TACACS+ (Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus) is a protocol originally developed by Cisco Systems, and made available to the user community by a draft RFC, TACACS+ Protocol, Version 1.78 (draft-grant-tacacs-02.txt). TACACS+ provides AAA (Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting) services over a secure TCP connection using Port 49.

TACACS+ Overview

Like Diameter and Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS), ESBC uses a client-server model in which a Network Access Server (NAS) acts in the client role and a TACACS+ equipped device (a daemon in TACACS+ nomenclature) assumes the server role. For purposes of the current implementation, the ESBC functions as the TACACS+ client. Unlike RADIUS, which combines authentication and authorization, TACACS+ provides three distinct applications to provide finer grade access control.

Authentication is the process that confirms a user’s purported identity. Authentication is most often based on a simple username/password association, but other, and more secure methods, are becoming more common. The following authentication methods are support by the current implementation: simple password, PAP (Protocol Authentication Protocol), and CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol).

Authorization is the process that confirms user privileges. TACACS+ can provide extremely precise control over access to system resources. In the current implementation, TACACS+ controls access to system administrative functions.

TACACS+ provides secure communication between the client and daemon by encrypting all packets. Encryption is based on a shared-secret, a string value known only to the client and daemon. Packets are encrypted in their entirety, save for a common TACACS+ header.

The cleartext header contains, among other fields, a version number, a sequence number. and a session ID. Using a methodology described in Section 5 of the TACACS+ draft RFC, the sender encrypts outbound cleartext messages by repetitively running the MD5 hash algorithm over the concatenation of the session ID, shared-secret, version number, and sequence number values, eventually deriving a virtual one-time-pad of the same length as the message body. The sender encrypts the cleartext message with an XOR (Exclusive OR) operation, using the cleartext message and virtual one-time-pad as inputs.

The message recipient, who possesses the shared-secret, can readily obtain the version number, sequence number, session ID, and message length from the cleartext header. Consequently, the recipient employs the same methodology to derive a virtual one-time-pad identical to that derived by the sender. The recipient decrypts the encrypted message with an XOR operation, using the encrypted message and virtual one-time-pad as inputs.

Details on the TACACS+ functions and configuration can be found in the Oracle Communications Session Border Controller ACLI Configuration Guide..

The TACACS+ implementation is based upon the following internet draft.

draft-grant-tacacs-02.txt, The TACACS+ Protocol Version 1.78

Other relevant documents include

RFC 1321, The MD-5 Message Digest Algorithm

RFC 1334, PPP Authentication Protocols .

RFC 1994, PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)


TACACs documentation in this guide excludes per-message definitions that duplicate IETF standards documentation.

TACACS+ Administrative Security

Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controllers use either the RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) or the TACACS+ (Terminal Access Control Access Control System Plus) protocol for centralized access control administration; however, prior to this release, you could connect to the TACACS+ server only from the system's media interfaces. This feature implements TACACS+ authorization (user permissions management on a command basis), authentication (user management), and accounting on management interfaces.

TACACS+ Authentication

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) uses Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus (TACACS+) authentication services solely for the authentication of user accounts. Administrative users must be authenticated locally by the ESBC.

The current TACACS+ implementation supports three types of user authentication: simple password (referred to as ascii by TACACS+), PAP, and CHAP.


ASCII login is analogous to logging into a standard PC. The initiating peer is prompted for a username, and, after responding, is then prompted for a password.

PAP Log In

Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) is defined in RFC 1334, PPP Authentication Protocols. PAP offers minimal security because passwords are transmitted as unprotected clear text. PAP log in differs from ASCII log in because the username and password are transmitted to the authenticating peer in a single authentication packet, as opposed to the two-step prompting process used in ASCII log in.


Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) is defined in RFC 1994, PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol . CHAP is a more secure than Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) because it is based on a shared-secret (known only to the communicating peers), and therefore avoids the transmission of clear text authentication credentials. CHAP operations occur as follows.
  1. After a login attempt, the authenticator tests the initiator by responding with a packet containing a challenge value — an octet stream with a recommended length of 16 octets or more.
  2. Receiving the challenge, the initiator concatenates an 8-bit identifier (carried within the challenge packet header), the shared-secret, and the challenge value, and uses the shared-secret to compute an MD-5 hash over the concatenated string.
  3. The initiator returns the hash value to the authenticator, who performs the same hash calculation, and compares results. If the hash values match, authentication succeeds. If hash values differ, authentication fails.

Authentication Message Exchange

All TACACS+ authentication packets consist of a common header and a message body. Authentication packets are of three types: START, CONTINUE, and REPLY.

START and CONTINUE packets are always sent by the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller, the TACACS+ client. START packets initiate an authentication session, while CONTINUE packets provide authentication data requested by the TACACS+ daemon. In response to every client-originated START or CONTINUE, the daemon must respond with a REPLY packet. The REPLY packet contains either a decision (pass or fail), which terminates the authentication session, or a request for additional information needed by the authenticator.

TACACS+ Authorization

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller uses Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus (TACACS+) services to provide administrative authorization. With TACACS+ authorization enabled, each individual ACLI command issued by an admin user is authorized by the TACACS+ authorization service. The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller replicates each ACLI command in its entirety, sends the command string to the authorization service, and suspends command execution until it receives an authorization response. If TACACS+ grants authorization, the pending command is executed; if authorization is not granted, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller does not execute the ACLI command, and displays an appropriate error message.

The daemon’s authorization decisions are based on a database lookup. Data base records use regular expressions to associate specific command string with specific users. The construction of such records is beyond the scope of this document.

TACACS+ Authorization Command & Arguments Boundary

When sending the Authorization query to the TACACS+ server, by default the ESBC sends everything typed at the ACLI in the cmd parameter. For commands, this includes the command plus all of its arguments (for example, cmd=show interfaces brief). For configurations, this includes the full path of the configuration element plus its attributes and values (for example, cmd=configure terminal security authentication type tacacs). In the TACACS+ query, the cmd-arg parameter is set to <cr>.

The parameter tacacs-authorization-arg-mode changes this default behavior. Parameter values, and their behavior with respect to splitting the entry values include:

  • disabled—Retain default behavior.
  • enabled—Applies the fully split cmd and cmd-arg behavior to all ACLI input through TACACS+, with the exception of the show command. Behavior includes:
    • All show commands follow the pattern: cmd=show <required-word>, cmd-arg=<optional-word1>, cmd-arg=<optional-word2>, and so on. If no optional words are used, the cmd-arg parameter is set to <cr>.

      For example:

      cmd=show uptime, cmd-arg=<cr>
      cmd=show tacacs, cmd-arg=stats
      cmd=show running-config, cmd-arg=authentication, cmd-arg=to-file, cmd-arg=auth.conf
    • All other commands follow the pattern: cmd=<first-word>, cmd-arg=<second-word>, cmd-arg=<third-word>, and so on. If the command is a single-word command, the cmd-arg parameter is set to <cr>.

      For example:

      cmd=verify-config, cmd-arg=<cr>
      cmd=configure, cmd-arg=terminal
      cmd=ssh-key, cmd-arg=authorized-key, cmd-arg=import, cmd-arg=admin, cmd-arg=admin
    • All configurations follow one of two patterns:
      • For navigating the ACLI: cmd=<full-path>, cmd-arg=<cr>.
      • For setting an attribute to a value: cmd=<full-path> <attribute>, cmd-arg=<value>

      For example, the following ACLI interaction produces this sequence of TACACS+ queries.

      ORACLE# conf term
      ORACLE(configure)# security 
      ORACLE(security)# authentication
      ORACLE(authentication)# select
      ORACLE(authentication)# type tacacs
      cmd=configure, cmd-arg=terminal
      cmd=configure terminal security, cmd-arg=<cr>
      cmd=configure terminal security authentication, cmd-arg=<cr>
      cmd=configure terminal security authentication select, cmd-arg=<cr>
      cmd=configure terminal security authentication select type, cmd-arg=tacacs
  • enabled-for-show—Applies the fully split cmd and cmd-arg behavior to all ACLI input through TACACS+, including the show command.
    • All show commands follow the pattern: cmd=show, cmd-arg=<required-word>, cmd-arg=<optional-word1>, cmd-arg=<optional-word2>, and so on. If no optional words are used, the cmd-arg parameter is set to <cr>.

