Extended MSRP Statistics

You can configure the ESBC to display additional protocol statistics on MSRP methods using SNMP and CLI. The ESBC displays MSRP traffic statistics on a per-window, periodic basis (100 seconds), and on a lifetime basis. The ESBC correlates statistics using MSRP method type, including SEND and REPORT, and on a per-realm and system wide basis. You can display these statistics using the ALCI by specifying method and basis. You can also collect these statistics using SNMP walks. You reset MSRP KPI statistics using the reset all, reset mbcd commands.

Extended MSRP statistics are only available on the following physical platforms:

  • Acme Packet 4600
  • Acme Packet 6100
  • Acme Packet 6300
  • Acme Packet 6350

The ESBC uses SIP and SDP to signal MSRP media traffic. MSRP traffic includes:

  • MSRP SEND requests, which present the following methods:
    • CHAT
  • REPORT traffic, which indicate delivery success and failure
  • Transaction response status traffic, which indicate success and failure in response to a request

You can use extended MSRP statistics to segregate MSRP method traffic, track cause values and byte counts on a receive and transmit basis. This allows you to analyze sessions within the context of specific transaction types, across relays, and across MSRP chunks.


Extended MSRP statistics are not implemented for RADIUS, CDR and DIAMETER.

MSRP complexities that extended KPIs can help you analyze include:

  • The session-oriented nature of MSRP requires the use of Message-ID and byte ranges, if present, to correlate traffic.
  • Cause codes can change over the course of a session, based on circumstances across the relay path or the endpoints.
  • SEND requests deliver a complete message or a chunk, which is a portion of a complete message, which can be supported by monitoring byte ranges to correlate components of associated requests.
  • REPORT requests report on the status of a previously sent message, or a range of bytes inside a message.

You enable extended MSRP statistics by enabling the msrp-kpi parameter within the msrp-config.

ORACLE(msrp-config)# msrp-kpi
<enabled/disabled> To enable the MSRP KPI statistics
Default: disabled

When you enable these extended statistics, the ESBC provides additional MSRP statistics commands.

show mbcd msrp
show mbcd msrp realm <identifier>
show mbcd msrp SEND
show mbcd msrp REPORT
show mbcd msrp REPORT failure
show mbcd msrp SEND responses
show mbcd msrp realm <identifier> SEND
show mbcd msrp realm <identifier> REPORT
show mbcd msrp realm <identifier> REPORT failure
show mbcd msrp realm <identifier> SEND responses

See the MSRP Protocol Performance section within the Oracle® Communications Session Border Controller Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide for detail on these commands.

Statistic Calculation Formulas

The ESBC implements MSRP KPI statistics for total, average and rate using these formulas shown below. The examples below use SEND transactions for the average and total statistics, and REPORT failure transactions for rate statistics:

  • System wide:
    • Average calculation - MSRP-AvgSENDTransTx = Sum of all Tx SEND transactions of peer and core/number of MSRP sessions.
    • Total calculation - MSRP-SENDMsgBytesTx = Sum of Message bytes of all Tx SEND transactions of peer and core
    • Rate calculation - MSRP-REPORTFailureRateTx = (sum of all Tx REPORT failure transactions of peer and core / sum of all Tx REPORT success and failure transactions of peer and core) * 100
  • Per Realm:
    • Average calculation - MSRP-AvgSENDTransTx = Sum of all Tx SEND transactions per realm/number of MSRP sessions
    • Total calculation - MSRP-SENDMsgBytesTx = Sum of Message bytes of all Tx SEND transactions per realm
    • Rate calculation - MSRP-REPORTFailureRateTx = (sum of all Tx REPORT failure transactions per realm /sum of all Tx REPORT success and failure transactions per realm) * 100


Extended MSRP KPI statistics are also available via SNMP. These are the same statistics available from the ACLI, and also require configuration. Extended SNMP statistics are realm and system-wide.

Realm—The MSRP KPI realm labels are contained in OID APAPPS-MIB. The apAppsMSRPKPIRealmEntry entry consists of apMSRPKPIRealmName, which is configured in ACLI and apMSRPKPIRealmIndex, which is the object ID of the ACLI config element. Syntax for complete OIDs follow this sequence:

  1. The root label for the MSRP KPI realm Stats SNMP table is APAPPS-MIB:: ApAppsMSRPKPIRealmStatsEntry

    The OID of each realm is the same ID as the configuration object instance. This means the table starts from the config-object ID, not from 0.

  2. Next is the Instance OID (msrp-realm).
  3. Next is the type of stats: recent, high, total, ltotal, lpermax, lhigh.

    The system distinguishes between apMsrpKpiStatsCounterType using the following values:

    • Period window values:
      • recent (1)
      • high (2)
      • total (3)
    • Lifetime window values:
      • ltotal (4)
      • lpermax (5)
      • lhigh (6)
  4. The last label is the type of statistic, including msrp-AvgSENDTransTx, msrp-AvgChatSENDTransTx, and so forth.

SystemWide—The ApAppsMSRPKPISystemStatsEntry entry consists of apMsrpKpiStatsCounterType and apMSRPKPIStatsType. Syntax for complete OIDs follow this sequence:

  1. The root label for the MSRP KPI system Stats SNMP table is APAPPS-MIB:: ApAppsMSRPKPISystemStatsEntry
  2. Next is the type of stats: recent, high, total, ltotal, lpermax, lhigh

    The system distinguishes between apMsrpKpiStatsCounterType using the following values:

    • Period window values:
      • recent (1)
      • high (2)
      • total (3)
    • Lifetime window values:
      • ltotal (4)
      • lpermax (5)
      • lhigh (6)
  3. The last label is the type of statistic, including msrp-AvgSENDTransTx, msrp-AvgChatSENDTransTx, and so forth.

See the Oracle® Communications Session Border Controller MIB Guide for detail on these tables.