2 Time Division Multiplexing Configuration

To perform Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) operations on the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC), you must enable TDM, specify the parameters for the interface in use, run the TDM configuration wizard, and create local policies for routing TDM traffic.

TDM configuration requires the following process:
  1. Configure the TDM Config element and its corresponding sub-elements. The TDM Config element, located under System, contains the parameters that are common to all TDM configurations. The sub-elements contain the particular parameters for the interface that the system detects in use on the ESBC. The system displays the sub-elements, as follows:
    • When the ESBC detects either the Primary Rate Interface (PRI) or the Basic Rate Interface (BRI) interface, TDM Config displays the TDM Profile sub-element with the parameters that correspond to the interface. See "Primary Rate Interface Support" and "Basic Rate Interface Support."
    • When the ESBC detects the Analog interface, TDM Config displays both the FXO Profile and the FXS Profile sub-elements with the parameters that correspond to the interface. See "Foreign Exchange Office-Foreign Exchange Subscriber Support."
  2. Run the TDM configuration wizard to complete the configuration. The wizard creates the realm, SIP interface, steering pools, and other necessary configuration elements including the network interface and the phy-interface for SIP call routing. With SRTP enabled (default), the wizard also creates the Media Sec Policy object, enables the Secured Network attribute for the SIP Interface object, and configures the Media Sec Policy attribute for Realm Config. You can run the wizard from either the Web GUI (Set TDM Configuration) or the ACLI (Setup TDM).

    The ESBC requires running the TDM configuration wizard only after the initial TDM configuration. The system does not require you to run the wizard after you make changes to the existing configuration.


    When the Oracle Session Delivery Manager (SDM) manages the ESBC, you configure TDM from the SDM and you do not need to run the TDM configuration wizard. See "Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) Settings on the Session Delivery Manager (SDM)" for the required settings.
  3. Configure the local policy for routing traffic through the TDM interface. For unidirectional TDM call routing, the system requires a local policy only for the call direction that you want. For example, inbound-only or outbound-only. For bi-directional TDM call routing, create both inbound and outbound local policies. See "Local Policy Configuration for Time Division Multiplexing."
You can configure TDM from the following locations:
  • ACLI—Use the TDM Config, TDM Profile, FXO Profile, and FXS Profile elements located under System.
  • Web GUI—Use the TDM Config, TDM Profile, FXO Profile, and FXS Profile elements located under System.
  • Session Delivery Manager (SDM)—Launch the Web GUI from SDM and use the TDM Config, TDM Profile, FXO Profile, and FXS Profile elements located under system.