      For example:

      cmd=show, cmd-arg=uptime
      cmd=show, cmd-arg=tacacs, cmd-arg=stats
      cmd=show, cmd-arg=running-config, cmd-arg=authentication, cmd-arg=to-file, cmd-arg=auth.conf
    • All configurations follow one of two patterns presented above in the explanation of the enabled value.

Authorization Message Exchange

All Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus (TACACS+) authorization packets consist of a common header and a message body. Authorization packets are of two types: REQUEST and RESPONSE.

The REQUEST packet, which initiates an authorization session, is always sent by the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. Upon receipt of every REQUEST, the daemon must answer with a RESPONSE packet. In the current TACACS+ implementation, the RESPONSE packet must contain an authorization decision (pass or fail). The exchange of a single REQUEST and the corresponding RESPONSE completes the authorization session.

TACACS+ Accounting

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller uses Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus (TACACS+) accounting to log administrative actions. With accounting enabled, each individual ACLI command executed by an admin user is logged by the accounting service.

Accounting Message Exchange

All Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus (TACACS+) accounting packets consist of a common header and a message body. Accounting packets are of two types: REQUEST and REPLY.

The REQUEST packet has three variant forms. The START variant initiates an accounting session; the STOP variant terminates an accounting session; the WATCHDOG variant updates the current accounting session. REQUEST packets are always sent by the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC). Upon receipt of every REQUEST, the daemon must answer with a REPLY packet.

A TACACS+ accounting session proceeds as follows.

  1. Immediately following successful authorization of an admin user, the ESBC sends an accounting REQUEST START packet.
  2. The daemon responds with an accounting REPLY packet, indicating that accounting has started.
  3. For each ACLI command executed by an admin user, the ESBC sends an accounting REQUEST WATCHDOG packet requesting accounting of the ACLI command. As the ESBC sends the WATCHDOG only after an admin user’s access to the ACLI command is authorized, the accounting function records only those commands executed by the user, not those commands for which authorization was not granted.
  4. The daemon responds with an accounting REPLY packet, indicating that the ACLI operation has been recorded by the accounting function.
  5. Steps 3 and 4 are repeated for each authorized ACLI operation.
  6. Immediately following logout (or timeout) of an admin user, the ESBC sends an accounting REQUEST STOP packet.
  7. The daemon responds with an accounting REPLY packet, indicating that accounting stopped.

TACACS+ Configuration

Configuration of Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus (TACACS+) consists of the following steps.

  1. Enable TACACS+ client services
  2. Specify one or more TACACS+ servers (daemons)

Enable TACACS+ Client Services

Use the following procedure to enable specific TACACS+ client AAA services.

