Validating the Request-URIs in PRACKs, CANCELs, ACKs and BYEs

This validation compares the Request-URI user info in the request and the 200 OK of the REGISTER. These request validations require that you configure only the ntt-request-valid option in the SurrogateRegister.spl, but applicable deployments typically also have all the NTT Message Converter options configured.

If you do not configure the ntt-request-valid option, the ESBC performs no validation and does not reject requests regardless of the user-info. When you configure this option and the R-URIs do not match, however, the ESBC drops requests that fail this validation and does not provide any response.

If the values match, the ESBC continues to process the call.


If the ESBC drops a BYE, the PBX ultimately sends its own BYE to the ESBC, which terminates the call.