Transport Layer Security

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller provides support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) for SIP, which can be used to protect user and network privacy by providing authentication and guaranteeing the integrity for communications between the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller and the following:

  • Another device in your network infrastructure (intra-network)
  • Another Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller when you are using a peering application (inter-network) for interior network signaling security
  • An endpoint for authentication before allowing SIP messaging to take place
TLS sessions with SBC

The ESBC and TLS

Transport Layer Security (TLS) on the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) depends on the presence of the Security Service Module (SSM) for hardware acceleration of encryption and decryption and random media generation. The SSM module is a plug-in that you can add to the ESBC chassis given the installation of the necessary boot loader and minimum hardware revision levels.

With the required hardware revision levels, qualified field personnel can add the plug-in unit to the ESBC onsite. This provision makes upgrades fast, and means that you do not need to return the ESBC to Oracle manufacturing for a hardware upgrade. When you upgrade the ESBC with the SSM card that supports TLS, field personnel will affix a new CLEI code label to the Oracle chassis. The code will also appear on the SSM card (also referred to as the plug-in unit) and is visible when the system’s chassis cover is opened. On a new ESBC provisioned with the SSM card, the code labels are already affixed in all required locations.

With the SSM card installed on the ESBC, TLS support is enabled and the SSM accelerator performs:

  • RSA
  • Diffie-Hellman
  • DES
  • 3DES
  • AES256
  • Random number generation

Supported Encryption

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller supports the following encryption:
  • TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2


Oracle does not support RC4 ciphers.

Diffie-Hellman Key Size

In the context of TLS negotiations on SIP interfaces, the default Diffie-Hellman key size offered by the ESBC is 1024 bits. The key size is set in the diffie-hellman-key-size attribute within the tls-global configuration element.

While the key size can be increased, setting the key size to 2048 bits significantly decreases performance.

Suite B and Cipher List Support

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) supports full control of selecting the ciphers that you want to use for Transport Layer Security (TLS). The system defaults to DEFAULT for the Cipher List parameter in the TLS Profile configuration. Oracle recommends that you delete ALL and add only the particular ciphers that you want, choosing the most secure ciphers for your deployment.

To support Suite B, the ESBC certificate-record configuration includes the following parameters:
  • Key Algor—Public key algorithm. Supports RSA and ECDSA. Default: RSA Security. You must select ECDSA to support suite B.
  • ECDSA Key Size—ECDSA key size. Supports p256 and p384.

Configure the list of ciphers that you want to use from the cipher-list element in the tls-profile configuration. Press Tab to display the list of supported ciphers. One-by-one, you can add as many ciphers as your deployment requires.

TLS Ciphers

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) supports TLS v1, TLSv1.1, and TLSv1.2 ciphers.

The tls-profile object contains the cipher list parameter, and the tlsCipherList command displays the list of ciphers that you may specify. For a complete list of supported ciphers, see the Oracle Enterprise Session Border Controller Release Notes.

Minimum Advertised SSL/TLS Version

The sslmin option sets the minimum allowed TLS version. Use this option to mitigate the use of older, more vulnerable versions of TLS.

When the tls-version parameter is set to compatibility within a tls-profile configuration element, the sslmin option specifies the lowest TLS version allowed. By default, when tls-version is set to compatibility, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller advertises only TLS1.1 and TLS1.2. To advertise TLS1.0 as well, set sslmin to tls1.0.

In security-config, the sslmin option values can be: tls1.0, tls1.1 or tls1.2.

Minimum Advertised SSL/TLS Version Configuration

Configure the option sslmin to at least tls1.0 for security purposes.

  1. Access the security-config configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# security
    ORACLE(security)# security-config
  2. Select the security-config object to edit.
  3. options—Set the options parameter by typing options, a space, a plus sign, the option name sslmin= and then one of the valid values. Valid values are:
    • tls1.0
    • tls1.1
    • tls1.2
    ORACLE(security-config)#options +sslmin=tls1.2
  4. Type done to save your configuration.

Signaling Support

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller ’s TLS functionality supports SIP and SIPS. In addition, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller can accommodate a mixture of TLS and non-TLS sessions within a realm as because a request for TLS is controlled by the endpoint (TLS UA).

Endpoint Authentication

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller does not operate as a CA. Instead, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller ’s TLS implementation assumes that you are using one of the standard CAs for generating certificates:

  • Verisign
  • Entrust
  • Thawte
  • free Linux-based CA (for example, openssl)


Self-signed certificates are available only as an option for MSRP connections

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller can generate a certificate request in PKCS10 format and to export it. It can also import CA certificates and a Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller certificate in the PKCS7/X509 PEM format.

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller generates the key pair for the certificate request internally. The private key is stored as a part of the configuration in 3DES encrypted form (with an internal generated password) and the public key is returned to the user along with other information as a part of PKCS10 certificate request.

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller supports the option of importing CA certificates and marking them as trusted. However, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller only authenticates client certificates that are issued by the CAs belonging to its trusted list. If you install only a specific vendor's CA certificate on the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller , it authenticates that vendor's endpoints. Whether the certificate is an individual device certificate or a site-to-site certificate does not matter because the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller authenticates the signature/public key of the certificate.

