Software Watchdog and Monitoring Timer

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) software provides a watchdog to monitor software threads at regular intervals to help you understand the health of the system and to aid root cause analysis of unsuccessful calls. The software watchdog detects unresponsive threads and responds with a configurable action, such as generating a log file or a core file or rebooting. The software watchdog timer controls the frequency of software watchdog monitoring through an internal algorithm and a configurable interval setting.

The system launches the software watchdog by way of the tHealthCheckd task upon boot up and begins monitoring threads registered to the threadHealthCheckList. Each registered thread periodically updates its health on an interval that you can set with the task_health_check_time option in system-congfig. Note that the tHealthCheckd task monitors only registered applications, and does not monitor any platform tasks.

When a thread returns a health reference count of 0, the system defines the thread as unresponsive. The software watchdog responds with the sw-health-check-action that you set in system-config.

You can exclude threads from monitoring with the sw-health-check-exclude option in system-config.