Configuration Search Tool

The Configuration tab provides two levels of search operations. You can use the Search tool on the Configuration tab to search for configuration objects. Within a multi-instance configuration object, you can use Search to find a specific configuration instance on the list.

The Search tool, displayed as a magnifying glass, on the Configuration page header opens the Search text box where you enter the text to search for, such as a configuration object name, an attribute, or value. You can enter the full name of a configuration object to find a specific object or you can enter a phrase to see a list of all objects that contain that phrase. For example, you can enter enable-snmp-auth-traps to find that object or you can enter SNMP to see a list of all configuration objects with SNMP in their name.

The Search magnifying glass is located in the middle of the Configuration tab.

This screen capture shows the location of the Search button on the Configuration page header.

When you click the Search tool, the system displays the Configuration Search text box next to the Magnifying Glass, where you enter the configuration object name, attribute, or value that you want to find. When you search for a phrase, rather than a complete object name, the system displays a list of all objects that contain the phrase. The following example shows the results of searching for "tls", which occurs in configuration objects and attributes.

This screen capture shows the configuration search text box where you enter the name, attribute, or value that you want to search for.

Multi-instance configuration objects display a list of configurations and the table includes a text box for local search within the table. You can enter all or part of the configuration name.

This screen capture shows the search field on a multi-instance configuration object.

When you search for a particular configuration, the results display only that configuration and the system adds a clear entry icon, displayed as an 'x', to the Search field.

This screen capture shows the X button that the system adds to the search field when you search for a particular configuration.

When you click the button, the system resumes displaying all of the configurations on the list.