Keeping Pinholes Open at the Endpoint

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller provides configurable TCP NAT interval on a per-realm basis. You need to configure a NAT interval for the applicable realm to support either all conforming or all non-conforming endpoints.

  • Conforming endpoints use the draft-jennings sipping-outbound-01. It describes how to keep the endpoint keeps the connection alive.


    Currently the endpoint uses REGISTER.
  • Non-conforming endpoints have short NAT interval, where the HNT application with the TCP connection for TLS operates as it does for regular TCP. We give the UA a shorter expires time so that it refreshes frequently, implicitly forcing the UA to keep the TVP socket open and reuse it for further requests (in-dialog or out-of-dialog). Regular requests using TLS sent from the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to the UA reuse the same TCP connection so that further TLS certificate exchanges are not required.

Key Usage Control

You can configure the role of a certificate by setting key usage extensions and extended key usage extensions. Both of these are configured in the certificate record configuration.

Key Usage List

This section defines the values you can use (as a list) in the key-usage-list parameter. You can configure the parameter with more than one of the possible values.

Value Description

(default with keyEncipherment)

Used when the subject public key is used with a digital signature mechanism to support security services other than non-repudiation, certificate signing, or revocation information signing. Digital signature mechanisms are often used for entity authentication and data origin authentication with integrity.
nonRepudiation Used when the subject public key is used to verify digital signatures that provide a non-repudiation service protecting against the signing entity falsely denying some action, excluding certificate or CRL signing.

(default with digitalSignature)

Used with the subject public key is used for key transport. (For example, when an RSA key is to be used for key management.)
dataEncipherment Used with the subject public key is used for enciphering user data other than cryptographic keys.
keyAgreement Used with the subject public key is used key agreement. (For example, when a Diffie-Hellman key is to be used for a management key.)
encipherOnly The keyAgreement type must also be set.

Used with the subject public key is used only for enciphering data while performing key agreement.

decipherOnly The keyAgreement type must also be set.

Used with the subject public key is used only for deciphering data while performing key agreement.

Extended Key Usage List

This section defines the values you may use in the extended-key-usage-list parameter.

Value Description


Used while the certificate is used for TLS server authentication. In Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller access-side deployments, the system typically acts as a TLS server accepting TLS connections. You might use this setting while generating the end-entity-cert.
clientAuth Used while the certificate is used for TLS client authentication. In Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller core-side deployments, the system typically acts as a TLS client initiating TLS connections. You might use this setting while generating the end-entity-cert.

4096-bit RSA Key Support

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) supports 4096-bit RSA keys for SIP Transport Layer Security (TLS) on all platforms. The 4096-bit support enables you to import root certificates for SIP communications secured with TLS into the ESBC.

Use the key-size parameter in the certificate-record configuration to set the key size.

Reusing a TLS Connection

TheOracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller supports TLS connection reuse if and when an alias is included in the Via header by the originator of the TLS connection. When this is the case, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller reuses the same connection for any outgoing request from the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller .

TLS Configuration Process

Configuring Transport Layer Security (TLS) on the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) includes the following steps.

  1. Configure certificates. See "Configure Certificates."
  2. Configure and apply the TLS profile. See "Configure a TLS Profile."

Certificate Configuration Process

The process for configuring certificates on the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) includes the following steps:

  1. Configure a certificate record on the ESBC. See "Configure Certificates."
  2. Generate a certificate request by the ESBC. See "Generate a Certificate Request."
  3. Import the certificate record into the ESBC. See "Import a Certificate Using the ACLI" and "Import a Certificate Using SFTP."
  4. Reboot the system.
Configure the Certificate Record

The certificate record configuration represents either the end-entity certificate or the CA certificate on the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC). When you use the certificate record for an end-entity certificate, associate a private key with the certificate record configuration by using the ACLI generate-certificate-request command. You can import a requested certificate provided by a CA into a certificate record configuration using the ACLI import-certificate command.

Do not associate a private key with the certificate record configuration, if it was issued to hold a CA certificate.


