The Configuration Assistant Work Flow

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) Configuration Assistant guides you through the minimum number of steps necessary to make the software operational on the ESBC. Each step requires you to enter information or make a choice based on the configuration template that you choose before beginning the configuration work flow.

While the steps displayed in the work flow may vary from one template to another, the behavior and process for using the Configuration Assistant is consistent. Regardless of the template you choose, the Configuration Assistant informs you of any prerequisites that you need to address and allows you to review the configuration and make changes before you Activate the configuration. Go to and see "Configuration Assistant Templates" to get detailed instructions for each template available.


In the ACLI, the Configuration Assistant work flow uses the word "deployment" to mean "template".
The process for using the Configuration Assistant includes the following steps.

Acquire a Template to Use

You can get templates from the following sources:
  • Included in the software image.
  • Upload a configuration from another ESBC and save it locally.
  • Download the latest Oracle Template Package from Oracle and save it locally. Use this method to get updated templates. Available as a compressed file (template-package.tar.gz), the download overwrites the existing templates and re-populates the Select a PBX Template and SIP Template lists. Using SFTP, save the template package to /code/configAssistantUploads.

Save the acquired template or package locally. You will select it in the Select a Deployment step.

Launch the Configuration Assistant


Running the Configuration Assistant removes all of the configuration on the ESBC, including the High Availability (HA) configuration. You must reconfigure HA after running the Configuration Assistant.

Log on to the ESBC using the ACLI and type run configuration-assistant. The system displays the list of available deployments (templates).

Select a Template or Configuration for Deployment

When the Configuration Assistant prompts you to select a deployment, it displays the list of PBX side templates first followed by the list of SIP Trunk side templates. Select a PBX template and then select the corresponding SIP Trunk template. To select a template, type the number of the template that you want to use and press Enter.

After you select the templates and press Enter, the Configuration Assistant displays any Warnings, Prerequisites, and Recommendations that you might need to address before proceeding.

Configure the Prerequisites

The template you select may require prerequisites to complete before performing the configuration. When the system detects prerequisites that you need to address, the Configuration Assistant lists them. If setting any of the prerequisites requires a reboot, the system displays a confirmation message about the need to reboot. Type y to reboot.

After the reboot the Configuration Assistant re-starts with the most recently selected template and allows you to proceed with the configuration, if all the prerequisites are satisfied. If not, the Configuration Assistant displays the list again and the process repeats.


If you Quit before the reboot, the Configuration Assistant closes. When you open the Configuration Assistant again, in either the current session or a new one, the system displays a reminder to reboot.

Perform the Configuration

The configuration work flow starts after you complete the prerequisites and the system reboots. As you complete each section of the work flow, the Configuration Assistant displays the next section.

A typical work flow begins with configuring the PBX side followed by the SIP Trunk side. You must complete all of the sections for a new configuration. In an existing configuration, you can move through the sections without changing anything to get go to a section that you want to edit.

Review the Configuration

After you complete last step, the Configuration Assistant, displays the Summary page. From the Summary page, you can go back to edit any of the preceding sections. See Configuration Assistant ACLI Navigation Commands.

If you chose CSR as the certificate provisioning type, the Configuration Assistant displays the Certificate Signing Request with the Summary. Copy or download the CSR and send it to the Certificate Authority.

Apply the Configuration

When you are ready to Save and Activate the configuration, type s and press Enter. The Configuration Assistant displays the Epilogue page, which may list actions you need to perform for the PBX side, the SIP Trunk side, or both sides before applying the configuration. After you resolve any outstanding PBX or SIP Trunk actions, the Configuration Assistant displays a confirmation message.
  • First-time configuration (new ESBC)—The Configuration Assistant displays the Apply Confirmation message. Type y, and press Enter. The system applies the configuration and restarts.
  • Previous configuration—The Configuration Assistant displays the Apply Confirmation message. Type y, and press Enter. The system erases the previous configuration, applies the new configuration, and restarts.

Address the Post-Configuration Tasks

  • If you chose CSR as the certificate provisioning type, import the certificate after the system restarts. The name of the certificate-record must be the name of the downloaded file minus the .csr extension. For example, suppose the downloaded CSR file name is TeamsCSR.csr. The name to enter in the certificate-record configuration is TeamsCSR.
  • Optional—If you want to customize your ESBC deployment, you can access more configuration objects from the ACLI navigation tree. (Configuration, Monitor and Trace, Widgets, and System)