Configure the Software Watchdog

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) monitors a default set of software worker threads at a default interval, and applies a default action to an unresponsive thread. You can change the defaults by way of Options in system-config. You must reboot the system after configuring any of the options.

  1. Access the system-config configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# system
    ORACLE(system)# system-config
  2. Type select to begin editing the system-config object.
    ORACLE(system-config)# select
  3. Set one or more of the following Options:
    • Set the task_health_check_time option to the preferred interval in seconds. Range: 5-120 seconds. Default: 5 seconds.
      ORACLE(system-config)# option +task-health-check-time=10
    • Set the sw-health-check-action option for the system response that you want when a thread stops responding. Valid values: logonly | logandreboot | logcoreandreboot. Default: logonly.
      ORACLE(system-config)# option +sw-health-check-action=logonly
    • Set sw-health-check-exclude option to exclude one or more threads from monitoring. Valid values: worker threads and specific threads. Default: None. Separate multiple threads with a comma.
      ORACLE(system-config)# option +sw-health-check-exclude="atcpdWorker,sipdWorker"
  4. Type done to save your configuration.
  5. Reboot the system.