You do not need to create a certificate record when importing a CA certificate or certificate in PKCS #12 format.
  1. Access the certificate-record configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# security
    ORACLE(security)# certificate record
  2. For the Certificate Record configuration, do the following:
    • Name—(Required) Enter the name of this certificate record.
    • Country—Enter the country name abbreviation. For example, CA for Canada. Range: 2 characters.
    • State—Enter the region abbreviation. For example, Quebec. Range: 1-128 characters.
    • Locality—Enter the name of the locality in the region. For example, Montreal. Range:1-128 characters.
    • Organization—Enter the name of the organization. For example, Office of Information Technology. 1-64 characters.
    • Unit—Enter the name of the unit in the organization. For example, Global Network Security. 1-64 characters.
    • Common name—Enter the common name for the certificate record. For example, your name. Range: 1-64 characters.
    • Key algor—Set a key algorithm. Valid algorithms: rsa | ecdsa.
    • Digest algor—Set a digest algorithm. Valid values: sha1 | sha256 | sha384.
    • Key size—For the RSA key algorithm, set the RSA key size. Valid key size: 512 | 1024 | 2048 | 4096.
    • ECDSA key size—For the ECDSA key algorithm, set the ECDSA key size. Valid key size: p256 | p384.
    • Alternate name—(Optional) Enter one or more alternative names for the certificate holder.
    • Trusted—Do one of the following:
      • Select to make the certificate trusted. (Default)
      • Deselect to make the certificate un-trusted.
    • Key usage list—Set key the usage extensions you want to use with this certificate record. Multiple values allowed. Default: The combination of digitalSignature and keyEncipherment. For a list of possible values and their descriptions, see “Key Usage List.”
    • Extended key usage list—Set the extended key usage extensions you want to use with this certificate record. Default: serverAuth. For a list of possible values and their descriptions, see “Extended Key Usage List.”
    • Options—Set any optional features or parameters that you want.
  3. Type done to save your configuration.
  • Create TLS profiles, using your certificate records, to further define the encryption behavior and create the configuration element that you can apply to a SIP interface.
Generating a Certificate Request

Using the ACLI generate-certificate-request command allows you to generate a private key and a certificate request in PKCS10 PEM format. You take this step once you have configured a certificate record.

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller stores the private key that is generated in the certificate record configuration in 3DES encrypted form with in internally generated password. The PKCS10 request is displayed on the screen in PEM (Base64) form.

You use this command for certificate record configurations that hold end-entity certificates. If you have configured the certificate record to hold a CA certificate, then you do not need to generate a certificate request because the CA publishes its certificate in the public domain. You import a CA certificate by using the ACLI import-certificate command.

This command sends information to the CA to generate the certificate, but you cannot have Internet connectivity from the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to the Internet. You can access the internet through a browser such as Internet Explorer if it is available, or you can save the certificate request to a disk and then submit it to the CA.

To run the applicable command, you must use the value you entered in the name parameter of the certificate record configuration. You run the command from main Superuser mode command line:

ORACLE# generate-certificate-request acmepacket
Generating Certificate Signing Request. This can take several minutes...
WARNING: Configuration changed, run save-config command.
ORACLE# save-config
Save-config received, processing.
waiting 1200 for request to finish
Request to ‘SAVE-CONFIG’ has Finished,
Save complete
Currently active and saved configurations do not match!
To sync & activate, run ‘activate-config’ or ‘reboot-activate’
ORACLE# activate-config
Activate-Config received, processing.
waiting 12000 for request to finish
Add LI flows
H323 Active Stack Cnt: 0
Request to ‘ACTIVATE-CONFIG’ has finished
Activate Complete
Import a Certificate Using the ACLI

After the Certificate Authority (CA) generates the certificate, you can import it into the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) with the import-certificate command.

Use the following syntax:

ORACLE # import-certificate [try-all|pkcs7|x509] [certificate-record file-name]
  1. When you use the import-certificate command, you can specify whether you want to use PKCS7 or X509v3 format, or try all. In the command line, you enter the command, the format specification, and the name of the certificate record.
    ORACLE# import-certificate try-all acme

    The ESBC displays the following:

    Please enter the certificate in the PEM format.
    Terminate the certificate with ";" to exit.......
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----;
    Certificate imported successfully....
    WARNING: Configuration changed, run "save-config" command.
  2. Save the configuration.
    ORACLE# save-config
    Save-Config received, processing.
    waiting 1200 for request to finish
    Request to 'SAVE-CONFIG' has Finished,
    Save complete
    Currently active and saved configurations do not match!
    To sync & activate, run 'activate-config' or 'reboot activate'.
  3. Synchronize and activate the configurations.
    ORACLE# activate-config
    Activate-Config received, processing.
    waiting 120000 for request to finish
    Add LI Flows
    H323 Active Stack Cnt:  0
    Request to 'ACTIVATE-CONFIG' has Finished,
    Activate Complete
  4. Reboot the system.
Import a Certificate Using SFTP
  1. Copy the certificate to the /opt directory of the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller using SFTP.
  2. Import the certificate with the import-certificate command.
    Use the following syntax:
    import-certificate [try-all|pkcs7|x509] [certificate name] [filename]

    Use the value of the name parameter from the previously configured certificate-record configuration element for the certificate name argument.

    ORACLE# import-certificate x509 acme certificate.pem
    Certificate imported successfully....
    WARNING: Configuration changed, run "save-config" command.
  3. Save the configuration.
    ORACLE# save-config
  4. Activate the configurations.
    ORACLE# activate-config
  5. Reboot the system.
PKCS #12 Container Import and Export Capability

The ESBC supports Public Key Cryptography Standard (PKCS) #12 for bundling a private key with the associated X.509 public key certificate in a file for archiving, importing, and exporting. The ESBC does not support bundling all members of the chain of trust.


The SBC only supports PKCS12 files that are bundled with RSA private keys and their X.509 certificates.
ESBC customers often need to use keys and certificates stored in the ESBC for Transport Layer Security (TLS) packet analysis and network troubleshooting, or to share with another ESBC or other device. The keys and certificates are packaged together and exchanged in the PKCS #12 archive file format.


