Pooled Transcoding

Pooled transcoding refers to a deployment model involving two or more Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controllers (ESBC). The first ESBC is an access SBC (referred to as an A-SBC) , and the others are one or more ESBCs equipped with transcoding hardware (referred to as a T-SBC). The T-SBC provides transcoding resources—a pool—that the A-SBC can invoke on-demand.

In the pooled transcoding model, the A-SBC sits between realms or between user endpoints that require transcoding between their preferred codecs. This deployment model conserves resources on both the A-SBC and the T-SBC. While the A-SBC serves as the access function with encryption support, the T-SBC supports transcoding in a tunneling gateway (TG) configuration to meet high-density transcoding requirements.

The following diagram shows an A-SBC positioned between an access UE and the core. The A-SBC compares SDP offers and answers from the elements it sits between, and uses the results to determine whether or not a given session requires transcoding. When a session requires transcoding, the A-SBC invokes the services of the T-SBC. Acting as a B2BUA, the T-SBC uses information from the A-SBC's SIP message to transcode the applicable codecs and then to route SIP signaling back to the A-SBC on the egress.

When a call comes in, the system temporarily creates two ports for the caller and callee realms respectively. When the call requires pooled transcoding, the ESBC creates four ports on the pooled transcoding realm and two additional ports on the caller realm. The system removes the added ports at the end of the call.

The following example shows the ports before, during, and after for a call between the realms net172 (Offer) and net145 (Answer):

Before pooled transcoding During pooled transcoding After pooled transcoding

Net172 -> 2 Ports

Net145 -> 2 Ports

Net192 (Transcoding Realm) -> 0 Ports

Net172 -> 4 Ports

Net145 -> 2 Ports

Net192 (Transcoding Realm) -> 4 Ports

Net172 -> 2 Ports

Net145 -> 2 Ports

Net192 (Transcoding Realm) -> 0 Ports

In the preceding example, the ESBC uses four ports on Net192 for communicating with the transcoding ESBC. The ESBC uses the two newly created ports on Net172 for RTP communication, while the original two ports are not used.

The following diagram shows what a call flow between entities in such a deployment model looks like:


The A-SBC and the T-SBC do not need to be on the same version of the hardware and the software.

Supported Codecs for Pooled Transcoding

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) supports the following codecs for pooled transcoding. Note that some platforms and software releases may not support all of the codecs in the list, and some codecs must be enabled.

  • PCMU
  • PCMA
  • G722
  • G723
  • G726-16
  • G726-24
  • G726-32
  • G726-40
  • G728
  • G729
  • GSM
  • AMR
  • AMR-WB
  • EVRC
  • EVRC0
  • EVRC1
  • EVRCB0
  • EVRCB1
  • EVS
  • Opus
  • SILK
The ESBC supports the following other types of media for pooled transcoding.
  • T.38
  • T.140
  • Baudot

Hardware and Software Requirements

Pooled transcoding deployments have specific hardware and software requirements. See the Coproduct Support section in the Release Notes for more information.

Implementation Details

To the Access SBC (A-SBC), the Transcoding SBC (T-SBC) is a transcoding agent that offers services that the A-SBC can invoke on-demand when an offer-answer exchange requires transcoding. The A-SBC uses its public SIP interface and a corresponding realm reserved for communication with a T-SBC, which you configure as a transcoding agent on the A-SBC. You can configure multiple transcoding agents, which can be IP addresses, session agents, and session agent groups (SAG).

In a deployment with multiple transcoding agents, the A-SBC initiates communication in the order in which the transcoding agents were entered on the list. The A-SBC tries to communicate with each transcoding agent listed one-by-one until it:

  • Receives a 2xx response from a transcoding agent
  • The list is exhausted
  • The original transaction times out

When a transcoding agent is a session agent with hostnames, the A-SBC uses DNS to resolve the hostname and tries the hosts in order. When transcoding agents are session agent groups (SAG), the A-SBC selects the session agent according to the selection strategy configured for the SAG. When you enable recursing, the A-SBC recurses through all members of the SAG. When session agents and SAGs do not have ports or transport protocols specified, the defaults are 5060 and UDP respectively.

When the A-SBC identifies a transcoding agent, the A-SBC sends an INVITE to which the T-SBC responds with a 2xx message. Configuring the A-SBC as a session agent and disabling dialog transparency (in global SIP configuration) on the T-SBC allows the T-SBC to accept SIP messages from the A-SBC. Then the T-SBC acts as a B2BUA, using the information received in the INVITE from the A-SBC to invoke transcoding and to route SIP signaling back to the A-SBC on egress.

