Upgrade Information

When you perform a software upgrade, you need to follow the paths presented in these Release Notes and use the same image types to achieve a hitless upgrade. This applies to both HA and non-HA deployments. The paths are presented below. An example of different image types is upgrading a non-LI deployment with an LI image. Such non-hitless upgrades require that you reboot devices per your upgrade procedure, and then reboot all upgraded devices again to establish the new deployment type.

Supported Upgrade Paths

Always start the upgrade process with the latest patch version of your current release.

The SBC, ESBC, and SR support the following in-service (hitless) upgrade and rollback paths:

  • S-Cz8.4.0p13 (or higher) to S-Cz9.2.0
  • S-Cz9.0.0p5 (or higher) to S-Cz9.2.0
  • S-Cz9.1.0p3 (or higher) to S-Cz9.2.0
You can upgrade the SLB using the following in-service upgrade and rollback paths:
  • S-Cz9.0.0p6 (or higher) to S-Cz9.2.0
  • S-Cz9.1.0p4 (or higher) to S-Cz9.2.0

When upgrading to this release from a release older than the previous release, read all intermediate Release Notes for notification of incremental changes.