The ESBC supports this functionality only by way of the ACLI.
Export to a PKCS #12 File

You can export a local entity certificate from the Session Border Controller (SBC) to a PKCS #12 file by way of the ACLI. For the enterprise SBC, you cannot do so from the Web GUI.


When prompted for password and passphrase, use the ones that you entered in system-config.
  1. Run the export-certificate command.
    export-certificate <pkcs#12> <certificate-record-name> [pkcs-12-file-name]
    • Certificate-record-name—the name of the local entity certificate record that you want to export.
    • pkcs12-file-name—the name of the target PKCS #12 file. The system creates the export file in the /opt directory. Use either .pfx or .p12 for the file extensions.
    ORACLE# export-pkcs12 masterca certificate.pfx
    Creating pkcs12 for certificate-record: (masterca)
    PKCS12 Certificate(s) exported successfully....

    This command is supported only when using the RSA key exchange, not when using the Diffie-Hellman key exchange.

Import a PKCS #12 File

You can import a PKCS #12 key and certificate file that was generated elsewhere into the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) by way of the ACLI.

Make sure that your PKCS#12 file was generated either with the -descert flag or the -keypbe and -certpbe options. If rsa.key is a private key and cert.crt is an X.509 certificate, either of the following commands generates a PKCS#12 file.
# generate using -descert
openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert.crt -inkey rsa.key -out my_pkcs12.pfx -name "Test Cert" -descert
# generate using -keypbe and -certpbe options
openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert.crt -inkey rsa.key -out my_pkcs12.pfx -name "Test Cert" -keypbe PBE-SHA1-3DES -certpbe PBE-SHA1-3DES
  1. Copy the PKCS#12 file to the /opt directory using SFTP.
  2. Run the import-certificate command.
    import-certificate <pkcs#12> <certificate-record-name> [pkcs-12-file-name]
    • certificate-record-name—must be a new name that does not exist as PKCS #12. This is different from other certificate imports, where the certificate record must already exist in the target destination.
    • pkcs12-file-name—the name of the PKCS #12 file that you want to import.
    ORACLE# import-certificate pkcs12 newKey2 my2_pkcs12.pfx
    The specified certificate-record: (newKey2) does not exist.
    Creating one...
    Enter Import Password: 
    Importing ee: newKey2
    Certificate(s) imported successfully....
    Configuration changed, run 'save-config' and 
    'activate-config' commands to commit the changes.


    512-bit keys are not supported.
Viewing Certificates

You can view either a brief version or detailed information about the certificates.

Brief Version

Obtaining the brief version uses this syntax, and will appear like the following example:

ORACLE# show security certificates brief acmepacket
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number:
            L=San Jose
            OU=Sipit Test Certificate Authority
Detailed Version

Obtaining the detailed version uses this syntax, and will appear like the following example:

ORACLE# show security certificates detail acmepacket
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number:
        Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
            L=San Jose
            OU=Sipit Test Certificate Authority
            Not Before: Apr 13 21:37:43 2005 GMT
            Not After : Apr 12 21:37:43 2008 GMT
        X509v3 extensions:
            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
            X509v3 Basic Constraints:

Configure a TLS Profile

The TLS profile configuration contains the information required to run SIP over TLS.

  • Obtain the necessary certificates.
  • Confirm that the system displays the Superuser mode.
When the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) negotiates with TLS, it starts with the highest TLS version and works its way down until it finds a compatible version and cipher that works for the other side.
  1. Access the tls-profile configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# security
    ORACLE(security)# tls-profile
  2. name—Enter the name of the TLS profile. Required.
  3. end-entity-certificate—Enter the name of the entity certification record.
  4. trusted-ca-certificates—Enter the names of the trusted CA certificate records.
  5. cipher-list—Use either the default DEFAULT, or enter a list of ciphers that you want to support. For a complete list of supported ciphers, see the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller Release Notes.
  6. verify-depth—Specify the maximum depth of the certificate chain to verify. Default: 10. Valid range: 0-10.
  7. mutual-authenticate—Define whether or not you want the ESBC to mutually authenticate the client. Valid values: enabled | disabled. Default: disabled.
  8. tls-version—Enter the TLS version that you want to use with this TLS profile. Valid values are:
    • tlsv12 (default)
    • tlsv11
    • tlsv1
    • compatibility—When the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller negotiates on TLS, it starts with the highest TLS version and works its way down until it finds a compatible version and cipher that works for the other side.


    The sslmin option in security-config specifies the lowest TLS version allowed when tls-version is set to compatibility. By default, compatibility mode excludes TLS 1.0 unless sslmin is set to tlsv10.
  9. Type done to save your configuration.
Applying a TLS Profile

To apply the TLS profile, you need to specify it for the SIP interface with which it will be used. You must take this step from within the SIP interface configuration.

