Protocol Overview

While the RFC 3711 framework provides encryption and authentication procedures and defines a set of default cryptographic transforms required for RFC compliance, it does not specify a key management protocol to securely derive and exchange cryptographic keys. RFC4568, Session Description Protocol (SDP) Security Description for Media Streams, defines such a protocol specifically designed to exchange cryptographic material using a newly defined SDP crypto attribute. Cryptographic parameters are established with only a single message or in single round-trip exchange using the offer/answer model defined in RFC 3264, An Offer/Answer Model with the Session Description Protocol.

Release S-C6.2.0 provides support for an initial SDP Security Descriptions (SDES) implementation that generates keys used to encrypt SRTP/SRTCP packets. Authentication of packets will be added to a subsequent release.

A sample SDP exchange is shown below:

The SDP offerer sends:

o=sam 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4
s=SRTP Discussion
i=A discussion of Secure RTP
u= (Marge Simpson)
c=IN IP4
t=2873397496 2873404696
m=audio 49170 RTP/SAVP 0
a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80

The SDP answerer replies:

o=sam 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4
s=SRTP Discussion
i=A discussion of Secure RTP
u= (Marge Simpson)
c=IN IP4
t=2873397496 2873404696
m=audio 49170 RTP/SAVP 0
a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80

The media-level SDP attribute, crypto, describes the cryptographic suite, key parameters, and session parameters for the preceding unicast media line. The crypto attribute takes the form:

a=crypto: tag crypto-suite key-parameter [session-parameters]


The tag field contains a decimal number that identifies a specific attribute instance. When an offer contains multiple crypto attributes, the answer uses the tag value to identify the accepted offer.

In the sample offer the tag value is 1.


The crypto-suite field contains the encryption and authentication algorithms.
  • AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80
  • AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32
  • AES_256_CM_HMAC_SHA1_80
  • AEAD_AES_256_GCM

The key-parameter field contains one or more sets of keying material for the selected crypto-suite and it has following format.

"inline:" <key||salt> ["|" lifetime] ["|" MKI ":" length]

inline is a method and specifies that the crypto material to be used by the offerer is transmitted via the SDP.

The key||salt field contains a base64-encoded concatenated master key and salt.

Assuming the offer is accepted, the key || salt provides the crypto material used by the offerer to encrypt SRTP/SRTCP packets, and used by the answerer to decrypt SRTP/SRTCP packets.

Conversely the key || salt contained in the answer to the offer provides the crypto material used by the answerer to encrypt SRTP/SRTCP packets, and used by the offerer to decrypt SRTP/SRTCP packets.

The lifetime field optionally contains the master key lifetime (maximum number of SRTP or SRTCP packets encoded using this master key).

In the sample offer the lifetime value is 1,048, 576 (220) packets.

The MKI:length field optionally contains the Master Key Index (MKI) value and the MKI length.

The MKI is used only when the offer contains multiple keys; it provides a means to differentiate one key from another. The MKI takes the form of an integer, followed by its byte length when included in SRTP/SRTCP packets.

In the sample offer the MKI value is 1 with a length of 4 bytes.

The session-parameters field contains a set of optional parameters that may override SRTP session defaults for the SRTP and SRTCP streams.

UNENCRYPTED_SRTP — SRTP messages are not encrypted

UNENCRYPTED_SRTCP — SRTCP messages are not encrypted

UNAUTHENTICATED_SRTP — SRTP messages are not authenticated

When generating an initial offer, the offerer must ensure that there is at least one crypto attribute for each media stream for which security is desired. Each crypto attribute for a given media stream must contain a unique tag. The ordering of multiple crypto attributes is significant — the most preferred crypto suite is listed first.

Upon receiving the initial offer, the answerer must either accept one of the offered crypto attributes, or reject the offer in its entirety.

When an offered crypto attribute is accepted, the crypto attribute in the answer MUST contain the tag and crypto-suite from the accepted crypto attribute in the offer, and the key(s) the answerer will be using for media sent to the offerer.

The crypto-suite is bidirectional and specifies encryption and authentication algorithms for both ends of the connection. The keys are unidirectional in that one key or key set encrypts and decrypts traffic originated by the offerer, while the other key or key set encrypts and decrypts traffic originated by the answerer. The use of symmetric keying, where the same key is used for both encryption and decryption, mandates the key exchange between the offerer and the answerer.

Key exchange via text-based SDP is unacceptable in that malicious network elements could easily eavesdrop and obtain the plaintext keys, thus compromising the privacy and integrity of the encrypted media stream. Consequently, the SDP exchange must be protected by a security protocol such as IPsec or TLS.