  1. Access the authentication configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# security
    ORACLE(security)# authentication
  2. type — Configure this parameter to specify the authentication protocol. The default value is local. Specify tacacs to enable the TACACS+ AAA protocol.
    • diameter — DIAMETER authentication (not yet supported)
    • local — authentication determinations are referred to a local database (default)
    • radius — RADIUS authentication
    • tacacs — TACACS+ authentication
  3. tacacs-authentication-only— Enable this parameter to require remote authentication via TACACS+ unless the TACACS+ infrastructure is not available.
    • disabled (default)
    • enabled
  4. tacacs-authorization— Configure this parameter to enable or disable command-based user authorization. The default value is enabled when the value of type is tacacs.
    • disabled
    • enabled (default)
  5. tacacs-authorization-arg-mode — Configure this parameter to enable or disable sending TACACS+ authorization commands and their arguments separately to the TACACS+ server. The default value is disabled.
    • disabled (default)
    • enabled
  6. tacacs-accounting — Configure this parameter to enable or disable accounting of admin ACLI operations. The default value is enabled when the value of type is tacacs.
    • disabled
    • enabled (default)
  7. server-assigned-privilege — Configure this parameter to enable or disable a proprietary TACACS+ variant that, after successful user authentication, adds an additional TACACS+ request/reply exchange. During the exchange, the Security Gateway requests the privilege level of the newly authenticated user. In response, the TACACS+ daemon returns the assigned privilege level, either user or admin. Set this attribute to enabled to initiate the proprietary variant behavior. User accounts are denied access to the enabled command, thus barring them from configuration level commands. The default value is disabled (no privilege level information is exchanged).
    • disabled (default)
    • enabled
  8. management-strategy — Configure this parameter to identify the selection algorithm used to choose among multiple available TACACS+ daemons. Retain the default value of hunt when only a single daemon is available.
    • hunt (default) — for the first transaction the Security Gateway selects the initially configured TACACS+ daemon. When that daemon is online and operational, the Security Gateway directs all AAA transactions to it. Otherwise, the Security Gateway selects the second-configured daemon. If the first and second daemons are offline or non-operational, the next-configured daemon is selected, and so on through the group of available daemons.
    • roundrobin — for the first transaction the Security Gateway selects the initially configured TACACS+ daemon. After completing the first transaction, it selects each daemon in order of configuration — in theory, evenly distributing AAA transactions to each daemon over time.
  9. Type done to save your configuration.

Specify TACACS+ Servers

Use the following procedure to specify one or more TACACS+ servers (daemons).

  1. Access the tacacs-serversconfiguration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# security
    ORACLE(security)# authentication
    ORACLE(authentication)# tacacs-servers
  2. Use the address attribute to specify the IP address of this TACACS+ daemon.
    ORACLE(tacacs-servers)# address
  3. Use the port attribute to identify the daemon port that receives TACACS+ client requests.

    Provide a port number within the range 1025 through 65535, or retain the default value, 49, the well-known TACACS+ port.

    ORACLE(tacacs-servers)# port 49
  4. Use the state attribute to specify the availability of this TACACS+ daemon.

    Select enabled (the default) or disabled.

    Only TACACS+ daemons that are in the enabled state are considered when running the server-selection algorithm.

    ORACLE(tacacs-servers)# state enabled
  5. Use the realm-id attribute to identify the realm that provides access to this TACACS+ deamon.
    ORACLE(tacacs-servers)# realm-id accounting
  6. Retain the default value for the authentication-methods attribute to specify support for all TACACS+ authentication methods (pap, chap, and ascii).
    • ascii — simple login, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (OCSBC) prompts user for username and password
    • pap — similar to ascii method, but username and password are encapsulated in a PAP header
    • chap — authentication based on a shared-secret, which is not passed during the authentication process
    ORACLE(tacacs-servers)# authentication-methods all
  7. Use the secret attribute to provide the shared-secret used by the TACACS+ client and the daemon to encrypt and decrypt TACACS+ messages. The identical shared-secret must be configured on associated TACACS+ clients and daemons.

    Enter a 16-digit string, and ensure that the identical value is configured on the TACACS+ daemon.

    ORACLE(tacacs-servers)# secret 1982100754609236
  8. Use the dead-time attribute to specify, in seconds, the quarantine period imposed upon TACACS+ daemons that become unreachable. Quarrantined servers are not eligible to participate in the server-selection algorithm.

    Supported values are integers within the range 10 through 10000 seconds, with a default value of 10 .

    ORACLE(tacacs-servers)# dead-interval 120
  9. Type done to save your configuration.
  10. Repeat Steps 1 through 10 to configure additional TACACS+ daemons.


    After configuring TACACS+ daemons, complete TACACS+ configuration by compiling a list of available deamons.
  11. From superuser mode, use the following command sequence to access authentication configuration mode.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# security
    ORACLE(security)# authentication
  12. Use the management-servers attribute to identify one or more TACACS+ servers available to provide AAA services.

