv6 traffic to the Oracle Communications Operations Monitor's mediation engine. 3 SCZ800 SCZ830m1p9
31039820 When mid-call Lawful Intercept is enabled, and the SBC has not started intercepting particular sessions, those sessions will not be replicated on the standby. If a switchover occurs, affected calls could be dropped. 3 SCZ830m1p2 SCZ830m1p9


The SBC does not provide support for P-Acme-Playback header when 'direction=both'. 3 SCZ830 SCZ830m1p9
30375697 Infrequently during race conditions, the number of SIP registration entries on the active and standby SBCs differs, with the standby SBC containing less entries. When this happens and a failover occurs, some endpoints are unable to receive calls until the endpoint re-registers. Increase Journal index size and optimize the Journal management code to avoid this. 2 S-Cz8.1.0m1p18 S-Cz8.1.0m1p18b
30544663 When a session add action is executed and the session is not found in the sipProxy, a new Sip Session and two Sip Dialogs are created and cross referenced and the buffer from the active is loaded. If the load fails, the update function exits and the SipSession and SipDialogs are left dangling and create a memory leak.

Workaround: To avoid this memory leak, successfully load the buffer BEFORE creating the session and dialogs. Monitor the standby SBC's memory usage and reboot as needed.

3 S-Cz8.1.0m1 S-Cz8.1.0m1p18b
30498837 A sipd process crash occurs with a signature containing the following:
ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSt4pairIKSs4SptrI10SipContactEESt10*_Select*1stIS5_ESt4lessIS sE SaIS5_EE11equal_rangeERS1_ (+ 0x67) - sp =
0x7f334938d380, ip = 0x1f1b117
The SBC can leak File Descriptors in cases where there are certain process errors. For example:
[MINOR] (0) Selector::do_select() - epoll_ctl(DEL,
409) failed with errno=9:Bad file descriptor)

This does not trigger proper closure of sockets. This is avoided by closing the socket that was opened and then setting an error identifying exact error code.

2 S-Cz8.1.0m1p18 S-Cz8.1.0m1p18b

The "thread-event" and "thread-usage" HDR categories are displaying incorrectly due to MBCD and SIPD thread names not properly writing into the files and OID output. MBCD and SIPD now properly assign and pass the proper names.

3 S-Cz8.1.0m1p9 S-Cz8.1.0m1p18b

During certain configuration activities, the SBC restarts due to an issue caused by improper configuration steps being processed in the sip-manipulation, header-rules.

The SBC now returns an error message stating "Invalid Selection" instead of failing.

3 S-Cz8.1.0m1p11 S-Cz8.1.0m1p18b

GW unreachable and NetBufCtrl MBUFF errors - This can result in system instability including crash, gw-unreachable and redundancy issues. System will switchover if in HA. Show Buffers output will normally show an increase of errors reported in the NetBufCtrl field due to mbuf’s not being freed.

2 SCZ830 S-Cz830p6
28820258 On VNF platforms, when running TLS Chat on VMware-PV 4core (SSFD) + 16GB, TLS Chat sessions are gradually decreasing. When looking in Wireshark at EXFO, EXFO forwards a wrong TLS MSRP Chat payload to EXFO UAS.

TCP Chat does not have this error.

3 SCZ800 S-CZ830m1p2
For Advanced Media Termination deployments using the 4600, 6300, 6350 platforms, the SBC is generating RTP and RTCP on the ports 20000 and 20001, instead of generating both on the same port 20000. 3 SCZ830 S-CZ830m1p2
29522609 Some calls that are configured to generate ring back tones result in one-way audio. 2 SCZ830 S-CZ830m1p2
29607573 The SBC is unable to successfully initiate a TCP connection to configured Diameter Accounting (Rf) servers. 2 SCZ830 S-CZ830m1p2


When presenting the content type for SPIROU during SIP to SIPI interworking, the SBC is displaying the text base=spirou. Based on relevant standards, it should display base=itu-92+ as the content type. 4 S-CZ830m1 S-CZ830m1p2


When performing SIP to SIPI interworking, the SBC is not including an ISUP REL in the interworked body of its 400 Missing CSeq message when it rejects applicable calls from the SIPI side. 4 S-CZ830m1 S-CZ830m1p2


The OCSBC closes connections when using some SFTP clients, including WinSCP and MOBA, to upload files over 200KB.

Workaround - Use the Linux or Filezilla SFTP client when uploading files greater than 200k.