  1. Type session-router and press Enter to access the session-router path.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  2. Type sip-interface and press Enter. The system prompt changes to let you know that you can begin configuring individual parameters.
    ORACLE(session-router)# sip-interface
  3. Select the existing SIP interface to which you want to apply the TLS profile. If you do not know the same of the profile, press Enter again after you use the select command to see a list of all SIP interfaces. Type in the number corresponding to the SIP interface you want to select, and press Enter. You will then be modifying that SIP interface.
    ORACLE(sip-interface)# select
  4. Type sip-ports and Enter. The system prompt changes to let you know that you can begin configuring individual parameters.
    ORACLE(session-interface)# sip-ports
  5. transport-protocol—Change the transport protocol to TLS.
    ORACLE(sip-interface)# transport-protocol tls
  6. tls-profile—Enter the name of the TLS profile you want applied. This is the same value you enter for the name parameter in the TLS profile configuration. This profile will be applied when the transport protocol is TLS.
    ORACLE(sip-interface)# tls-profile acmepacket
  7. Save your updated SIP interface configuration.

Notifications for Certificate Expiration


When a security certificate is installed locally on the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller, you can poll the expiration of the certificate using the apSecurityCertificateTable.

You can configure the ESBC to generate the apSecurityCertExpiredNotification trap once a certificate has expired. The number of minutes between notifications sent is configured in the security-config parameter local-cert-exp-trap-int.

To send a warning of expiration, you can set the security-config parameter local-cert-exp-warn-period to the number of days before the locally installed certificate expires in which you would like a warning. The number of minutes between notifications sent is configured in thesecurity-config parameter local-cert-exp-trap-int.


The ESBC also generates an alarm when the certificate of a tls-profile is about to expire or has expired. The value of local-cert-exp-warn-period determines the number of days before a certificate expires in which the ESBC generates a warning alarm.

When the certificate is about to expire:

ORACLE# display-alarms
1 alarms to show
ID      Task    Severity        First Occurred          Last Occurred
327731  3386    6       2019-01-29 21:47:55     2019-01-29 21:47:55
Count   Description
1       Certificate: tempCert expiring on Jan 30 20:58:29 2019 GMT,


When the certificate has expired:

ORACLE# display-alarms
1 alarms to show
ID      Task    Severity        First Occurred          Last Occurred
327730  3386    6       2019-02-01 16:20:45     2019-02-01 16:20:45
Count   Description
1       Certificate: tempCert expired on Jan 30 20:58:29 2019 GMT,


Configuring Notifications for Certificate Expiration

To configure the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to generate traps and alarms when a certificate has or is about to expire:

  1. Navigate to the security-config configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal 
    ORACLE(configure)# security#
    ORACLE(security)# security-config
  2. Set the local-cert-exp-warn-period parameter to the number of days before the locally installed certificate expires in order to receive a warning trap and alarm.

    A value of 0 disables the trap and alarm.

    ORACLE(security-config)# local-cert-exp-warn-period 30
  3. Set the local-cert-trap-int parameter to the number of minutes between notifications sent once a certificate has expired. This value is also used for notification interval when in the pre-expiration warning period.

    A value of 0 disables the warning trap and alarm.

    ORACLE(security-config)# local-cert-exp-trap-int 15
  4. Use done, exit, and verify-config to complete required configuration.

Denial of Service for TLS

This section explains the DoS for TLS feature. With this feature, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller can provide protection from TCP/TLS message flood by limiting the number of connections from an end point and by limiting the number of simultaneous TCP/TLS connections to a SIP interface.

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller protects against a flood of invalid TLS messages and against end points establishing TCP/TLS connections or doing an initial registration without then sending any messages. The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller protects against:

  • Too many simultaneous TLS connections being requested by a single IP address by limiting the number of TLS connections from a single IP address. There is a maximum simultaneous number of TCP/TLS connections a SIP interface will allow from a single IP address.
  • Too many simultaneous TLS connections being requested by limiting the maximum number of connections for a SIP interface. There is a maximum number of simultaneous TCP/TLS connections a SIP interface will allow in aggregate from all IP addresses served by that signaling interface.
  • End points establishing TCP/TLS connections without then sending any messages (application layer messages post TLS handshake complete). Triggered by inactivity as measured by lack of any message from this peer.
  • End points doing an initial registration without then sending any messages.

    This timer could be used by the administrator to detect errors with the SIP configuration. It is expected that whenever an end point establishes a TCP/TLS connection, the end point will keep the connection active by sending messages with REGISTER or by using the NAT interval configuration. Whenever a connection is torn down because of inactivity, a log at the level ERROR is generated.)

  • Malformed packets by counting and limiting the maximum number of malformed packets. Whenever an invalid TLS message is received, the internal counter corresponding to invalid-signal-threshold is incremented. When the invalid signal threshold reaches the configured value, the end point will be denied for the configured deny period. (Also requires configuration of the tolerance window in media manager.)
  • The max-incoming-conns parameter is configured dynamically based on the platform with S-Cz8.4.0p5 and above. The value will be the lower value among maximum number of TCP connections and maximum number of TLS connections.

DoS for TLS Configuration

You configure the SIP interface and the realm to support DoS for TLS.

DoS protection for TLS Connections on the SIP Interface Configuration

To configure the DoS protection for TCP/TLS connections on a SIP interface:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter to access the system-level configuration elements.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type sip-interface and press Enter. The system prompt changes to let you know that you can begin configuring individual parameters.
    ORACLE(session-router)# sip-interface

    From this point, you can configure SIP interface parameters. To view all sip-interface parameters, enter a ? at the system prompt.

