Load and Enable an SPL Plug-in

Some SPL plug-ins require manual loading onto the ESBC.

The process to load and enable an SPL includes the following steps.

  1. Upload the SPL to the ESBC. See "Upload an SPL Plug-in."
  2. Add the SPL to the ESBC configuration. See "Add an SPL Plug-in to your Configuration."
  3. In a High Availability (HA) deployment, synchronize the SPL files across the HA pair. See "Synchronize an SPL Plug-in File Across an HA Pair."

Upload an SPL Plug-in

The ESBC comes preloaded with many SPLs. To see the available SPLs already loaded, use the show spl command. To load an Oracle-signed SPL, SFTP the plugin file to the ESBC's /code/spl directory.

Add an SPL Plug-in to the Configuration

You must add an SBC Programming Language (SPL) plug-in file to the spl-config element before the system can execute the plug-in. The system ignores any SPL plug-in that exists in the /code/spl directory that is not included in the spl-config element.

Before You Begin
  • Confirm that you have Superuser permissions

In the following procedure, you add the name of one or more SPL plug-ins to the spl-config configuration element. Note that the system executes SPL plug-ins in the order in which they were configured.

  1. Access the spl-config configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# system
    ORACLE(system)# spl-config
  2. Type plugins , and press Enter. The system prompt changes to let you know that you can begin configuring individual parameters.
    ORACLE(spl-config)# plugins
  3. Type name, a space, and the name of the SPL file.
    ORACLE(spl-plugins)#name UniversalCallId.1.spl
  4. Type done to save your work.
  5. Save and activate the configuration.
Next Steps
  • If your deployment supports a High Availability (HA) pair configuration, see "Synchronize SPL Files Across HA Pairs."

Synchronize SPL Plug-in Files Across an HA Pair

In a High Availability (HA) configuration, both the active and the standby systems require the same version of the SBC Programming Language (SPL) plug-in script.

There is no means to synchronize SPL files automatically during a save and activate after you add SPL files to the configuration. To configure the standby system, execute the synchronize spl ACLI command. Note that the system only executes the synchronize spl command from the active system in a HA pair.

To copy all files in the /code/spl directory from the active system to the same directory on the standby do not include any arguments. Note that this procedure overwrites any existing files on the standby system with the same name.

To copy individual files, add the specific filename as an argument to the synchronize spl command, for example,

ORACLE#synchronize spl MediaPlayback.1.0.spl
ORACLE#synchronize spl LyncEmergencyCall.1.0.spl
ORACLE#synchronize spl SipHeaderExtensionMetadata.1.2.spl
ORACLE#synchronize spl UniversalCallId.1.spl
ORACLE#synchronize spl ComfortNoiseGeneration.1.1.spl 


  • In Superuser mode, type synchronize spl, and press Enter.
ORACLE# synchronize spl