3 S-CZ830p6 S-CZ830m1p2


Azure does not always properly reset media interfaces after the OCSBC reboots. Instead, Azure sometimes tries to process a non-existent packet as soon as the OCSBC comes back up, resulting in a kernel panic.

Workaround - If you experience a kernel panic after OCSBC reboot, stop and restart the vSBC from the Azure UI.

3 SCZ830 S-CZ830m1p2


The anonymize-invite option for CommMonitor is not RTC. To see a change, you must either reboot or toggle the admin state. The following is a general admin state toggle procedure:
  1. Set admin state to disabled.
  2. Save and activate.
  3. Set admin state to enabled.
  4. Save and activate.
4 CZ810m1 SCZ830
29556215 The SBC does not send SIPREC data to a remote call server. 2 SCZ830 SCZ830p5
29608499 In all documents except for the Release Notes and Installation guide, the printed version of this release (S-Cz8.3.0) is incorrectly displayed as S-Cz8.2.0. 4 SCZ830 SCZ830p3
28539155 When operating as a VNF and using Mellanox interface cards, the OCSBC does not support ICMP over IPv6. 3 SCZ820 SCZ830
28526228 Maximum SRTP capacity on VNF platforms is 25% lower than in the SCZ8.1.0 release. Expected capacity will be restored in a follow up patch. 3 SCZ820 SCZ830


In some early media call flows, the E-SBC may not present the correct address for RTP causing the call to terminate. 3 SCZ800 SCZ820


The system feature provided by the phy-interfaces overload-protection parameter and overload-alarm-threshold sub-element is not functional. Specifically, enabling the protection and setting the thresholds does not result in trap and trap-clear events based on the interface's traffic load.

The applicable ap-smgmt.mib SNMP objects include:

  • apSysMgmtPhyUtilThresholdTrap
  • apSysMgmtPhyUtilThresholdClearTrap
3 SCZ720 SCZ820


When trying to establish a connection between the SBC and your network, while using TLS version 1.2, the SBC may reject the connection.

Workaround: You may need to adjust your cipher list.

3 SCZ810 SCZ810
28062411 Calls that require SIP/PRACK interworking as invoked by the 100rel-interworking option on a SIP interface do not work in pooled transcoding architectures. 2 SCZ740 SCZ820
None The CZ8.1.0 release does not support IPSec on the Acme Packet 3900 and VNF. You must upgrade to CZ8.1.0p1 to get this support. After you upgrade to CZ8.1.0p1, do the following:
  1. Run setup entitlements, again.
  2. Select advanced to enable advanced entitlements, which then provides support for IPSEC on Acme Packet 3900 and VNF systems.
N/A CZ810 CZ820
28305575 On VNFs, the system erroneously displays the IPSEC entitlement under "Keyed (Licensed) Entitlements." The error does not affect any functionality and you do not need to do anything. 4 CZ810 CZ820


When booting CZ8.1.0M1 on any virtual platform, not all system processes start. This known issue only occurs on initial boot, and not in an upgrade scenario.

Workaround: Reboot the E-SBC a second time, after it initially starts.

3 CZ810m1 SCZ820

The cpu-load command does not display the correct value under show-platforms.

3 ECZ8.0.0 SCZ820
If you configured the ims_aka option, you must also configure sip-interfaces with an ims-aka-profile entry. 3 ECZ7.4.0 ECZ7.4.0m1


When running E-CZ8.1.0 over Hyper-V, and you set the process-log level to DEBUG, the system can become unstable or stop responding. The system requires a reboot.

Workaround: Do not enable process-log level DEBUG.

3 ECZ8.1.0 SCZ820


When running ECZ810M1 on the Acme Packet 3900, IPSec functionality is not available. 2 CZ810 SCZ820
The following Known Issues and Caveats have been found not to be present in this release. They are collected here for tracking purposes.
ID Description Found In Fixed In


When running in an HA configuration, the secondary E-SBC might go out of service (OoS) during upgrades, switchovers, and other HA processes while transitioning from the "Becoming Standby" state. Oracle observes such behavior in approximately 25% of these circumstances. You can verify the issue with log.berpd, which can indicate that the media did not synchronize.

Workaround: Reboot the secondary until it successfully reaches the "Standby" state.

N/A The T.140-Baudot Relay is not excluded from supported features with pooled transcoding. N/A N/A


RADIUS stop records for IWF calls may display inaccurate values. N/A N/A