  4. max-incoming-conns—Enter the maximum number of simultaneous TCP/TLS connections for this SIP interface. The default value is zero (0) which disables any limit to the number of simultaneous TCP/TLS connections on this SIP interface. The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0

    • Maximum—Configured dynamically based on the platform with S-Cz8.4.0p5 and above. It will be the lower value among maximum number of TCP connections and maximum number of TLS connections.

  5. per-src-ip-max-incoming-conns—Enter the maximum number of connections allowed from an end point.The default value is zero (0). The default disables the parameter. The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0

    • Maximum—20000


      To make this parameter effective, you need to set the realm’s access-control-trust-level to low or medium.
  6. inactive-conn-timeout—Enter the time in seconds you want a connection from an endpoint discontinued. This provides protection from end points doing an initial registration without sending any messages. The default value is zero (0). The default disables the parameter. The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0

    • Maximum—999999999

  7. Save and activate your configuration.
Configuring the SIP Configuration

To configure the SIP configuration:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter to access the system-level configuration elements.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type sip-config and press Enter. The system prompt changes.
    ORACLE(session-router)# sip-config

    From this point, you can configure SIP configuration parameters. To view all sip-config parameters, enter a ? at the system prompt.

  4. inactive-dynamic-conn—Enter the time in seconds after which the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller tears down inactive dynamic TCP connections. Inactive is defined as not transporting any traffic. This protects against endpoints establishing TCP/TLS connections and then not sending messages. The default value is 32. The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0

    • Maximum—999999999


      Setting this parameter to 0 disables this parameter.

    Because the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller first establishes a TCP connection, then the TLS connection it waits twice the value entered here after the initiation of a TLS connection before tearing down the connection.

    After an endpoint establishes a TCP/TLS connection, it is supposed to keep the connection active by sending messages or by using the NAT interval configuration. Whenever a connection is torn down because of inactivity, a log at the level ERROR is generated.

Configuring the Realm

To configure the realm:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type media-manager and press Enter to access the media-related configurations.
    ORACLE(configure)# media-manager
  3. Type realm-config and press Enter. The system prompt changes to let you know that you can begin configuring individual parameters.
    ORACLE(media-manager)# realm-config

    From this point, you can configure realm parameters. To view all realm configuration parameters, enter a ? at the system prompt.

  4. deny-period—Indicate the time period in seconds after which the entry for this host is removed from the deny list. The default value is 30. The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0

    • Maximum—4294967295

  5. invalid-signal-threshold— Enter the number of invalid TLS signaling messages that trigger host demotion. The value you enter here is only valid when the trust level is low or medium. Available values are:
    • Minimum—Zero (0) is disabled.

    • Maximum—999999999

      If the number of invalid messages exceeds this value based on the tolerance window parameter, configured in the media manager, the host is demoted.

      The tolerance window default is 30 seconds. Bear in mind, however, that the system uses the same calculation it uses for specifying "recent" statistics in show commands to determine when the number of signaling messages exceeds this threshold. This calculation specifies a consistent start time for each time period to compensate for the fact that the event time, such as a user running a show command, almost never falls on a time-period's border. This provides more consistent periods of time for measuring event counts.

      The result is that this invalid signal count increments for two tolerance windows, 60 seconds by default, within which the system monitors whether or not to demote the host. The signal count for the current tolerance window is always added to the signal count of the previous tolerance window and compared against your setting.

  6. access-control-trust-level—Set the trust level for the host within the realm. The default value is none. The valid values are:
    • none—Host is always untrusted. It is never promoted to the trusted list or demoted to the deny list.

    • low—Host can be promoted to the trusted list or demoted to the deny list.

    • medium—Host can be promoted to the trusted list but is only demoted to untrusted. It is never added to the deny list.

    • high—Host is always trusted.

  7. Save and activate your configuration.

TLS Session Caching

Transport Layer Security (TLS) session caching allows the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to cache key information for TLS connections, and to set the length of time that the information is cached.

When TLS session caching is not enabled, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller and a TLS client perform the handshake portion of the authentication sequence in which they exchange a shared secret and encryption keys are generated. One result of the successful handshake is the creation of a unique session identifier. When an established TLS connection is torn down and the client wants to reinstate it, this entire process is repeated. Because the process is resource-intensive, you can enable TLS session caching to avoid repeating the handshake process for previously authenticated clients to preserve valuable Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller resources.

When TLS session caching is enabled on the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller, a previously authenticated client can request re-connection using the unique session identifier from the previous session. The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller checks its cache, finds the session identifier, and reinstates the client. This process reduces the handshake to three messages, which preserves system resources.

If the client offers an invalid session identifier, for example, one that the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller has never seen or one that has been deleted from its cache, the system does not allow the re-connection. The system negotiates the connection as a new connection.

TLS Session Caching Configuration

TLS session caching is global for all TLS functions on your Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. A new global TLS configuration (tls-global) has been added to the system for this purpose.

