About this Guide

This guide provides the conceptual and procedural information about the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) functionality in the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller.

This publication is used with Oracle Communications Session Border Controller and Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller.

Related Documentation

The following list describes related documentation for the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. You can find the listed documents on http://docs.oracle.com/en/industries/communications/ in the "Session Border Controller Documentation" and "Acme Packet" sections.
Document Name Document Description
Acme Packet 3900 Hardware Installation Guide Contains information about the components and installation of the Acme Packet 3900.
Acme Packet 4600 Hardware Installation Guide Contains information about the components and installation of the Acme Packet 4600.
Acme Packet 4900 Hardware Installation Guide Contains information about the components and installation of the Acme Packet 3950 and Acme Packet 4900.
Acme Packet 6100 Hardware Installation Guide Contains information about the components and installation of the Acme Packet 6100.
Acme Packet 6300 Hardware Installation Guide Contains information about the components and installation of the Acme Packet 6300.
Acme Packet 6350 Hardware Installation Guide Contains information about the components and installation of the Acme Packet 6350.
Release Notes Contains information about the current documentation set release, including new features and management changes.
Known Issues & Caveats Contains known issues and caveats
Configuration Guide Contains information about the administration and software configuration of the Service Provider Session Border Controller (SBC).
ACLI Reference Guide Contains explanations of how to use the ACLI, as an alphabetical listings and descriptions of all ACLI commands and configuration parameters.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide Contains information about SBC logs, performance announcements, system management, inventory management, upgrades, working with configurations, and managing backups and archives.
MIB Guide Contains information about Management Information Base (MIBs), Oracle Communication's enterprise MIBs, general trap information, including specific details about standard traps and enterprise traps, Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) GET query information (including standard and enterprise SNMP GET query names, object identifier names and numbers, and descriptions), examples of scalar and table objects.
Accounting Guide Contains information about the SBC’s accounting support, including details about RADIUS and Diameter accounting.
HDR Guide Contains information about the SBC’s Historical Data Recording (HDR) feature. This guide includes HDR configuration and system-wide statistical information.
Admin Security Guide Contains information about the SBC’s support for its Administrative Security license.
Security Guide Contains information about security considerations and best practices from a network and application security perspective for the SBC family of products.
Platform Preparation and Installation Guide Contains information about upgrading system images and any pre-boot system provisioning.
Call Traffic Monitoring Guide Contains information about traffic monitoring and packet traces as collected on the system. This guide also includes WebGUI configuration used for the SIP Monitor and Trace application.
HMR Guide Contains information about configuring and using Header Manipulation Rules to manage service traffic.
REST API Contains information about the supported REST APIs and how to use the REST API interface.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.