Scenario 1 INVITE with SDP

When the Access Session Border Controller (A-SBC) receives an INVITE with SDP, the A-SBC creates a SIP session and an associated media session with two flows for audio. The A-SBC applies the appropriate codec policy (with add-on-egress configured), so that the egress INVITE contains the necessary codec.

The A-SBC receives an answer to the INVITE, and when the answer contains the added codec the A-SBC invokes the Transcoding Session Border Controller (T-SBC) using an INVITE with the same SDP as the INVITE received on ingress. The communication between the A-SBC and the T-SBC is a separate dialog associated with a new media session.

The following code block shows and example of the INVITE the A-SBC sends to the T-SBC.

INVITE sip: SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK10dspa3058b1io4rk721
Max-Forwards: 70
Call-ID: 9fc71d79b43b4b95de41acefd71a8bc4@
To: sip:
Contact: sip:
From: sip:;tag=bcf80756721880b7996ccb488b6a1b2f
Target-Dialog: 1-16881@;local-tag=1;remote-tag=16880SIPpTag011;realm=net192
Acme-Codec-Policy: ;ingress;name="in-2833";allow-codecs="* ";add-codecs-on-egress="";force-ptime="disabled";packetization-time="20";dtmf-in-audio="disabled";order-codecs=""
Acme-Codec-Policy: ;egress;name="out-2833";allow-codecs="* ";add-codecs-on-egress="AMR ";force-ptime="disabled";packetization-time="20";dtmf-in-audio="disabled";order-codecs=""
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 196^M
P-Visited-Network-ID: open-ims.test
Route: <sip:;lr;transport=UDP>
o=user1 53655765 2353687637 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 20002 RTP/AVP 96 0
a=rtpmap: 96 AMR/8000
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000

Note that the Target Dialog and Acme-Codec-Policy headers communicate operational parameters for pooled transcoding. Using such information, the T-SBC applies two codec policies and returns the INVITE to the A-SBC. The A-SBC moves the media session to itself, but the SIP session does not have a media session at this time.

Scenario 2 INVITE without SDP

For an offerless call flow, the system creates a media session when the offer comes in a reliable provisional or final response. The Access Session Border Controller (A-SBC) applies the codec policy and sends the egress offer to the calling UE.

When the A-SBC receives an answer in either a PRACK or ACK message, the A-SBC compares the offer and answer. An answer containing the codec added in the egress offer causes the A-SBC to invoke the Transcoding Session Border Controller (T-SBC) and create a standalone UAC dialog, just as in Scenario 1.

Because the A-SBC advertised its media address in the egress offer to the calling UE, the UAC dialog uses the original media session.

Re-INVITES and Updates with SDP

When a specific session on the Access Session Border Controller (A-SBC) invokes the resources of the Transcoding Session Border Controller (T-SBC), the A-SBC continues to use the same T-SBC for the duration of the session. Anytime when the A-SBC receives a SIP message containing modified SDP, the A-SBC communicates the modification to the T-SBC.

RFC 2833 Considerations

For legacy RFC 2833 inter-working to function properly, the Access Session Border Controller (A-SBC) communicates the RFC 2833 configuration to the Transcoding Session Border Controller (T-SBC) in the UAC dialog.

The following example shows an INVITE with RFC 2833 information sent from the A-SBC to the T-SBC.

INVITE sip: SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK10dspa3058b1io4rk721
Max-Forwards: 70
Call-ID: 9fc71d79b43b4b95de41acefd71a8bc4@
To: sip:
Contact: sip:
From: sip:;tag=bcf80756721880b7996ccb488b6a1b2f
Target-Dialog: 1-16881@;local-tag=1;remote-tag=16880SIPpTag011;realm=net192
Acme-Codec-Policy: ;ingress;name="in-2833";allow-codecs="* ";add-codecs-on-egress="";force-ptime="disabled";packetization-time="20";dtmf-in-audio="disabled";order-codecs=""
Acme-Codec-Policy: ;egress;name="out-2833";allow-codecs="* ";add-codecs-on-egress="PCMA ";force-ptime="disabled";packetization-time="20";dtmf-in-audio="disabled";order-codecs=""
Acme-Rfc2833: ;ingress;Digit-Mode=0;PtTo=101;PtFrom=0;TransNon2833=disabled;TransNonInband=disabled
Acme-Rfc2833: ;egress;Digit-Mode=1;PtTo=101;PtFrom=0
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 196
P-Visited-Network-ID: open-ims.test
Route: <sip:;lr;transport=UDP>
o=user1 53655765 2353687637 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 20002 RTP/AVP 0 101
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000

Configuration Requirements and Verification

Pooled transcoding requires specific configuration of the Access Session Border Controller (A-SBC) and the Transcoding Session Border Controller (T-SBC). Note that the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller, the A-SBC, does not enforce the requirements. Oracle recommends that you configure your pooled transcoding deployment with care, and verify the configuration to help to identify any potential issues.

