Configure Fax Transcoding for the Acme Packet 1100

The system requires two codec policies, two local policies, and two realms to support fax transcoding.

  • Before you begin, configure one realm that points to the Internet and one realm that points to the Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) interface.

For example, suppose you name the internet-facing codec policy "Remote" and you name the TDM-facing codec policy "TDM." Use the following guidelines for configuration:

Codec policies
  • In the "Remote" codec-policy, set allow-codecs to T.38 PCMU PCMA and set add-codecs-on-egress to T.38OFD.
  • In the "TDM" codec-policy, set allow-codecs to PCMU PCMA and set add-codecs-on-egress to G711FB.
Local Policies
  • In the "Remote" local-policy, set source-realm to remote.
  • In the "TDM" local-policy, set source-realm to tdmRealm.
  • In the "Remote" realm-config, set identifier to remote, set the codec-policy type, and set codec-manip-in-realm to enabled.
  • In the "TDM" realm-config, set identifier to tdmRealm, set the codec-policy type, and set codec-manip-in-realm to enabled.