    Servers are identified by IP address, participate in the configured management-strategy, and must have been previously configured as described above.

    The following example identifies three available TACACS+ servers. The list is delimited by left and right parentheses, and list items are separated by space characters.

    ORACLE(authentication)# management-servers (

    The following example deletes the current list.

    ORACLE(authentication)# management-servers ()

Managing TACACS+ Operations

Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus (TACACS+) management is supported by the following utilities.


An Oracle proprietary MIB provides external access to Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus (TACACS+) statistics.

MIB counters are contained in the apSecurityTacacsPlusStatsTable that is defined as follows.

    apSecurityTacacsPlusCliCommands                Counter32 
    apSecurityTacacsPlusSuccess Authentications    Counter32 
    apSecurityTacacsPlusFailureAuthentications     Counter32 
    apSecurityTacacsPlusSuccess Authorizations     Counter32 
    apSecurityTacacsPlusFailureAuthorizations      Counter32 

apSecuritysTacacsPlusStats Table (

Object Name Object OID Description
apSecurityTacacsCliCommands Global counter for ACLI commands sent to TACACS+ Accounting
apSecurityTacacsSuccess Authentications Global counter for the number of successful TACACS+ authentications
apSecurityTacacsFailureAuthentications Global counter for the number of unsuccessful TACACS+ authentications
apSecurityTacacsSuccess Authorizations Global counter for the number of successful TACACS+ authorizations
Authorizations Global counter for the number of unsuccessful TACACS+ authorizations


SNMP traps are issued when

  • a Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus (TACACS+) daemon becomes unreachable
  • an unreachable TACACS+ daemon becomes reachable
  • an authentication error occurs
  • an authorization error occurs

TACACS+ Faults

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) supports (TACACS+) traps to notify you of operational status. Traps from the apSysMgmt tree include:

  • apSysMgmtTacacsDownTrap ( - Generated when a TACACS+ server becomes unreachable.
  • apSysMgmtTacacsDownClearTrap ( - Generated when a TACACS+ server that was unreachable becomes reachable.

The ESBC searches for a TACACS+ server until it finds an available one and then stops searching. However, in the TACACS+ SNMP implementation, SNMP expects the ESBC to make connection attempts to all servers.

  • When there is only one TACACS+ server and that server goes down, the ESBC behaves normally, sending a apSysMgmtTacacsDownTrap trap when the server goes down, and a apSysMgmtTacacsDownClearTrap trap when the server comes back up.
  • When there is more than one TACACS+ server and the active server goes down, an apSysMgmtTacacsDownTrap trap is sent, indicating that some servers are down and the next server is tried.
    • If all servers fail, an apSysMgmtTacacsDownTrap is sent indicating that all servers are down.
    • If one of the servers comes back up while the rest are still down, an apSysMgmtTacacsDownTrap is sent indicating that some servers are still down.

Traps from the apSecurity tree include:

  • apSecurityTacacsFailureNotification ( - Generated when the system detects TACACS daemon reachability changes as well as TACACS authentication and authorization errors.
  • apSecurityTacacsDownLocalAuthUsedTrap ( - Generated when a user remotely logs into a system configured for TACACS+ authentication and is authenticated locally by the system because all of the configured and enabled TACACS+ servers have become unreachable or unresponsive
  • apSecurityTacacsDownLocalAuthUsedClearTrap ( - Generated when a user remotely logs into a system configured for TACACS+ authentication and is successfully authenticated (i.e., access accepted or denied) remotely by a configured and enabled TACACS+ server.

ACLI show Command

The show tacacs stats command displays the following statistics.

  • number of ACLI commands sent for TACACS+ accounting
  • number of successful TACACS+ authentications
  • number of failed TACACS+ authentications
  • number of successful TACACS+ authorizations
  • number of failed TACACS+ authentications
  • the IP address of the TACACS+ daemon used for the last transaction

TACACS+ Logging

All messages between the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller and the Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus (TACACS+) daemon are logged in a clear text format, allowing an admin user to view all data exchange, except for password information.