A-SBC Configuration Requirements

The Access Session Border Controller (A-SBC) configuration must include the following:

  • A public SIP interface the A-SBC can use for communication with the Transcoding Session Border Controller (T-SBC).
  • A transcoding realm, which is a separate realm for the public SIP interface used only for communication with the T-SBC.
  • Appropriate codec policies, including ones set up to add SDP on the egress leg of the session.
  • A global SIP configuration, with transcoding-realm set to the name where valid transcoding agents reside, and a transcoding-agents list configured with one or any combination of
    • A DNS hostname for a single session agent that can resolve to one or more IP addresses
    • An IPv4 or IPv6 address with or without the port specified (when not specified, the system defaults to port 5060).
    • The name of a session agent group.

T-SBC Requirements

A valid Transcoding Session Border Controller (T-SBC) configuration must include the following:

  • A global SIP configuration, with dialog-transparency set to disabled. You must disable Dialog transparency on the T-SBC, so that the INVITE from the T-SBC contains a different call ID and From tag.
  • A public realm with codec-manip-in-realm set to enabled because the system uses the same realm for transcoding. You must also enable the mm-in-realm parameter.

Configuration Verification

You can verify the configuration by using the ACLI verify-config command. When verifying the configuration on the Access Session Border Controller (A-SBC), the system displays errors messages when:

  • The transcoding-realm value configured is not a valid realm.
  • Either one of the transcoding-realm or transcoding-agents parameters is not configured.
  • One or more session agent names defined in the transcoding-agents list is not a valid session agent.
  • The IP address version for a agent in the transcoding-agents list is not supported in the transcoding realm you identify. For example, if you list an IPv6 agent in the list and the transcoding realm does not support IPv6.
  • The transcoding agent is a hostname and not a valid session agent.

Configure Pooled Transcoding

You must configure a transcoding realm and transcoding agents on your Access Session Border Controller (A-SBC), when used in a pooled transcoding deployment model. Set the parameters as part of the global SIP configuration.

  1. Access the sip-config configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
    ORACLE(session-router)# sip-config
  2. If you are adding transcoding support to a pre-existing SIP configuration, you must select the configuration before you can make changes.
  3. Enter the name of a configured realm designated as the separate realm for the public SIP interface for exclusive communication with the Transcoding Session Border Controller (T-SBC) in as pooled transcoding deployment.
    ORACLE(sip-config)# transcoding-realm net157
  4. transcoding-agents—Enter any IP address, IP address and port combination, session agent hostname, or SAG name to use as a transcoding agent. You can make multiple entries in any combination of these values. For example, you might list an IPv6 address and port, a session agent, and a SAG.
    • To make multiple entries in the list using in one command line, enclose the entire list of value in parentheses ( ( ) ), separating each with a Space as in the example below.

    • To add a transcoding agent to an existing list, put a plus sign before the value you want to add, e.g. +

    • To remove a transcoding agent from an existing list, put a minus sign before the value you want to remove, e.g. -

      ORACLE(sip-config)# transcoding-agent (sag:sag1
  5. Type done to save your configuration.

Monitor Dialogs Between the A-SBC and the T-SBC

You can monitor pooled transcoding communications between the Access Session Border Controller (A-SBC) and the Transcoding Session Border Controller (T-SBC) by using the show sipd pooled-transcoding ACLI command. The display shows you information for the client and server User Agents on the A-SBC.

  • UAC Dialogs—shows the number of UAC dialogs the A-SBC initiated with the T-SBC. The count is cumulative, and not for any specific session.
  • UAS Dialogs—shows the number of UAS dialogs the A-SBC created upon receipt of an INVITE from the T-SBC. The count is cumulative, and not for any specific session.
  • XCodeSessions—counts the number of transcoded sessions on the A-SBC.
ACLI output for the show sipd pooled transcoding command.

Per-Method Statistics

When you set extra-method-stats to disabled in the global SIP configuration, the system displays the per-method statistics for the Access Session Border Controller (A-SBC) public transcoding-realm.

ACLI output for the show sipd realms command, with extra-method-stats disabled.ACLI output for the show sipd realms command, with extra-method-stats disabled.

Pooled Transcoding and MS Teams

The ESBC supports pooled transcoding for most call flows, including incoming calls, outgoing calls, call forwarding and call transfers within MS Teams environments.

To support pooled transcoding for MS Teams environments, you augment the ESBC elements and the environment described previously with the following configurations on both the A-SBC and T-SBC devices with the following parameters in the realms connecting each ESBC:

  • codec-policy—Create a policy with a name and default parameters on the T-SBC and apply it to the realm that connects to the A-SBC. The T-SBC needs a codec-policy to support the rtcp-policy.