To enable global TLS session caching:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type security and press Enter to access the signaling-level configuration elements.
    ORACLE(configure)# security
  3. Type tls-global and press Enter.
    ORACLE(security)# tls-global
  4. session-caching—Set the state for TLS session caching to enabled if you want to turn this feature on. The default value is disabled, meaning the ESBC does not send new session tickets. The valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled


      This parameter is not RTC supported.
  5. session-cache-timeout—Enter the time in hours that you want the ESBC to cache unique session identifiers so that previously authenticated clients can reconnect. The default value is 12. A value of 0 disables this parameter. The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0

    • Maximum—24

      If you set this parameter to 0, then cache entries will never age (and not be deleted from the cache unless you use the clear-cache tls command to delete all entries from the TLS cache). RFC 2246, The TLS Protocol Version 1.0, recommends that you set this parameter at the maximum, 24.

TLS Endpoint Certificate Data Caching

To provide a higher level of security for unified messaging (UM), the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller allows you configure enforcement profiles to cache data from TLS certificates. During the authentication process, the system caches the data so it can use that data in subsequent SIP message processing. Thus the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller can:

  • Add custom SIP header populated with information from TLS certificates—When the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller receives an INVITE from a GW, it can write proprietary headers into the SIP message. It uses the certificate information the GW provided during the TLS authentication process with the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to do so.
  • Compare the host of the Request-URI with information from TLS certificates—When an INVITE is destined for the unified messaging server, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller checks the domain of the Request-URI it has generated prior to HMR application. It does so to verify that the Request-URI matches the domain information the UM server provided during the TLS authentication process with the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller.

TLS endpoint certificate data caching can only applies to call-creating SIP INVITEs. The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller looks to the following configurations, in order, to apply an enforcement profile: session agent, realm, and SIP interface associated with the INVITE. As a final step, it checks the SIP profile for enforcement profile association.

Inserting Customized SIP Headers in an Outgoing INVITE

When the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller establishes a new TLS connection, it caches the following peer certificate attributes:

  • Certificate Subject Name
  • Certificate Subject Alternative Name (only DNS)

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller constructs a customized P-Certificate-Subject-Common-Name SIP header and inserts the header into the outgoing INVITE with the Certificate Subject Name. The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller also constructs and inserts in the outgoing INVITE one or more P-Certificate-Subject-Alternative-Name SIP headers.

If you enable this capability and the incoming INVITE already has P-Certificate-Subject-Common-Name and P-Certificate-Subject-Alternative-Name headers, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller strips them before inserting the new customized ones. It does so to avoid the risk of any attempt to spoof the headers and thereby gain unauthorized access to the UM server.

The following diagram shows a scenario where the calling party establishes a TLS connection with the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. Because mutual authentication is enabled, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller receives the peer certificate and caches required information from it. This information is inserted in the outgoing INVITE.

The Customized SIP Header Outgoing INVITE diagram is described above.

The peer certificate from the calling party during the TLS handshake with the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller looks like the following example.

        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number: 9 (0x9)
        Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: C=US, ST=MA, L=Woburn, O=Smith Securities, OU=Certificate Authority Dept, CN=Smith Certificate Authority/
            Not Before: Dec 10 21:14:56 2009 GMT
            Not After : Jul 11 21:14:56 2019 GMT
        Subject: C=US, ST=MA, L=Burlington, O=Acme Packet, OU=Certificate Authority Dept, CN=*
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
            RSA Public Key: (2048 bit)
        X509v3 extensions:
            X509v3 Basic Constraints:
            X509v3 Issuer Alternative Name:
            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
            Digital Signature, Key Encipherment
    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption

The outgoing SIP INVITE (INVITE 2 in the diagram) looks like the following sample. Bold text shows where the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller uses information from the certificate.

Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK4jmg29cmm8l0cg7smmrn85o4q7
From: 111111 <>;tag=_ph1_tag
To: 222222 <>
Contact: <sip:111111@;transport=udp>
P-Certificate-Subject-Common-Name: *
Max-Forwards: 69
Subject: TBD
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 138
Route: <sip:222222@;lr>
o=user1 53655765 2353687637 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 20000 RTP/AVP 0
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000

Validating the Request-URI Based on Certificate Information

When you configure the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to cache TLS certificate information to validate Request-URIs, it stores the Certificate Subject Name and Certificate Subject Alternative Name (only DNS) it learns from peer certificate attributes. It then takes these actions:

  • Extracts the host from the Request-URI of the outgoing INVITE
  • Compares this host (exact or wildcard match) with the Certificate Common Name or Certificate Subject Alternative name of the certificate it has received
  • Sends out an INVITE if the Certificate Common Name or Certificate Subject Alternative name match; Sends a 403 Forbidden rejection to the endpoint from it received the INVITE if there is no match

Wildcard matching applies only to the prefix of the Request-URI:


This diagram shows a peering scenario where the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller receives an INVITE from the calling party, which it processes and prepares to send out INVITE 2. After establishing a TLS connection with the called party and caching the required information, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller validates the Request-URI. Once validation occurs, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller sends INVITE 2.

