Supported Playback Scenarios

This section lists and provides call flows for playback scenario triggers supported by the ESBC. When more than one trigger applies to a call flow, the ESBC acts on the trigger configuration closest to the playback endpoint.

Supported Playback Scenarios when using Transcoding-based media genearation

These scenarios are defined by the ringback-trigger parameter you configure for session agents, realms, and SIP interfaces:

  • none—The ESBC does not perform local media playback procedures for this configuration. Based on precedence, however, the ESBC may issue playback based on other element configurations. Local media playback follows the precedence session-agent, realm, then sip-interface.
  • disabled— The ESBC does not perform media playback procedures on this flow, regardless of ensuing configurations.
  • 180-no-sdp—The ESBC starts local media playback to the caller when a 180 is received without SDP, and a 18x with SDP has not yet been received. The ESBC stops the playback:
    • On the final response, or
    • When the ESBC receives an UPDATE with SDP from the callee.
  • 180-force—The ESBC starts local media playback to the caller when a 180 is received regardless of whether it includes SDP. The ESBC stops the playback:
    • On the final response, or
    • When the ESBC receives an UPDATE with SDP from the callee.
  • 183—The ESBC starts local media playback to caller when 183 is sent to call originator. The ESBC stops the playback on the final response (either 2xx success or 4xx error). Configure this 183 value on the original INVITE ingress realm/sip-interface/session-agent.
  • refer—The ESBC starts local media playback to the referee when it receives a REFER. This trigger operates only if the ESBC actually terminates and performs the refer operation. If the REFER is via proxy, playback is not a triggered. Playback stops when the refer operation is complete with a final response (200-299 or 400-699). Configure this refer value on the ingress realm/sip-interface/session-agent of the transferred call.
  • 183-and-refer—The ESBC starts local media playback when both 183 and refer triggers are activated.
  • playback-on-header—The ESBC starts or stops playback based on the presence of the P-Acme-Playback header and its definitions.

Playback triggers you configure when using the SPL method differ slightly from the transcoding method, but support the same types of event for triggers. You configure those triggers with SPL options.

Supported Playback Scenarios when using SPL

These scenarios are defined by the SPL options parameters you configure for realms, session agents, and SIP interfaces. For more information about configuring these options, see documentation on the Session Plug-in Language (SPL).

  • playback-on-183-to-originator—Playback enabled upon the receipt of a 183 Session Progress destined for the originator and stops when a either a (200-299 or 400-699) final response is sent.
  • playback-on-183-from-terminator—Playback enabled upon the receipt of a 183 Session Progress response is received from the terminator and stops when a (200-299 or 400-699) final response is received.
  • playback-on-refer—Playback enabled for the caller being transferred when the ESBC receives a REFER message that is locally terminated (i.e., processed on the ESBC on REFER completion).
  • playback-on-header—Starts or stops playback based on the presence of the P-Acme-Playback header and its definitions.


    The ESBC supports a maximum of 100 simultaneous playbacks when configured using the SPL method.