    You may also define a codec policy on the A-SBC based on your transcoding requirements.

  • rtcp-policy—Create a policy by configuring a name and setting the rtcp-generate parameter to all-calls. Apply this policy on the A-SBC on the realm facing your MS Teams infrastructure. Configure an equivalent policy on your T-SBC and apply it to the realm that connects to the A-SBC.
  • rtcp-mux —Enable this parameter on the realms of both devices that connect the A-SBC and the T-SBC.


    Standard MS Teams support also requires that you enable rtcp-mux on the realm facing the MS Teams environment.

Configure Pooled Transcoding for MS Teams

If you are using Pooled Transcoding within MS Teams environments, you must perform the following configuration steps in addition to the generic pooled transcoding configurations. You perform equivalent procedures below on both the A-SBC and the T-SBC. You create two policies and enable an additional parameter on the realms as listed in the procedure.

Perform the procedures required to configure all pooled transcoding deployments.
  1. Access the rtcp-policy configuration element from within the media-manager. Create this rtcp-policy on both the A-SBC and the T-SBC.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# media-manager
    ORACLE(media-manager)# rtcp-policy


    After creating these policies, you will apply them to the realms stated in the steps below.
  2. Enter a name for your rtcp-policy.
    ORACLE(rtcp-policy)#name MyRtcpPolicy
  3. Configure RTCP generation to all-calls within this policy.
    ORACLE(rtcp-policy)#rtcp-generate all-calls
  4. Type done to save your rtcp-policy.
            name                                    MyRtcpPolicy
            rtcp-generate                           all-calls
            hide-cname                              disabled

    You create this rtcp-policy on both the A-SBC and the T-SBC.

  5. Exit the rtcp-policy.
  6. Access the codec-policy configuration element from within the media-manager.
    ORACLE(media-manager)# codec-policy

    You create a codec-policy on both the A-SBC and the T-SBC.

  7. Enter a name for your codec-policy.
    Although the codec-policy on your T-SBC only requires a name, you configure the codec-policy on your A-SBC as needed to support your requirements for transcoding.
  8. Type done to save your codec-policy.
            name                                    MyCodecPolicy
            packetization-time                      20
            force-ptime                             disabled
            secure-dtmf-cancellation                disabled
            dtmf-in-audio                           disabled
            tone-detect-renegotiate-timer           500
            reverse-fax-tone-detection-reinvite     disabled
            evrc-tty-baudot-transcode               disabled
  9. Exit the codec-policy.
    The remaining steps in this procedure specify configuration differences between the A-SBC and the T-SBC
  10. On the T-SBC:
    1. Apply your rtcp-policy to the realm that connects to the A-SBC.
    2. Apply your codec-policy on the realm that connects to the A-SBC.
    3. Enable rtcp-mux on the realm that connects the A-SBC and the T-SBC.
  11. On the A-SBC:
    1. Apply your rtcp-policy to the realm that faces your MS-Teams infrastructure.
    2. Enable rtcp-mux on the realm that connects the A-SBC and the T-SBC.
      Standard MS Teams support also requires that you enable rtcp-mux on the realm facing the MS Teams environment.
    You determine whether you need a codec-policy on your A-SBC, based on your transcoding needs on that device. This policy, however, would not be related to this feature.
  12. Type done, exit from configuration mode, then Save and Activate your configurations.

Notes on the DIAMETER Rx Interface

DIAMETER Rx support for external bandwidth management is specialized for pooled transcoding.

For pooled transcoding, the identifier appears in this altered format: <policy server name>;<policy server realm>;<dns suffix>. Because there are two dialogs (one for the server UA and one for the client UA), there are two separate media sessions. This situation requires the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to generate two different DIAMETER session identifiers. At the same time, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller needs to maintain the AAR and STR associations with the original SIP session. To keep this relationship clear, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller keeps the DIAMETER session identifier between the two media sessions the same for the two UAs.

The MBCD session identifier associated with the media session for the original SIP session is retained for the DIAMETER session identifier for the duration of the SIP session.

Accounting and Transcoding

An Access Control Record (ACR) record for a typical SIP session looks the same as one for a transcoded session, except that the forward codec (Acme-FlowType_FS1__F) differs from the reverse codec (Acme-FlowType_FS1__R), due to transcoding.

For the RADIUS and Diameter protocols, the ACR record shows only the IP address and port number of the two original endpoints. The record shows no details about the Transcoding Session Border Controller (T-SBC) because the system does not support transcoding for RADIUS and Diameter.