The Validating the Request-URI - Certificate Information diagram is described above.

The peer certificate from the called party during the TLS handshake with the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller would look like this. Relevant information in the sample appears in bold font.

        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number: 9 (0x9)
        Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: C=US, ST=MA, L=Woburn, O=Smith Securities, OU=Certificate Authority Dept, CN=Smith Certificate Authority/
            Not Before: Dec 10 21:14:56 2009 GMT
            Not After : Jul 11 21:14:56 2019 GMT
        Subject: C=US, ST=MA, L=Woburn, O=Acme Packet, OU=Certificate Authority Dept, CN=*
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
            RSA Public Key: (2048 bit)
        X509v3 extensions:
            X509v3 Basic Constraints:
            X509v3 Issuer Alternative Name:
            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
  , DNS:*, DNS:*
            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
            Digital Signature, Key Encipherment
    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption

The outgoing SIP INVITE (INVITE 2 in the diagram) would then look like the sample below. The INVITE is sent because matches the common name * Other valid SIP Request-URIs would be:

You can see where the system uses information from the certificate; the text is bold.

Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK4jmg29cmm8l0cg7smmrn85o4q7
From: 111111 <>;tag=_ph1_tag
To: 222222 <>
Contact: <sip:111111@;transport=udp>
Max-Forwards: 69
Subject: TBD
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 138
Route: <sip:222222@;lr>
o=user1 53655765 2353687637 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 20000 RTP/AVP 0
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000

TLS Endpoint Certificate Data Caching Configuration

To configure SIP endpoint certificate data caching for an enforcement profile:

  1. Access the enforcement-profile configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
    ORACLE(session-router)# enforcement-profile
  2. Select the enforcement-profile object to edit.
    ORACLE(enforcement-profile)# select
  3. add-certificate-info—Enter a list of one or more certificate attribute names to enable TLS certificate information caching and insertion of cached certificate information into a customized SIP INVITEs. This parameter is empty by default.

    If you want to list more than one value, enclose the value in quotation marks (“ “) and separate the values with Spaces.

    ORACLE(enforcement-profile)# add-certificate-info "sub-common-name sub-alt-name-DNS"
  4. certificate-ruri-check—Change this parameter from disabled, its default, to enabled if you want your Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to cache TLS certificate information and use it to validate Request-URIs. Enabling this parameter also means the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller will use the cached TLS certificate information in a customized SIP INVITE.
  5. Type done to save your configuration.

Untrusted Connection Timeout for TCP and TLS

You can configure the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller for protection against starvation attacks for socket-based transport (TCP or TLS) for SIP access applications. During such an occurrence, the attacker would open a large number of TCP/TLS connections on the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller and then keep those connections open using SIP messages sent periodically. These SIP messages act as keepalives, and they keep sockets open and consume valuable resources.

Using its ability to promote endpoints to a trusted status, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller now closes TCP/TLS connections for endpoints that do not enter the trusted state within the period of time set for the untrusted connection timeout. The attacking client is thus no longer able to keep connections alive by sending invalid messages.

This feature works by setting a value for the connection timeout, which the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller checks whenever a new SIP service socket for TCP or TLS is requested. If the timer’s value is greater than zero, then the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller starts it. If the timer expires, then the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller closes the connection. However, if the endpoint is promoted to the trusted state, then the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller will cancel the timer.


This connection timeout is intended for access applications only, where one socket is opened per-endpoint. This means that the timeout is not intended for using in peering applications; if this feature were enabled for peering, a single malicious SIP endpoint might cause the connection to be torn down unpredictably for all calls.

Untrusted Connection Timeout Configuration for TCP and TLS

The untrusted connection timer for TCP and TLS is set per SIP interface.

To set the untrusted connection timer for TCP and TLS:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter to access the signaling-level configuration elements.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type sip-interface and press Enter.
    ORACLE(session-router)# sip-interface

    If you are adding support for this feature to a pre-existing SIP configuration, then you must select (using the ACLI select command) the configuration that you want to edit.

  4. untrusted-conn-timeout—Enter the time in seconds that you want the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to keep TCP and TLS connections open for untrusted endpoints. The default value is 0, which will not start the timer. The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0

    • Maximum—999999999

  5. Save and activate your configuration.

Securing Communications Between the ESBC and SDM with TLS

You can use the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol to secure the communications link between the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) and the Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager (SDM). Note that the systems use Acme Control Protocol (ACP) for this messaging.

To configure the ESBC to use TLS for this ACP messaging:
  1. Configure a TLS profile. The tls-profile object is located under security, where you add certificates, select cipher lists, and specify the TLS version for each profile.
  2. Configure system-config element's acp-tls-profile parameter to specify this TLS profile.
The acp-tls-profile parameter is empty by default, which means that ACP over TLS is disabled. When ACP over TLS is disabled, the SDM establishes a TCP connection with the ESBC. When the acp-tls-profile parameter specifies a valid TLS profile, the ESBC negotiates a TLS connection with SDM.

You must reboot OCSBC after configuring ACP over TLS.


This feature requires SDM version 8.1 and above.