Configure the STI Config

To configure global STIR/SHAKEN configuration parameters on the ESBC, use the sti-config object under session-router.

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ACMEPACKET# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter.
    ACMEPACKET(configure)# session-router
  3. Type sti-configand press Enter.
    ACMEPACKET(session-router)# sti-config
  4. circuit-breaker-window-duration—Specify the time in seconds the system uses to establish the window it uses to establish the circuit breakers timing. The default is 10 seconds.
  5. circuit-breaker-error-threshold —Specify the number of errors the system counts before it marks the server as out of service. The default is 5 seconds.
  6. circuit-breaker-retry-time—Specify the time in seconds the system uses to retry connecting to the server. The default is 15 seconds.
  7. circuit-breaker-half-open-frequency—Specify the number of times the system skips this server while it is marked half open. The default is 6, which causes the system to re-use the server once every 6th retry.
  8. sti-signaling-attest-info-mandatory—Enables the system to require that the received INVITE contain the P-Attestation-Info and/or Attestation-Info header, and the P-Origination-Id and/or Origination-Id header, for the system to send a signing request to STI-AS. When disabled, the system sends a signing request to the STI-AS using either your configured attestation and orig-id values or, if sti-signalling-attest is enabled, using the information from the relevant SIP headers.
    • Disabled (Default)
    • Enabled
  9. anonymous-uri-add-verstat-to-hostpart—Enables the system to place the verstat parameter after the hostpart when the received INVITE does not contain a P-Asserted-Identity header, but does contain a Privacy header and an anonymous URI in the FROM. When enabled, the system adds the verstat parameter after the hostpart of the anonymous From URI. When disabled, the system adds the verstat parameter after the user-part of the anonymous From URI.
    • Disabled (Default)
    • Enabled
  10. flip-tn-lookup-order—Specifies whether the system applies precedence to PAI or FROM headers within incoming out-of-dialog requests when determining how to populate the orig shaken passport claim and to populate the verstat parameter received from STI-VS in outgoing requests.
    • Disabled (Default)—Apply precedence to PAI headers
    • Enabled—Apply precedence to FROM headers
  11. Type done.
  12. Save and activate your configuration.